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±∞ ¬∆@ST:





  1. Introduction. The 5D Universe in a nutshell. The 3±¡ ages of species.

TT-Entropy death, as the last age of an individual or species and its solution: social evolution and present reproduction.


The SS-TT creation-extinction rhythm. Its 10 cycles.

The 9 ±¡ age

Birth of the electric animal cells.

The age of animal sea life.

The cycles of amphibian and reptiles

The cycles of mammals.

The human cycle


Death in the ∆+1 scale. The Earth’s control of its superorganisms.

The 3×3±¡ cycles of extinction and creation of species. The interaction of Earth with its organisms.

Death in the ∆ø scale: Top predators.

The causes of death in the ∆-1 scale. Cellular and Physiological death.


Introduction to 5D: topologic space-time, its 5D scales and Dimotions. Its worldcycles and Supœrganssms.

The Pentalogic method of Stience.

The 5 Dimotions.

St: Locomotion in space.

SS: Mminds: Mental spaces of information. Vital Geometry.

ST: Energy: Iterating superorganisms

Ƥ: Space on scalar planes: fractal super organisms and Stientific Scales.

TT: Entropy: the limits death.

“Man is part of a whole(∆¡), called the Universe; limited(¬) in Time&Space. He experiences his self, thoughts&feelings as something separated from the rest –an optical delusion of his consciousness (@)” Einstein on the 5 Dimensional motions of reality:∆¡-scales, Space, Time, ¬limits & @-minds:¬∆@st


“Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.  Hermann Minkowski on the fundamental particle of the Universe, a Dimensional motion=dimotion of spacetime.




The papers to be posted at Academia.edu within 3 years (1st year past) build up an Encyclopedia of Space-time organisms in Exi:St¡ence’ – each science studying the species of one scalar space-time plane of the fractal Universe. All will be described with the same scalar laws of 5D cyclical time and fractal space, introduced in the first 30 pages. So we shall write for each ‘stience’ from quantum physics to the galaxy, through biology, history & economics, and the formal stiences dominant in space (Mathematics) and time (illogic papers on the Universe=reality as a whole) 5 ‘dimensional papers’ for a total of 30, each one to become time permitted a ±300 pg. volume. This is the plan of the work, which in my youth back in the 90s, when I discovered those laws at the end of my Master at Columbia U. I proposed to U$ universities for a needed change of paradigm on our philosophy of science, but meet the silence of Academia. Then I abandoned scholarship to ‘live’ and so now before I die I will try to complete the encyclopedia. As that won’t happen, time being of the essence I had prioritized the most important and neglected of all organisms – that of mankind in time=History, and that of the Universe=reality as a whole, which are fairly well done. While the last to be posted will be the less important and paradoxically more developed by mankind, on astro-physics. Since I release all copyrights ‘rights’ any University can take upon the project whenever they wish to complete the encyclopedia of stience in 10.000 pages, connecting all stientific laws to the simple trinity and pentalogic laws of the 5D ∆ST Universe.

They certainly could do a much better job that I will. If they don’t, the task will be taken upon by AI once the age of Entropy of History in which we live ends. Since what will never happen in a perfect Universe is the imperfect endurance of the ill-designed, anthropic parasitic systems of History huminds have built and today for lack of a better consciousness of the whole pass as ‘truth and dogma of science’, L§




“A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’; a part limited in time and spatial information. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.” Einstein, on the entangled forest man cannot see – and its 5 elements, ‘space’, ‘time’, ‘scales’ of parts and wholes, ‘entropic limits’, and ‘languages of the mind’

5th dimension metric and the nested super organisms of the Universe: ∆-Scales.

When we google the 5th dimension one gets surprised by the quantity of speculative answers to a question, which is no longer pseudo-science, but has been for two decades a field of research in systems sciences rather than physics (: no, the answers of google, considering the fifth dimension the upper-self etc. seem to be very popular, but are to 5D science more like a medium in earlier XX c. talking about the 4th dimension as astrological awareness, for lack of understanding of Einstein’s metric functions of the 4th dimension).

This is the key word that differentiates pseudo-science from a proper scientific description of a dimension of space-time, the existence of a metric function that describes a dimension and allows to travel through it. Why the 5th dimension metrics are not well known in modern science has to do with the fact it is not researched in physics but systemics, the mother discipline of all sciences of information, far less popular than physics; and the proprietary feeling physicists acquired on space-time matters since Galileo defined its 3D metric function v=s/t completed with Einstein’s 4D formalism, which makes difficult to spread the knowledge on space-time acquired on other disciplines. The arguments still raging about evolution, the fundamental theory of time in terms of information, as the ‘arrow that defines’ the future of species but has nothing to do with Relativity and locomotion is a clear case of that difficulty.

Indeed, we know since the XIX c. that the creation of the ‘future time’ of an existential entity is not ONLY mediated by the arrow of locomotion and entropy studied by physicists with Relativity Metrics (Galileo’s V=s/t and Einstein’s more complex formalism), but there is a second arrow that defines the ‘future’ of existential species – the evolution of its information. So time – the changes=motions that defines the existence of any species, has at least 2 dimensions, locomotion or ordered translation in space and a more disordered version, entropy (scattered motion that ‘dissolves’ the inner form of the system, akin to death)…

And in-form-ation, generation of form, inverse to entropy, as it requires the social gathering of parts into wholes; happening without external locomotions, as an internal trans-formation of form. This evolution of organic form as opposed to external change – translation in space, without evolution of form – is what systemics calls the scalar fifth dimension of time that it applies to all sciences, as all species evolve its form.

Specifically in systems sciences we model reality as an organic fractal of relative size scales, that evolve from parts into larger wholes, from particles into atoms, molecules, cells, matter states and so on till reaching the Universe, shaped by social and organic networks coded with information.

In the graph the Universe is a fractal that reproduces ‘forms with motion’, informations and then organizes them in networks and systems that evolve into larger organic systems creating the scalar structure of reality.

Thus we call the sum of all those co-existing scales of parts and wholes the fifth dimension.

Thus reality has a final key feature overlooked for too long: the co-existence of all those systems of space and time in several scales of relative size from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy that put together create a dual scalar ‘4th and 5th Dimension of parts and wholes, which we shall call the ‘social dimension of evolution’ and the ‘entropic dimension of dissolution’.

This function, as all space-time metric functions, is simple. So we write using ð for cyclic time instead of t:

$ (Lineal Size/ Space Volume) x ð (cyclic speed of its time clocks) = C¡: Constant Plane of timespace (ab.∆¡)

But how we travel in ‘size’ in space and ‘speed of our time cycles. Here is where the biggest discovery of 5D comes into play: We travel through the worldcycle of life and death, as we are born in a smaller seed with faster time cycles, evolve as an organism coming out in the ∆º-scale within a larger world of slower ‘Deep time cycles’, to die back dissolving our information again into cellular space.

And this is the same process of all journeys of all species that live and die through the fifth dimension; from the smallest black hole that is born with an enormous ‘metabolic temperature’, to the new species, routinely born as small individuals (first mammal rat, first robots with small chips; first human likely the Homo Floresiensis, who grew in size and mated with the Erectus, etc.) And then a reproductive radiation multiplies the seed into a larger slower whole that finally ages and dissolves back.

So 5D adds to the 4D formalism of worldlines, a dimension of growth, shaping the worldcycles of life and death. Reason why we call 5D metric the function of existence, because its multiple ‘solutions’ are the origin of all the varieties of Space and Time beings, there are – a whole family of functions.

As we keep exploring in depth, 5D metrics and its associated concepts of Space=form and Time=motion in all its varieties, we shall see it is the origin of multiple ‘solutions’, a whole family of function, from where we shall derive most of the logic relationships and particular equations of each science.

So according to those metrics, smaller systems in space have faster time clocks. And as information is stored in the frequency and form of those cycles, smaller systems have more information, coding larger ones: genes code cells, memes societies and particles’ quantum numbers code atoms and molecules.

The nested Universe.

In mathematical science for a dimension of space-time to exist, it requires a metric equation, which combines space and time to give us a co-invariant system that allows travelling through such dimension. The 5th dimension has a ‘metric equation’, hence it exists. The equations for a given number of scales co-existing in an organic network is: S (size in space) x T (speed of time cycles) = Constant.

We use the metrics of the 5th scalar dimension to explain the fractal, nested Universe and its scales, shown in the graph. As 5D metrics balances the survival and symbiotic existence of all parts of the Universe, and all parts of a super organism, and defines ‘what codes information’ – the small being, and what codes energy- the larger whole, establishing the ‘harmony’ of all the scales of the Universe, and explaining all its fundamental constants which are ratios between spatial volumes and informative clocks of temporal energy.

It follows from a nested structure and the search for creative, organic balances, a symbiotic relationship between the ∆-¡ smaller parts that have more speed of time clocks, which carry its in-form-ation in the form and frequency of its cycles, coding larger systems: genes code cells, memes code social organisms and particles’ quantum numbers code atoms and molecules. And the larger, ∆+¡ larger envelopes, membranes (static, dimensional view) or angular momentums (dynamic view as time=motions) which have more spatial energy and enclose and control in synchronicity its faster smaller parts, creating the co-existing scales and symbiotic cycles of super organisms in any system of the Universe.

For example, chips become smaller as they evolve into faster brains. Every 2 years a chip doubles its capacity to think, as it dwindles in size. Such process follows a generic law of evolution I call the ‘Black hole Law’, which computer scientists know as the ‘Chip paradox’ or ‘Moore Law’: maximal informative capacity= minimal spatial extension. The reason is obvious: to think, to calculate you have to communicate in-form-ation, forms between elements of any informative system. The smaller the brain, the faster the communication that takes place within that brain and the faster you can calculate and process information in a logic manner. And vice versa: larger wholes accumulate more energy and are stronger than parts, so they can protect and feed them. So wholes and parts co-exist in several scales forming super organisms.

The metric function of the fifth dimension of space-time (ab.∆) defines 3 known scales of physical systems, with different quantity of information according to 5D metrics, Sxð=k.

Those metrics means information is higher in the smaller ‘quantum plane’ than in the larger gravitational one, and inversely the size of its physical parts is larger ins the Gravitational cosmological ‘plane’ than in the quantum one, with the human thermodynamic scale in-between.

The galaxy’s 5D metric is immediate: $(c) x ð (h) = Constant, as its largest speed-distance is light and its minimal unit of cyclical information, is the Planck constant of angular momentum, the unit of the 3 human physical parameters of spatial size, cyclical time frequency and ‘scale’ (Active magnitude): h= mass (∆) x area (S) x ƒrequency (ð). Which becomes the unit of physics, related to the unit of mathematics, the fractal point.

But as there is no reason to stop the scales of the fractal in particles and galaxies, there is a ‘potential’ fourth, ∆±4 organic plane defined ‘above’ the galaxy, (∆+4, dark energy world) and below the quantum world (∆-4, Bohm’s quantum potential), which represents the larger cosmos.

According to the fractal, nested principle a larger organic system, encloses smaller nested systems. Thus the Ʊ4 cosmos contains Ʊ3 galaxies, which contain Ʊ2 solar systems and planets, which contain Ʊ1 thermodynamic organisms and matter states, described by the human Ƽ mind languages, contained on our brains.

Thus bigger systems paradoxically are ‘supported’ by the smallest ones, in the same manner than within the nested planet, bigger mammals (whales) eat the smallest animals (Plancktons)

Reality has a scalar nature overlooked for too long: the co-existence of all ¡s space time systems happens in several scales of relative size in space inversely proportional to the speed of its time cycles, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy that put together create a dual scalar ‘4th and 5th Dimension of parts and wholes, which we shall call the ‘social dimension of evolution’ and the ‘entropic dimension of dissolution’.

The fifth dimension is made of the ‘different co-existing scales’, which from the simplest forces through particles, atoms, molecules, matter, organisms, super organisms, planetary systems and galaxies, create an ‘organic network structure’, which amazing enough since it was discovered at the beginning of science with telescope and microscopes, was not formalized till I introduce its metric equation in the milieu of systems sciences, as a single lineal time motion is a dogma physicists don’t dare to challenge:

Why 5D is so important? Because it allows the survival, symbiotic existence of all parts of the Universe, and all parts of a super organism, and defines ‘what codes information’ – the small being – and what codes energy- the larger whole, establishing the ‘harmony’ of all the scales of the Universe, and explaining all

RECAP. 5D metrics describe organic properties because it balances the survival symbiotic existence of all parts of the Universe in any of its fractal super organisms, made to the image an likeness of the whole, as the smaller beings ‘code information’ with faster clocks, and the larger wholes enclose and protect the smaller parts with its greater energy- establishing an organic ‘harmony’ in all the scales of the Universe, and explaining its fundamental constants, which are ratios between spatial volumes enclosed by membranes and angular momentums of informative clocks of temporal energy.

A consequence of the scalar Nature of reality is that points have parts, which grow in size as we come closer to them, peering in the inner regions of its fifth dimension. So a star from a point becomes a world, and so should a point-particle if we could peer inside its form – to the ‘point’ that the closest self-similarity of scales happens between galaxies and atoms, stars and photons, in a potentially infinite scalar Universe. What this means is that an absolute zero does NOT exist. So 0 becomes 0’, a ‘finitesimal unit’, which will always remain as the fractal Universe abhors vacuum. Thus in any parameter we find a residual amount, even if it is undistinguishable from a larger scale. There is no absolute 0K, but always remains a bit of motion=temporal energy. This, means also in terms of h, that vacuum space has always a reminder, h-uncertainty unit, no longer an abstract concept but the minimal unit of light space-time, we shall call h, ‘Planckton’, the minimal fractal organism which feeds or becomes the ‘cellular unit’ of all other species of the Galaxy, as Plankton is the minimal unit of the biologic Universe which starts the trophic pyramid of life or as a cell starts the evolution of multicellular organisms.

5D metrics is a law of balance between 2 elements of reality, scalar space akin to information and cyclical time akin to conserved energy. Yet as humans disconnected their concepts of space and time of its ‘broken parts’, bits of information & bites of energy, equalizing all time cycles of reality with a lineal equation, v=s/t, and a single mechanical clock, and have pegged all the bits of information of its puzzles of space; and finally compressed all the planes of space-time into a single ‘space continuum’; and then separating them as the constitutive elements of reality we need to reconstruct both terms in its more complex reality nature, as ultimately we are all made of those organic vital fractal scales of space & its moving time cycles. The fifth dimension is made of the ‘different co-existing scales’, which from the simplest forces through particles, atoms, molecules, matter, organisms, super organisms, planetary systems and galaxies, create an ‘organic network structure’. Yet science cannot advance in its principles unless the 5D formalism is accepted and used to fully understand the cyclical, repetitive patterns=laws of science of each discipline that studies a scale of 5D n and its species.


Duality: We are made of space-form & time-motion.

“According to their [Newton and his followers] doctrine, God Almighty wants to wind up his watch from time to time: otherwise it would cease to move. He had not, it seems, sufficient foresight to make it a perpetual motion. Nay, the machine of God’s making, so imperfect, according to these gentlemen; that he is obliged to clean it now and then by an extraordinary concourse, and even to mend it, as clockmaker mends his work.’  

Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence on the absurdity of mechanical models of the Universe

The underlying question of time§pace: Absolute or Relational, Generational Space-Time?

The fundamental question physicists wondered for centuries regarding the nature of space and time unfortunately was resolved as usual in favor of the simpler view: it is space and time an absolute abstract background of the Universe (Mr. Newton’s view) or are we made of ‘vital space’ that lasts a time duration, so we are generated by the bio-topo-logic properties of scalar space and cyclical time? This is the choice of 5D ‘stiences’. And its simpler version was called relational spacetime, sponsored by Mr. Leibniz.

A realist interpretation of the world we live in, which has never shown in any scale of reality such ‘background’ – ultimately a mathematical graph used in abstract by human scientists – considers that we ARE the vital space we occupy with our cells, and we LIVE a cyclic time duration between birth and extinction. So we are space and time.

So we must evolve our concepts of space and time, to extract the properties of ‘existential beings’ from them.

In Newton’s cosmos, space and time provide a fixed, immutable and eternal background, through which particles move. Space and time are the stage of intersecting lines sketched in the illustration. Fact is this ‘mathematical artifact’ made with pen and paper by earlier physicists, called the Cartesian graph, useful to measure ‘translation in space’ is no where to be seen in reality. Unfortunately as time went by the graph became somehow ‘real’ as scientists’ felt the ‘mathematical language’ created reality. It meant also the invention of an absolute ‘continuous space’ and a single ‘lineal time’ that extends to infinity contradicting the obvious fact that all ‘spaces’ are broken, divided by membranes, and all beings have a finite time duration. Further on, as we kept exploring smaller scales of reality, we never found the drawings of God, not even a solid still substance, but always ‘motions’ tracing closed time-space cycles; since even particles turned to be also ‘vortices of time-space motions’.

So the true, sound experimental and logic theory was Leibniz’s who rightly considered absolute space and time an abstraction, and so he coined the concept of relational space -merely the adjacent pegging of similar forms in simultaneous space and relational time – the sequence of events which we relate causally with reason origin of the ‘Generational space-time’ model of 5D in which are the space we occupy and the time we last – as in the graph where there is no longer abstract background lines.

What Newton called absolute space-time IS NOT. So space is the sum of all the discontinuous vital spaces, occupied by different beings: ∑s=S And lineal time, T the sum of all the finite life-death cycles of all beings T=∑t.

Since space and time do exist and so if they are not in the background we ‘are’ vital space and cyclic time.

The simple idea behind the structure of the fractal Universe is then to consider time=change =motion and Topologic, formal space=extension the 2 elements of which all beings are made.

We are space and time, merely of a different kind to that of Newton: Organic scalar spaces, and cyclical, discontinuous times who ‘live’… worldcycles (no longer worldliness as we have a 2nd arrow of information) of exist¡ence (as all species follow the common laws of space and time). So after making such a huge up hauling of philosophy of science – one which however every serious scientist recognizes to be necessary since quantum physics showed space to be discontinuous, and relativity time to vary in different regions of reality with different speeds, as the devil is in the details we have to improve our understanding of the 3 fundamental properties of ‘generational space-time’, departing from the most obvious one:

Cyclic Time: Conservation Of Energy≈Time Cycles The causal repetitive laws of ‘stiences’

‘”There are infinite time clocks’. Einstein

The main principle of science is the conservation of time=motion in its two varieties, |-lineal time& O-cyclical time. Its immediate consequence in all sciences is the fact that time is cyclical, repetitive, as iterations are the only form to conserve time in a ‘present’ that doesn’t seem to change. It is equivalent to the principle of conservation of energy. Because time is cyclical, it does break Newton’s absolute time into infinite cycles, which make its motions equivalent to those of physical conserved energy cycles, in which work doesn’t happen.

The causal repetitive laws of ‘stiences’

A Universe of ∞ time clocks of different size and speed differs from its human description with a single mechanical clock-time to which all time clocks of the universe are equalized, elongated into a lineal ‘second-minute-hour-day-year’ system of equalized time clocks (of light waves, mechanical clocks, earth’s astronomical clocks). As Galilean physics, born of ballistics, simplified the nature of cycles of time-space into lineal durations, to measure best the locomotions of cannonballs: Time is cyclical, all clocks of time and laws of science are based in the cyclical patterns of nature. But physicists developed ballistics and denied the truth that we can know the future because it will repeat the causality of the past, and we can change it by changing that causality, in History by repressing the lethal memes of the tree of metal and enhance the welfare memes that make us survive.

Lineal and cyclical time render the same functions as one is the inverse of the other, measured by frequency, T=1/ƒ, but the philosophical implications of cyclical time, are enormous, as we regain the in-form-ation provided by those cycles, origin of the laws of science, which would not exist if there were not cyclical patterns; including the cycles of history and economics. The most important of them being, the fact that a time cycle breaks reality (1st knot theorem) in an outer and inner region, creating a membrane that encloses a vital space, the ‘substance of which we are all made’.

Reality is a fractal system made of topological organisms of co-existing scales of space and cyclical time which close its ‘internal vital point content’ with the entropic limit of those time cycles, in its vital territorial body-waves, synchronized symbiotically by 5D metrics. As we are all ultimately ¬∆@St; dust of space-time.

Why there are 2 forms of time, the long lineal Time and the ‘short’ frequency steps we integrate into the larger whole? Precisely because there are 2 ±¡ scales of 5D reality whose metric, SxT=∆±¡ defines larger space systems as having slower time cycles. So we can consider an ∆-¡ ‘quanta of time frequency or ‘finitesimal derivative’ of the larger whole represented with the concept of lineal time; as in the classic formula,V(st)=ƒ(t) l(s). The whole Space can be measured, Vt=S with lineal time as a single unit, or it can be measured as a sum of frequency steps, with more detail.

Those 2 forms of motion are lineal motion with a bit of form, Ts, or locomotion and cyclical form with a bit of motion, St-information, stored in the frequency and form of its time cycles that come together into S=T, energy. So we express the main law of science, the principle of conservation of energy in terms of the conservation of time=motion and space=form as two varieties that approach and transform each other ad eternal:

‘All what exists are time motions that transform between lineal open and cyclic closed forms ad eternal: SióTe’

This sentence is the simplest expression reality as a constant game of transformation of ‘spatial information’ (cyclical time) and temporal energy (lineal time) and was first understood by Taoism, where ‘tao=time’, is composed of yin=cyclical form and yang=lineal energy, today expressed as the principle of conservation of energy. Its ‘mathematical, logic’ formula is  its logic form, exi=st, is the function of existence., whose generator, Si≤=≥Te we call the function of existence, as To exi=st is to combine S&T, pure form and motion, TT-entropy and SS-eeds of form, into St & Ts, information and kinetic energy, exi, till finally they become one. The knowledge of that simple game, expressed in infinite variations, both of language and species, is the mind of the Universe, what is all about.

We are times, we are time§pace closed paths of zero sum energy that exist to move, perceive, feed, reproduce and evolve into wholes, soon to be ignored, erased and returned to the fold of motion without form, of pure times. We are synchronous magically sustained card castles trying to grow through 5D scales to fall back again.

We describe reality as a fractal system made of topological organisms of co-existing scales of space and cyclical time which close its ‘internal vital point content’ with the entropic limit of those time cycles, in its vital territorial body-waves, synchronized symbiotically by 5D metrics. As we are all ultimately ¬∆@St; dust of space-time.

The future then can be predicted because it will have an informative cyclical, S-component similar to the past, (Y-height=Information in a wave graph) and a lineal entropic T-component advancing in lineal fashion and both, a repetitive cycle that touches the same point of space and a line which does not diverge ARE predictable.

Cyclical time and the scalar Universe in fact is much easier to predict and understand that lineal time because we do not erase the information of its repetitive cycles, and because all scales are ‘similar’, so we can predict the behavior of the larger slower scales, easily, comparing it with the smaller, faster ones; as in 5D metric they have less information. Thus they are more basic, deterministic, constrained by its smaller parts; reason why quantum physics is harder for the mind and probabilistic while life-death cycles are obvious.

Let us then understan the largest of all those scales, that of the Universe which 5D recast in a far more explanative model than the present ‘entropic simple lineal big-bang view’, just by reordering the information we have about it with the new understanding of its two fundamental principles, space and time.

RECAP. The universe is made of 2 STates, time=motion, and space=form. Yang and yin that combine in balance to create ∞ beings.So you can combine them T & S in 5 different forms:

S=T, the balanced state of existential energy that combine St-information (Potential energy) and Ts-locomotion (Kinetic energy), in constant SHM is the preferred balance of ‘present’ that lasts and iterates any organism, the state of survival.

TT: internal and external motion or ‘entropy’ is one extreme, which brings death. That is the state of mankind today, caused by the fact the new species, machines move faster externally (cars, weapons) and internally ‘metal-minds’, visual images accelerate, disordering humans into a permanent ADD state. So millennials move fast and have disordered minds. At the end of that process entropy kills.

In the other extreme of absolute no motion, there is SS, languages of the mind, seeds, pure, perfect information, enlightenment. A being in that state doesn’t move. The hypothetical Mind of God is such a being, because it perceives all what has existed, exists and will exist and repeat itself eternally as a block of time – a zero sum of fluctuations of the game of existence in space and time.



“Astrophysicists are seldom right but never in doubt.” Lindau. “Using a term like nonlinear science is like referring to the bulk of zoology as the study of non-elephant animals.” Ulam; on the fact 99’% of science are iterative cyclic laws.

The data of the Universe in space and time is provided directly by experience observing at the largest scale, galaxies, which seem to recede from each other, instead of becoming attracted as stars do inside galaxies. So there are two clear ‘time arrows=dimotions’ in the Universe: lineal expanding vacuum space and imploding cyclical mass. A dualist cyclical thinker is happy with that, as imploding mass balances entropic expanding vacuum, St=Ts, in an immortal ‘wobbling Universe’. But as this contradicts ‘lineal thinking’, lineal physicists eliminate the contraction of mass and choose ONLY as real the expansion of vacuum space. Then they turn that expansion backwards in time, contracting vacuum into a single point, also with a lineal equation, V expansion speed=Ho Hubble Constant x D Distance between galaxies, stating that if the Universe is expanding today, moving it backwards lineally, it had a 0 volume of ∞ density that exploded long time ago. Here lineality meets ‘mathematical creationism’ (the belief the language-mirror of mathematics that only God and man speak (Galileo, Dirac, Hawking); came before reality creating it. So if we write an equation reality must create the equation image) which substituted ‘verbal creationism’ (the belief man spoke like God words the language of creation. So God ‘named’ beings to create them, as the myths of Islam and Judaism tell us). The 3rd problem then is purely mathematical as humans speak a lesser form of maths, Euclidean geometry where ‘points have no parts’, but the Universe is Non-Euclidean, so points do have parts, content traversed by parallel flows; hence even if mass would not balance contraction, there is no singularity but a ‘finitesimal’ black hole, as the limit of contraction of mass.

The denial of mass contraction prompted a joke in Annie Hall, when Allen’s mum exclaims ‘here in Brooklyn the universe is not expanding’. Indeed, in Brooklyn and the inner galaxy at large, the Universe is contracting under the gravitational force of the central black hole. Not so for the lineal thinker that runs backwards his equations, with only vacuum space between galaxies contracting. They forget the gravitational imploding force between masses that ran backwards will expand, again balancing the imploding vacuum also in the past! So to avoid a cyclical balance, lineal physicists just threw into the dustbin all the matter and galaxies as if they wouldn’t exist, including Brooklyn (;

The ‘Universe is simple but not that simpler’ (Einstein). It has scales of spatial size. And as we move between scales, forces loose strength and finally disappear and a different force appears, which often balances the larger scale with an inverse arrow. Thus outside galaxies expand, but in the internal smaller scale they contract and both scales balance each other. And that is the solution to the big-bang conundrum.

If we look at the Universe in the lower quantum scale, we run into similar problems because atoms also repel each other with electromagnetic forces and we don’t see any sign they are at the quantum level affected by gravitational forces. So physicists have been for a century wondering how to input gravitational forces in the standard model. What then a fractal scalar, cyclical space model would tell us with those experimental facts? It is rather simple an obvious. The Universe in the large scale behaves exactly as it does in the lower scale if we just match its main elements and forces. In the lower scale atoms have a cyclical strong force inside, which attracts particles, and a repulsive external force outside that repels them and both balance. And atoms with its denser central quarks surrounded by a nebulae of time points called the electron, which seen in detail seem like light discharges, look very much like galaxies with a very dense central black holes surrounded by a nebulae of stars that seen at distance seem like light discharges.

So all you need to postulate is the fact that the two extreme scales further away from our human scale are similar at least as humans perceive them. This does not mean a galaxy is an atom, thought it might be, but as fractals repeat similar forms in all scales, but NOT identical, it gives us the proper model to explain all the facts of astrophysics, without ‘throwing to the bin Brooklyn’ and all the matter of the Universe… Simply enough: as the strong cyclical force only works inside atoms, the gravitational cyclical force only works inside galaxies. As the lineal electromagnetic force works repelling atoms, the Dark energy lineal repulsive force works repelling galaxies. But then when this force enters the galaxy it collapses forming virtual cyclical particles contracting the Universe inside galaxies, as the electromagnetic force does inside atoms. This though requires accepting 2 concepts fractal space and cyclical time that physicists can’t accept. Never mind all clocks of tie are cycles – they will still defend lineal time. Never mind a cyclical scalar theory of the Universe responds to every question poised today by physics and unresolved, from the unification of charges and masses, two vortices of space-time of different scales of the Universe – charges on the quantum scale, masses of the galactic scale, reason why its minimal unit, the Planck mass is so huge (below that level gravitation is irrelevant). Then we can with a very simple equation of a vortex of forces according to Einstein’s equivalence principle between gravitational force and acceleration describe a mass as an accelerated vortex of space-time in the cosmological scale, and a charge as an accelerated vortex of space-time I the quantum scale and use just a ‘conversion’ of scale factor and a simple translation of the jargon of electromagnetism to the jargon of vortices to unify both; alas! We get the exact relationship of scale between both forces (1040).

In the fractal model the Universe is scalar and it has dimensions of information, form. Thus gravitation is an informative force, happening within galaxies to balance the entropic expansion between them. Both, balancing forces make a wobbling Universe: when we ad the gravitational force that warps 1D=lineal, entropic dark energy expanding space and 3D mass volumes, crunching 3 lines of entropic dark energy into mass within galactic vortices. The mathematics is that simple: 3 lines become 1 mass, so there must be 3 times more dark energy lines than 3D masses – 75-25%. Simple, beautiful numbers. So when they measured the dark entropy vs. mass ratio in the Universe; it did turn out to be 75-25%.

But a Schopenhauer’s Stupid who ‘doesn’t understand complex causes adscribing them to magic’, does NOT evolve its lineal thinking. So the 3 to 1 balance of 1D vacuum vs. 3D mass is considered magic. And so a professor from Jerusalem U. (Bekenstein) told us the reason is God. He created the Universe in balance for humans to exist in it… It is called the anthropic principle. So as in the case of the big bang first thought by a Catholic priest, Lemaitre to justify the existence of God and creation, now we also have another zealot showing we are the chosen and science can prove it.

The 2nd most quoted proof of the big-bang explosion is the so-called background radiation: Penzias came up with a map of the radiation of the galaxy, which he measured and first said was the radiation of the galaxy (nobody has gone yet out of the galaxy to measure if the radiation is till there). It turned out to be of 2.7 k degrees. Alas instead of looking for an object in the galaxy NOW that would produce this radiation physicists applied again ‘lineal thinking’. So, enthralled with ‘mathematical creationism’, they used the lineal equation of vacuum expansion between galaxies (V=HoD), eerily similar to God) to search for the origin of that radiation billions of years ago, in a mathematical entelechy or singularity of 0 volume and ∞ mass; expanding the radiation to every corner of the Universe. As huminds are a mixture of egocy (ego=idiocy, the belief we and God talk a single language) and lineal thinking. So we find a local law and expand it to the entire Universe. But when they did so the radiation of the singularity turned out to be 40 K, and that was not good. So they ‘cheated’, tinkering with the equations till ‘reducing’ from trillions of degrees in the singularity moment to the exact 2.7 k. But of course, the radiation IS LOCAL, because we measure it locally. And it is happening NOW, and requires a ‘PRESENT’ cause.

The funniest proof came a few years ago of this made me smile. Look at the 2nd picture of the supposed background of the whole Universe NOT the local galaxy radiation, where we measure it, supposedly taken 13 billion years ago NOT now, when we measure it. The central lobes are supossedly an immense remote region as it was 13 billion years ago. So physicist were using its supposed ‘distant light’ to calculate if there was an anomaly in the light speed at different frequencies, after such long journey from the remote past. Then we got a picture NOW of our galaxy with exactly the same lobes. So it seems it was not a huge part of the Universe as seen 13 billion years but just two lobes of ¥-rays produced by the Black hole. And funny enough they have the same form than the electromagnetic orbitals of an atom (right side). After the shock, the experiment to measure remote light was cancelled; but the BG model was not: lineal thinking just bruised below the mat, yet another falsification of the cosmic Big Bang.

Proofs keep coming of the falsity of the cosmic BG and lineal time model, but physicists won’t even discuss it as they believe in lineal time as a religious dogma. We could go on since by now the lineal hyperbolic big bang has so many errors and adjustments ad hoc that the bulky mat with every inconvenient truth hidden looks like ‘le Petit prince elephant (: I just will show you ONE more huge error, that came last week in the Guardian to fatten the elephant):

They measured ‘directly’ NOT on the supposed BG radiation of the whole Universe that looks like a galaxy teaming with small top quark black holes, the speed at which the cosmic ¥-like radiation separates the galaxies at 73.4 which gives an age moving backwards to the singularity, ultradense, ultra-tiny exploding whole of …“12.7bn years. And this does cause problems. There are stars that have 12bn years, and this makes a chronology a bit difficult to stomach. Stars take a long time to form, after all.” Says the article. There are also black holes perfectly formed that take even longer to form, older than the big bang. Moreover, when they measured the same speed of separation from the BG radiation as if it were from the whole cosmos, they get 67.4 which is a discrepancy that tells them, says the article, ‘if these values don’t agree…We are measuring something fundamentally different. One is a measurement of how fast the universe is expanding today as we see it. The other is a prediction based on… a cosmological model’. And since experimental truths come first, the wrong one is the cosmological model of the background radiation as coming from the origin of the universe. This leave us with only one model that explains it all, simpler, according to experimental evidence and makes the Universe organic, infinite immortal fractal and everything else in it, including humans and its historic organisms, made to its image and likeness.

The organic, fractal, symmetric, hylomorphic, economic, ‘real’ model of the immortal, infinite, scalar Universe.

Since the question to resolve was the cause of the background radiation, one had only to follow the epistemological laws of truth in science and don’t cheat them looking into the past or the infinite for explanations that must be found here and now. If you calculate human temperature at 37º you look for the internal activity of its most repeated element – cells – as the cause of that temperature, you don’t think on ‘magic causes’, like “37º is our temperature because we are cooling out since our birth when we were 30 billion degrees hotter”. It would be sheer madness – the kind of madness that our physicists with their ‘reasoning’ on the temperature of the galaxy coming from 12 billion years ago consider dogma. Yet logically according to the scientific method that requires causality to reduce ad maximal the time distance between cause and effect we just need to study now the galaxy where they measured the temperatureand find a common object that produces 2.7 k degrees of black body radiation. And there is one known object, which produces exactly that radiation at that temperature. A black hole or quark strangelet produces a red shift radiation due to his gravitational power on ¥-rays, whose temperature varies according to its mass. So at 2.7 k degrees the black hole or strangelet must have the mass of a moon, the commonest planetoid size of the galaxy. Thus the obvious cause of the radiation observed in the galaxy only as we don’t measure it outside (it is worth to repeat it several times because when dealing with lineal thinkers). Of course there are moons everywhere with slightly different weights. However fundamental particles as electrons, quarks or black holes are, do have an exact mass as they are more perfect, quasi-identical, so when a primordial black hole (the smallest type theoretically consistent but not yet found, as physicists haven’t thought of them to solve the background radiation’s origin) eats a moon planetoid just burps out the excess of matter once it has reached its stable size-form. So we are in a galaxy which has millions of those smallish black holes or a similar ‘nugget of ultradense quark strange matter’ producing that radiation. In fact galaxies are organisms whose purpose – physicists are coming to accept it, is to produce black holes and quark dark ultraheavy matter, which is everywhere. So this is part of the process. In the same manner cells are systems whose ribosomal ‘stars’ produce RNA and DNA that then migrate to the center of the galaxy, the galaxy is a system that makes those quark ultradense gravitational particles, strangelets of dense strange quarks, black holes which have the same density-mass of stars made of ultra-heavy quarks (BCB atoms and tops).

The graph shows that economic, hylomorphic Universe, made of known matter and symmetric forms – 2 other key proofs of truth along simplicity – since we use only what we know there is on it: a 5D Organic Universe of fractal ternary ‘scales’ of parts and wholes, which respects the ‘entropic limits of human perception’ and does NOT invent more particles than the experimental method has discovered, nor twists its laws of time and space, trying to explain the experimental facts we observe now with lineal equations traced ad hoc to a remote past or expands human ‘egocy’, considering all local laws and proofs to be global – such as the local BG radiation, or the ‘entropic arrow of expansive spacetime’ as the only one; makes sense of every element of the universe through scalar symmetries, between the 3 families of mass and 3 regions of the galaxy defining the Galaxy as an organism, similar to all other systems, with a ‘membrane’, the halo of dark matter made of ultradense strangelet quarks (negative charged), similar to the negative ‘electron’ cover of an atom, with the ultralight ud-quark stars and planets in the middle, similar to the empty space of the atom crossed by ¥-rays and gravitation, and the ultradense black hole made of heavy positive toplets (TTT++-quarks and TCB Dark atoms) – following Einstein’s cut off substance for his black holes he called ‘frozen stars’ and Witten hypothesis of a halo made of strangelets. Such is the most likely structure of galaxies, according to 5D scalar symmetries and the efficient, economic laws of Nature (Ockham’s razor).

But again here it comes lineal thinking to deny it… and tinkering and bizarre analysis of black holes not as ultradense top quark stars but as entelechies without substance, mathematical equations only. Einstein also revealed against that and said till we didn’t find a cut-off substance of which black holes were made he wouldn’t believe in them and called them ultraheavy frozen stars. We did find after his death top quarks that match at the lower scale the density of black holes at the larger scale, so obviously black holes are top quark stars and we find the beautiful symmetry between the 3 type of quarks and the 3 parts of the galaxy, with a center of top quark black holes, in between our light ud-mass and in the protein like harder surface or membrane, the dense lineal strangelets. And so that explains also dark matter. Alas, without inventing new particles, without inventing lineal equations, to explain things from the past, we have solved all the questions of the model of an immortal universe, infinite, made of scales.

What is the answer of a big-bang lineal St-upid cornered by so many errors, when you show him the 5D model, which just orders properly the same data using the concepts of cyclical time and fractal space? ‘It cannot be that simple’, even if physicists invented the lineal big-bang in first place because their ideas about ‘lineal time’ were too simple.

RECAP. For a lineal thinker the Universe must be lineal and exist only in a single spacetime continuum, without scales. So all forces must act equally in a single scale expanding the Universe. Yet facts tell us Galaxies are collapsing inside, not expanding. Thus in reality a dualist cyclical thinker will consider the most likely explanation, a balanced immortal Universe where galaxies inner contraction of matter balances the outer expansion of vacuum space. But in lineal thinking this doesn’t work, because the physicist, since Galileo only can think in terms of a single lineal arrow of time.

So physicists ‘forgot’ conveniently that only vacuum space between galaxies expands, but within them mass contracts; by eliminating mass from its equations and running backwards in time vacuum space to compresses all the Universe in a point or singularity – a rather bizarre picture of a single point Universe where mass does not exist, which brought a new contradictions we explain in our article ‘the Universe in space’.




Local Past=Entropy, Present=Iteration and Future=Information in zero-sum worldcycles.

‘The separation between past, present and future is an illusion’ Einstein

But of all the consequences of cyclical time, the most important is the existence of infinite local time clocks of which we are all made, which therefore imply the existence of infinite local past, present and future states.

Whereas the past is the beginning of a pi cycle, starting as a line of entropy with no form that curves and raises in height in its second state of present, and returns back to its origin in its future 3rd age of information, completing a 0-sum of life and death. Thus instead of a single ∞ lineal absolute time there are ∞ living cycles of time happening in zillions of entities.

This said the devil is in the details. So the next question is how many types of vital space, we are made of. And the answer provided by topology which studies geometric forms with spatial dimension and time motions is only 3; which perform the 3 organic functions of all systems of vital space-time of which we are all made: A 5D Universe has only 3 ‘topological varieties’ each one best suited to perform one the 3 organic vital functions of any physic or biologic system –gauging information (1D spheres, the topology that stores more information in lesser space, hence used in all particles and heads in the height dimension), lineal or cylindrical forms that move the system (2D, the shortest distance between two points, hence used as fields or limbs in the length dimension) and hyperbolic body-waves, a mixture of the other two topologies that reproduces the system and stores its energy in the width dimension (3D); which not coincidentally correspond to the 3 ‘conserved quantities’ of physics, angular, lineal momentum and energy.

So we define the ‘Fractal Generator of Vital pace-time topologies for all systems of Nature:

G:   |-$t(limbs-fields)<Ø-S=T-Body-waves>O-§ð (particle-heads).

5D symbols for the 3 topologies=functions=conserved dimensional motions (ab. Dimotions, Ð) of timespace are:

1D: T>S: angular cyclical motions of information (Ab. St, O; §ð): the minimal ‘geometry’ of reality, a spherical particle/head or fractal point, the geometry that stores maximal form in minimal space, hence suited for ‘organic functions’ of gauging, storing and perceiving information (particles, heads).

2D: S<T: Lineal Locomotions, (Ab. |; sT, $t) which will move through its lineal limbs/fields the system, as the line is the shortest distance between two points… towards a…

3D: S≈T: Fields of vital Energy (Ab. Ø; ST, ExI): with its hyperbolic body-waves that iterate the forms of both the spherical particle/heads and lineal limbs/fields; as the hyperbolic topology combines the other two, so it can generate them, in the same manner Energy adds as the third conserved space-time quantity the lineal and cyclical momentum of 1 and 2D.

Those are the 3 conserved ‘Space-time’ dimensional motions (ab. dimotions) of all organic systems but then there are two states that are NOT conserved and frame as ‘limits’ of existence the previous two:

-SS: pure information without motion, mental, linguistic form – the ‘virtual mind’ of the system.

– TT: pure motion without information, ENTROPY proper, a state of internal and external motion which is precisely the cause of the destruction of SS-linguistic form.

Thus we could consider the Universe a tug-of-war between those 2 poles, which merge ‘symbiotically’ in the ST-energy, Ts-locomotion and St-informative topologies, between a birth as a seed of pure form and its death as pure motion or entropy the theme of this paper.

All together form the 5 possible combinations of Space-form and time-motion at local level, in a series of maximal and minimal states, which we write with simple symbols of ‘exitential logic’ (S-pace, T-ime, > implosion of information, < explosion of motion and ≈ balance between both: SS (language)<St(information)<ST (iteration-energy) <Ts(locomotion)<TT(entropy).


The generator of space-time, maximize your existence.

This more simplex organic view of time and space requires a new ‘metric equation’ beyond the lineal v=s/t equation of Galilean relativity that becomes the limit of this more complex view of time and space, with 2 fundamental equation, SxT=C (the scalar metric of the fifth dimension, as systems in space accelerate its clocks of time (T) according to its size (S); and S=T, the new equation of relativity, which means as we cannot distinguish motion=time, from stillness=space-form (Galilean relativity), both are ‘two sides of the same coin’, and all systems have both motion and form, which are constantly becoming one another.  Yet as SxT is maximal when S=T (5×5>6×4…) both equations can be summoned up into a single one, which we shall call the fractal generator, or will of each fractal space-time beings, the equation that embodies all other equations of the Universe and guides the actions of each fractal part of it:

Function of Existence:             Max. ∑ S x T s=t = C¡

The equation has an immediate biologic meaning, because as we are made topologically of ‘fields-limbs’ of lineal space with motion provided by the energy we absorb to also reproduce our bodies-waves, and the information we need to linguistically guide our motions with particle-heads, the very essence of survival is to increase our S=position, mental forms of space and T=entropic motions of time (whereas time=motion and space=form are the two limiting Dimotions with ‘energy=reproduction, s=t, locomotion, sT and information, St, are the intermediate 3 dimotions). Thus Max. S x T = C (s=t), IS also the equation of survival and struggle for existence, the will of life; the biological expression of the ‘Universal mandate’, expressed by all species in all its codes and languages, the Grow and Multiply of the Bible, the intuitive truth that guides all beings. The game of existence is simple: Reproductive radiations maximize ¡ts function, happening when mirror symmetries (genders) meet in S=T, equaling their St-information and sT-energy, organizing themselves into a whole, ∑ system.

It is then relatively easy to interpret that equation in each of the languages-minds of each scale of reality as in all those scales species will show a ‘will’ of action to perform the maximal number of events=dimotions=‘actions of space-time’ that ensure its survival. And this can be assessed externally regardless of secondary arguments on consciousness and self-reflection, substituted in 5D by Leibniz’s ‘apperception’ – that is, because performing the 5 actions=dimotions of exist¡ence, in each ‘st¡entific scale’ self-centered in a linguistic mind that perceives a given plane, inscribed into a larger ∆+1 world, with internal ∆-1 parts, ensures the survival, ONLY those species that have performed the 5 dimotions of which the most important is s=t reproduction of the being into a ‘present’ similar entity that continues the exist¡ence of the system after ‘errors’ or ‘the struggle for existence’ dissolves it through the dimotion of entropy=death, exist.

Thus automatically, genetically, consciously, memetically, mathematically, logically, through its own will or as a part of a larger system that uses the ‘machine’ or ‘organism’ to enhance its actions all what exists does so because it performs internally those 5 Dimotions or externally performs one of them for another symbiotic species, as those species that have not followed the program of existience and its 5 actions in the past have become extinguished, and those will not in the future, will become wrong mutations, crazy thoughts, fictional languages and die away.

The function of existence, or 5D metric of Generational space-time, (Ab. Gst, G) Max. Se x Ti (s=t) states that all systems of Nature will try to maximize its absorption of Entropic motion (with no form) and Linguistic form (with no motion), and its 3 intermediate dimotions of energy (s=t, balance of both that reproduces them), information (St: form with a little motion, form-in-action) and locomotion (sT, motion with a little form). So we talk of a program of survival ‘selected’ by all systems and expressed in its languages and minimal five actions encoded in that simple equation, which we term: a, e, ï, œ, û, as a mnemonic rule for the five actions of existence:

Accelerations (locomotion), entropic feeding (e), ïnformative perception and communication ï, Œ:reproduction into parallel supœrganisms Û… and social growth into larger wholes called philosophically Universals. And this series of actions is what accumulated in time will ultimately give birth to your word cycle  as the monad will first perceive (i), to direct its entropy-motions (a),towards a field of energy (e), where to absorb the energy bites it will imprint with its inner form, e x i = œ, to reproduce another form, and when enough ∑œ exist, it naturally organize into a larger whole û.

In graph the actionS of different Stientific scales of organisms. Above the coding of actions, which are the knots and bolts and details of the study of any time§paœrganism in light space-time, coded by colors and dimensions, in physical atoms, coded with quantum numbers and in life and humans coded by the so called drives of life, which we obviously extend beyond the ego paradox to all other systems, including genetics not mapped there (coded by the 4-5 letters). Those actions balanced each other into zero-sums in death, as they tend to increase information from a mind p.o.v., hence we ‘all warp, wrinkle’ get old in the third age and die, setting from its minimal actions to its integral sums, the 3 ages of life-existence and the world cycle all super organism follow.

The simplicity of the game of existience, and its selfish actions, which gather together into social wholes through reproductive radiations, each action coded by a fundamental topologic organ we can express in existential ®=ilogic, and corresponds for each species of the Universe, with a fundamental parameter of humind measure. So from bottom to top, we find the 5 fundamental elements of light code its actions of motion (c-speed), energy (magnetic field), information (electric field), social evolution colors & entropic feeding, (quantum potential, neutrino light theory)

So the minimal particle-points, photons, electrons & quarks that construct all other systems of our Universe show the 5 organic dimotions (motions with dimensional form) that define ‘classic life’: they gauge information – reason why quantum physics is a ‘gauge theory’, feed on energy (quantum jumps) absorbing smaller ∆-1 particles, reproducing new clone particles, move and evolve socially through magnetic fields into larger wholes (atoms). Hence the units of life are particles, the minimal units of our vital, organic, fractal, scalar Universe of multiple timespace organisms. All lives, performing 5 Dimotions=actions of ƒ(exist¡ence):Max.SxT(s=t) =C, starting with particles. So all scales are relative NONE matters more than other. From those actions, given the dominance of informative actions over entropic ones, it appears a series of repetitive cyclical patterns of actions conducting to maximize the existence of the being, which accumulate in a larger scale of time-space, as a worldcycle of actions that increase the information of the system in 3 ages. So the basic cycle of actions becomes a larger 3 ages cycle of life and death; as systems once and again, starts in an act of information/shrinking and ends in an act of organization/shrinking of herds into wholes, will keep reducing the being and finally make it all form no motion to explode and die in an entropic reversal of death:

∑ i->a->e->œ->û, i->a-e->œ->u, ï->æ->Œ->Û -> Informative ‘seed’ age->1st locomotion, feeding age ->2nd reproduction age ->3rd informative, social age-> entropic death.

AS huminds are limited in time logic and we cannot build on their chaotic, entropic models of reality. Chaos and indeterminism IS born of the LIMITED single Time-arrow of Science, force-fed by earlier ballistics, the name of Galileo’s first book & modern ego-dogma & subjective reductionism EASY to practice in the largest scales of modeling. And it is a cultural treat of our dog-eat-dog ‘animetal cult(ure)s’ to weapons & financial parasitism (nationalism, capitalism) & our despise and extinction of organic life in the making. Monologic prevents those who are destroying life and bringing the 3rd age of the planet, the Metal-earth, to even realize how wrong is their absolute ‘one single order of thought’. Our informative elite is not even human anymore. It is a system of memes in favor of this other world, expressed by a network of informative machines and its Financial-Media-Academia monologic that pass as expertise (FMasters). But beyond the simplex analytic model of cause an effect are out of depth in long time range. Only repetition ensures that false theories of science based in entropy-death pass as dogma. Mental imprinting by repetition ensures humans walk the determinist path of self-suicide thinking they CANNOT understand and design a better future. I have been predicting that future of social history for 30 years, using the larger organic properties and 5 Dimotions of time-space but the system cares not to accept any criticism. People are NOT aware to which extraordinary lengths the idol-ogies of metal go to cover up and NOT understand the lack of human futures. All this censorship is part of the ‘burden of monologic man’. In the times of Lao-Tse, Buddha and Aristotle, minds were free – reason why they had so much more depth, than modern people in his comprehension of dual and trinity logic. Yes, to know ALL about the locomotion of matter which is what physicists know is NOT to know all about the larger, organic Deep time scales of the future, and nothing about the topologic evolution of machines and fractal cycles of stock-markets.

So the ancients were miles ahead of modern ænthropic (anthropic+entropic) lineal military physicists & Darwinian philosophers, with their pedestrian monologic, where only entropy, destruction, DEATH seems to create, instead of destroying as its worldly religions of making weapons, believes. We shall thus deal with the reductionism and primitivism of their ‘philosophies of science’ in this article on monologic, However this ‘entropic’ article in itself – an on slaughter on present mæn – is less important than a pentalogic and dodecalogic understanding of existential ¬Æ=ilogic, as it IS. Or else the destruction of ænthropic models from egocy to the big-bang, would be useless since the reason humans sticks to those models is the lack of an alternative model to its simplex views. That is what 5D represents.

In all Planes, the simpler actions of any being are extractions of motion, energy, entropy=motion and form from lower ∆-i Planes:

A T.œ perceives only the ∆±3 planes from where it extracts energy or information. As its actions and dimotions are architectonically performed through planes of 5D where each main action relates to an interval of scales:

∆-4-3: The system extracts indistinguishable boosts of entropic of motion (man from gravitation).

∆-3-2: The system extracts bits of information (Light in man)

∆-2-1: The system extracts bites of energy (amino acids in man)

∆-1 0: The system seeds its minimal seed of reproduction.

∆0+1: The system connects socially with other systems to evolve into a whole.

So simpler Actions start at finitesimal level, gathering in sequential patterns in existential algebra, as ‘time flows’ and in population and spatial patterns – in integral herds of numbers in calculus.

We and all other beings perceive from ∆-3 quanta (light in our case), feed on amino acids, (∆-2 quanta for any ∆º system), seed with seminal ∆-1 cellular quanta (electrons also, with ∆-1 photon quanta).

For each action of space-time we shall find a whole, ∆º T.œ, which will enter in contact with another world, ∆±i, from where it will extract finitesimals of space or time, energy or information, entropy or motion, and this will be the finitesimal ∂ ƒ(x), which will be absorbed and used by the species to obtain a certain action, å.

Analysis allow us to extract actions from wholes, reason why there are not really use beyond the third derivative of a being, as super organisms co-exist in 3 only Scalar Planes. It also works in terms of a volume, as its derivative is a plane, then its unit-cell or point… So to speak, if you derivate a world, you get its organism, and if you derivate it again you get its cell and then its molecular parts.  And then if you do that in time, you get its speed and then its acceleration and then its jerk.

The magic of derivation

Because of the symmetry between ∆≈S≈T, to extract finitesimals of smaller scales the process is the same. We derive the whole, which diminishes its ‘dimensions= power’ as the system looses its larger whole, but increases its number of ∆-¡ visible particles, whereas the difference of value between both, shows the ratio and structure of its entropy, energy and information networks, sum of its components that form the whole. As certain functions define more specialized T.œs than others. So the parts of a whole vary according to topological structure.

The key action of entropy: feeding’ on energy

All systems of Nature follow the simple aeiou actions determined by the 5 dimensions of space-time, moving in a-ccelerated paths towards e-nergy surfaces where to feed and transform into I-nformation the vital energy absorbed by the system in order to reproduce and offspring of similar beings, which will evolve together emerging into a social Universal sum of multiple individuals.

We study in more depth the action of energetic feeding, parallel analysis of ‘entropy’, since feeding is the addiction of absortion of energy, killing it down two scales of the fifth dimension to reform that energy into the information of the T.œ that absorbs it. So the equation of feeding first reduces the being it kills from ∆ø<<∆-2 and then reconstructs the being from ∆-2≥≥∆º, whereas the first ∆ø has lesser existential force than ∆º, which is the top predator ∆º e x i > ∆ø e xi:

In the graph, feeding is a process of entropy first and then reconstruction.

To reconstruct the information of system first the system must start with the inverse arrow of feeding of a species that will ‘simplify the information’ of a part of an organism, two ‘planes down’: ∆¡<<∆-1, the equation of ‘scattering entropy’ and then rebuild from its ‘amino-acids’ or ‘forces’, the larger whole system. So its equation in ¬Æ is quite simple: ∆¡<<∑∑∆¡-2>∑∆¡-1 for any scalar process in the Universe.

Feeding of course happens regardless of moral views in all systems, including those social systems in which a culture with higher technological information, higher top predator form (Max. e xi) conquers another nation and reforms the system, either by reproducing its culture in the ∆-2 scale of individual memes, or even in a harsher manner by extinguishing the ∆-2 scale of human beings reproducing the conquerors memes and genes together. In the graph we can see the case of Germany, which try the most extreme second approach extinction of conquered nation. 

But in all scales the top predator with maximal e xi-stiential force will do the same. We eat and put down to amino acids and reconstruct our food. Particles feed on force fields and reconstruct reproducing new particles; cosmological black holes emit seminal seeds of matter and reconstruct baby-irregular galaxies at the end of its jet.

Whereas < is a symbol of expansion of space and simplification of form, which happens twice, and  > the inverse arrow of growth of information.

So when we feed, we break down to molecular amino acids and then rebuild them into cellular matter (∆¡-1), and so happens with atoms that feed on forces evolved into ∆¡-1 particles and nations, which through war explode a rival nation in its ∆¡-2 Memes and territory down to the destruction of its buildings and raw materials, and then ‘re-absorb’ those materials and citizens, ‘re-imprinted’ into ∆¡-1 ‘converted’ citizens and wealth.

It is then obvious that ‘the fourth dimension of entropy=dissolution’ and the ‘fifth dimension of social evolution’ into wholes. ARE INVERSE.

We shall constantly realize how the set of scalar laws of the Universe apply to all systems, regardless of which ‘species of space-time’ we study, the most astounding proof of the existence of an scalar ‘game of exist¡ence played with the same rules for any species of reality.

Let us now deal with ‘the fourth dimension of entropy’ and the ‘fifth dimension of social evolution’ into wholes. So simple so complex when we combine, repeat and translate in different languages those ultimate principles, which we shall now study with a bit of more depth.

The Universe and all its parts – in the graph the human being – are Timespace organisms that reproduce information, stored in the form and frequency of its time clocks, through the vital motions of its 3 space-time dimensions and 2 ± ‘∆’ scalar dimensions of entropy that dissolve the networks of information of an entity, scattering them in the process of death, and emergence, which evolves those networks socially from a group of smaller parts into a whole.

Without those 2 ‘organic’ dimensions that relate the different ‘scales’ of size in space and speed of time clocks of each ‘fractal part’ of the Universe, we cannot make sense of its organic process of creation and extinction. In the graph all systems co-exist in 3 scales of the 4th & 5th Dimension: the ∆-1 atomic/cellular, ∆-organic/thermodynamic and ∆+1 gravitational world; which we can describe with a metric equation of the 4th and 5th scalar Dimensions of space-time (ab. ∆±i), which order all entities of reality in scales according to the size and different speeds of time clocks of its systems is very simple: $ x ð = K, the relative size in space and speed of the time cycles of a being remain constant.

In the graph we see the ‘organic fractal Universe in different scales’ and systems of reproduction of information.

Researchers in fractal geometry are delighted to write fractal equations that show such structure. But this is a blog of philosophy of science that goes much further into the organic vital properties of such systems.

So what is an organism of space-time also disappears: the perception by a simultaneous point of reference of a series of synchronized time space cycles.

RECAP. We defined reality in its absolute theoretical minimum: a tapestry of ternary beings in space, self-centred in monad minds, which live world cycles in time, as the monad orders its territory, grows, reproduces its forms, exhausts its motions and energy collapses and dies, exploding back its form into entropy for other beings to form. And by expanding those basic concepts, the ternary structure of beings in space; its dynamic evolution in time, through world cycles, as it becomes a growing organised ‘supœrganism’ to fall back into death, once and again ad eternal, we shall describe all what exists.

Reality can be perceived with multiple dimensions, each of those views will be a consistent world. Monologic, ænthropic man with its 1D models of reality based in Sx time locomotions shuns off the 5D Cx. Universe to its own peril, as reality is penta-dodecalogic in its entanglements that generate space synchronous supœrganisms and time, and survival, which in our dominant animetal warrior & go(l)d cult(ure)s is minimal depends on the understanding and respect of all the living function of space-time exist¡ence and its action-reaction laws.

Actions define the worldcycle of existence.

Because actions follow a pattern of increasing evolution and 4 actions are coded while entropy is avoided – we deliver entropy as an open system to other parts of the Universe, it follows thsat the system constantly accumulates information, and this is the origin of the worldcycle of life and death. The system likes information, because it is what the Universe is really all about, a fractal that imprints information in memorial repetitive cyclical patterns.

So as actions follow a natural scalar level of information perception->locomotion towards a field of ‘feeding’, where to get -> Energy to reproduce -> and then process that energy into information, exactly the same pattern appears in the next scale of ‘cyclical time and longer space’, the worldcycle of life, which consists in the same pattern of ‘seeding information’, moving youth, feeding and evolvint to reproduce and then process information becoming older in a 3rd age.

This amazing symmetry between the smaller time scale and the larger worldcycle of life, then will be followed also in the larger scale of superorganisms and species and so we have 3 ‘patterns’ of time cycles due to the survival program of actions in 3 scales of time, and 3 larger surfaces of ‘populations’, as the first cycle feeds the ‘cells, atoms, individuals’, the second cycle the whole organism, and the 3rd cycle manifests in the whole species.

The d=evolution of all systems in time.

The ultimate fact of Duality is that we are generated as a growth in the 5th dimension from a cellular/atomic ∆-1 seed to emergent ∆º being to fall back into ∆-1 desegregated atoms/cells; and so we can consider reality to be a constant combination between the two extreme, social dimotions of eusocial evolution and generation (5D) and entropic dissolution and death.

We have seen as a synchronous space the ternary parts of the being. Now we want to explore how the being evolves in time, tracing a ‘world cycle’ of existence between its birth as a form that starts to move, and back to a motion that stops into form.

The 3 ages of existence of space-time organisms. Its 2 worldcycles and Metric functions.

So we marry the 3 vital functions=motions of time and the 3 dimensions of space, either in 1 or 2D (height= spherical information, length=planar locomotion, width=hyperbolic reproduction) which merge in all Time-space Beings; and dominate one of the 3 ages of its life-death worldcycles, the past, young age of limbic entropic motions, the mature reproductive age dominated by the hyperbolic body/wave and the 3rd age dominated by the informative particle-head, when the illusion of time ends with an entropic big-bang death that dissolves the being into its ‘scalar cellular, atomic parts’, which lead us to the realization that time cycles NOT only return to its origin in a single spacetime continuum but they move up and down 5D scales.

Let us deduce from those 2 functions the fundamental process in time of reality, the worldcycle of existence:

The development of the Function of Existence of a space-time organism, can be developed as a feedback function, S<=>T, in 3 sequential phases/ages /horizons:

Max. T x Min.S (youth); Max. SxT (s=t); Max. S x Min. T (3rd age).

They are the functions of the 3 ages of life, between Sx 0 T (seed in the lower plane,¡-1) and Tx 0 S (function of entropy=death), which develop 5D metric into an ‘existential function’ of ‘extremal points’:

∆-1»∆º: The supœrganism worldcycle starts its existential function as a seed of pure form (4D) that creates its space-time form.

T>s (Ts): It is the first horizon or ‘entropic, youth age’ of the cycle, in which energy dominates the system and so we write this phase as, max. S x min. T.

Max. SxT: s=t. It is the present balanced age of the cycle or classic age of ‘life’, when energy and information are in a constant proportion. It is the most efficient age, when the cycle reproduces.

ST: Max. T x min. S: it is the 3rd age of the cycle when information has combed and exhausted the space-time field that warps into itself.

∆º«∆- 1: 0S x T: It is the end or death of the cycle that reverses its form and becomes energy again.

Existence is an ∝ (ab. relative infinite, with an entropic limit of death) sum of 3 space/time planes, fluctuating between birth and extinction through those 3 phases or ages. The 3 ages of Timespace supœrganisms happen in all systems, including mental languages:

In Physics they are, T-gas, the moving state, Si=Te liquid, the balanced state and S-solid the informative state; into Cosmology, where it describes the Universe as a space-time system that fluctuates between both limits, a form of pure time, the singularity (min.t x max.S) and a form of pure space, the big- bang (maxS x min. t):

In Biology, they are the 3 ages of living beings AND the 3 horizons of evolution of species.

In social organisms, through the subconscious collective mind of civilizations which in art styles mimic in a longer 800 year cycle of life and death of civilizations (according to 5D metrics a human social supœrganism is larger in space – a nation, culture, religion – and so it lives longer in time).

All what exists is a supœrganism of vital space tracing a 0-sum worldcycle of time through 3 scales of the 5th dimension: Born as a seed of fast time cycles in a lower 5D scale (∆-1:Max. T x Min. S), emerging as an organism in ∆o, living 3 ages of increasing information, as its time clocks slow down in its ∆+1 world to die in a time quanta back to ∆-1. Yet the maximal point Si=Te where reproduction happens defines the classic age, maturity, beauty, balance, survival of the system, all disomorphic jargons.

The 3 ages of life emerge in human social supœrganisms as the 3 ages of cultures and  its 3 artistic styles: Min.S x Max. T (infantile epic, lineal art, as in Trecento, Greek Kuroi; Si=Te; balanced beauty, when form and size are in balance, the classic mature age; and Max. S x Min. T: baroque, 3rd age of a civilization, whose subconscious mind is the art of its ‘neuronal artists’, the age of maximal form and an ∆st for a no future, which is the age of war and death of cultures).

We talk of 3 ∆±1 scales of worldcycles as the being live in a placenta, then emerges as organism in a world:

þ: 0-1: its palingenetic o-1 social evolution in the accelerated time sphere of existence, till becoming 1 (0-1 bounded unit circle in ¡logic mathematics; quantum probability sphere of particles in physical systems; palingenetic fetal age in biologic systems; 0-9 memetic learning childhood in social systems). It is the highly ordered world cycle as a ‘placental mother-energy world’ is nurturing as memorial cyclical spacetime has erased errors of previous generations.

– ¬l,L: The existential 1-∞ lifecycle, in which it will deploy its 2nd world cycle of existence in an environment which is open, entropic (1-∞ hyperbolic unbounded Cartesian plane in ¡logic mathematics; thermodynamic entropic statistical molecular populations in physics; Darwinian struggle between populations in biology; idol-ogic dog-eat-dog capitalist, nationalist competitive eco(nomic)systems in the super organisms of history. In this 1-∞ existence the world cycle is not ensured to continue, as the entropy of the world system can cut it off.

ω,Ω:  A larger, longer Transcendental worldcycle proper of the highest social scale ∆+1, the omega of its smaller parts – where it performs 5 survival actions through ∆±4 Planes self-centered in its mind, beyond which it cannot longer perceive, to become if successful a new supœrganism of the infinite planes of God, the game of existence.

In graph, physical, biologic & social worldcycles show to which extent 5D laws enlighten our understanding of reality. Matter States are physical time ages, from left pure solid, crystal, §top state, to an even more solid ∆+1 boson condensate, etc. We see that systems either move a step at a time within a plane of existence (gas, liquid, solid) or they can jump « two states at once, (as in the case sublimation) within that plane, or most often between two planes, as in « scattering & entropic death), to become a different Dimotional state. We can then see how the fundamental elements of 5D time appear on the graph: the worldcycle is local and complete. There are 2 inverse arrows from an entropic past (plasma), in a lower plane (ion particles) to the 3 ages of the matter states with increasing form (gas to solid), to end in a higher plane of existence as a boson-Einstein condensate. Do those worldcycles happen for the whole Universe? (cyclic big-bang). Unlikely…

RECAP. Time is cyclical as all clocks of time return to its point of origin, so all time cycles including those of life of its vital space-time beings are finite. Further on those time cycles break ‘space’ into inner and outer parts, so vital space is broken by the membranes and angular momentums of those time cycles that make spacetime beings also finite in spatial information. And an obvious experimental facts about timespace: cycles of time, vital spaces and the species made of them, co-exist in several scales of relative size from particles to galaxies, each one with clocks of time of different speeds. So spacetime is fractal broken in scales that added create a new 5th dimension of spacetime. The metrics of 5D and its scales, SxT=C & and the balance between form and motion, SI=TE, develops in 3 ages with 3 standing points, a max. point of existence, Si=Te or mature age, a young age of Max. T=motion, and an old age of Max.S=information; between birth in ∆-1 Form & T-entropic death. The search for space-time, Energy=information balances in a classic reproductive age of conserved time is thus the goal of all exist¡ences, but only the whole achieves the immortality of time-space, as we shall see egocy errors of fractal mind-points of space trying to stop the flow of time from a single selfish point of view, accelerates the imbalance that brings death equations. We are richer in our still property at that 0T-moment, when all is quiet so for time to keep moving, a reversal of entropy takes place.

So we use 5 bidimensional terms for all systems, its ages and forms: SS(max. internal and external form, as in seeds and minds; T>s (Ts); external motion that maintains internal form as in ‘locomotion); S=T: Balance of spatial form an temporal motion or ‘energy’, used to reproduce, the key present iterative state; S>t (St: Information, form with a little motion, or ‘external form, and internal mental motion); and finally TT-entropy whereas there is external and internal motion, hence scattering dissolution and death. ¡ts main series is a worldcycle of existence:

SS(seed/mind)<Ts(moving youth)>S=T(reproduction)>St(informative 3rd age)<T(entropic death)

The 3 scales in time and space of superorganisms: actions, worldcycles and absolute space-time parameters.

the ∆±¡ pentalogic STructure of all beings predicts the future of its scientific species, with a remodeled ABCDE of the scientific method that studies A)ccurate Data, B)iologic causes C)yclical patterns and E)ntropic extinctive conclusions for all systems in 3 relative scales of length of space and time duration (to which we add instead of E, a positive D)emocratic, humanist solutions for questions of social sciences sorely lacking in idol-ogy.

All sciences predict the future of its species according to its repetitive causal cycles. Or else they are NOT a science. Astrology became a science when Kepler learned its orbital cycles. Bio-economics became a science when we described machines as metal organisms whose industrial r=evolution followed the human 72 years generations of the dominant industrial nations that evolved them in 4 cycles: its body-age (British, steam cycle), heart age (German, electro-chemical engine cycle), its mind age (US, TV-eye, chip-head, mobile-ear cycle) to conclude with the ensemble of robots that as virus do, when all its parts are put together will become alive. Predictability of time-cycles is done at 3 levels:

S: Continuous, spatial mathematical simple cycles, using derivatives, proper of calculus; which is the shortest time span, as instantaneous derivatives cannot measure a ‘peak’ change of age/phase.

T: Discontinuous, cyclical patterns of sequential repetitive often survival actions (feeding, reproduction, death, taking place at intervals. As those actions are discontinuous, leaving long spans in-between, their patterns forecast longer time sequences. Such ¡logic structures are based in time patterns, which as any mechanical, circadian or orbital day-year clock shows are cyclical, repetitive. But here human scientists are at loss, because Galileo studied ballistics, entropic explosions that destroy the information of reality stored in those cycles of time clocks, its patterns and frequencies, changing human cyclical understanding of bio-logic time for lineal, abstract time that seems not to repeat those patterns so mankind lost its capacity to predict many spacetime events, as lineal time misses information stored in the frequency and form of cyclical clocks, even if equations are similar: V=s/t for lineal time and V=S(l) x ƒ(t) for cyclic patterns.

∆: Scalar, Deep Time patterns of topologic and eusocial evolution of parts into wholes – of quantum 0-1 time probabilities vs. 1-∞ thermodynamic populations in physics, of individuals vs. species in biology, of states of matter vs. geologic cycles in Earth, first noticed by J. Hutton, founder of geology who coined the word super organism for Gaia and deep time for its slower time cycles by virtue of its 5D metrics, $ x ð =C which implies that from the perspective of a smaller scale the life of its whole is much longer.

Deep time leads to a 3rd level of long-time prediction: evolutionary patterns of earth’s life species, including machines used in my web at evolutionaryeconomics.wordpress.com that have predicted cyclical patterns of social organisms of history (nations) and eco(nomic)systems, including the evolutionary and re=productive cycles of stocks of machines transformed into sales=profits=valuation of its company-mothers with remarkable precision for 30 years. But as human only recognize the 1st type of predictability – calculus of instantaneous derivatives, that need a ‘continuous analysis’ – and have simplified cyclical time into lineal time, ignoring the scalar time of parts and wholes with its 5D metric, their capacity to forecast the future is far more reduced than a ‘stientist’ who understands the 3 scales determined by the bio-topo-¡logic properties of ‘scales’, ‘space’ and ‘time’, the 3 ∆st structural elements of all systems of the Universe.


The organic view. Topological forms as Networks and superorganisms.

Once we understand the worldcycle of life and death, we can put in perspective the ‘limited value’ of entropy in the making up of the organic Universe, as we have outlined the basic 5 Dimotions of space-time in previous paper, focused on the fundamental dimotions of the Universe: present balanced, ST-energy used for the reproduction of form. Since the Universe is a fractal that reproduces information, in new topological networks, starting from a first ‘seed’ that multiplies and then re-organizes itself into a replica of its ‘generator-mother’. This is the essence of reality not ENTROPY, just its limits of death by disorder and overdrive of motion.

As the 5 elements of the Universe – its 5 TT-Ts-ST-St-SS dimotions of exist¡ence combine space and time NOT to destroy reality but to reproduce it and conserve it.

Why then humans have such huge distortions in the basic concepts of reality, time, space, scale and mind; and there are so many ‘ascientific theories’ based in a single dimotion of time, the simplest one? Precisely because it is the simplest one. But also because SCIENCE IS CULTURE, and we have evolved a military culture of Entropic weapons of maximal motion that erase the information of mankind, killing life. So those who make weapons, the worldly profession of physicists, arrogantly think the Universe is also about entropy=death.

It is not/ The Universe is about the higher arrows of reproduction, S=T, and social evolution, St>SS, iteration and intelligence, the arrows of LOVE AND LIFE, and that is what makes it so perfect and superior to modern man…

The Universe is organic, made of vital space- networks that conform those superorganisms, since in fact topology describes the 3 varieties of ‘St-informative particle/heads’, Ts-limbs/fields and ST-body-waves of energy as ‘networks’ of smaller points (cells, atoms, individual humans) joined together whose form corresponds to its function. Let us then summarize that key concept that shows the organic purpose of the Universe.

The super organism is a system that reproduces itself, so it is self-sustainable, and doesn’t need the concourse of God. This is the view that starts with Aristotle and his ‘Organon’, follows through to Leibniz and his model of ‘relational space-time beings’, made of a finite number of time cycles and vital spaces with ‘vis viva’, momentum, and goes through XIX c. disciplines, from Darwin’s biology to Spengler’s super organisms of history and ends in systems sciences and the formal models of the fractal organic Universe, which I advanced during my tenure of duality at the International Systems society at the change of century.

In those conferences I also advanced the social, organic model of history as the super organism of mankind where the human being is a citizen cell organized by three physiological networks that must be designed with the laws of super organisms, which are:

  1. Cellular units. These are cells in a human body, citizens in a human society.

Networks of energy or vital space; provided by Gaia, a super-organism made of living beings, joined by a common network of visual information and networks of life energy, gathered around her ‘river veins’. Since Gaia is also the living organism that hosts the social organisms of Mankind.

  1. Networks=Languages of This is the nervous system that organizes cells in a body, or the verbal/visual information that organizes human societies through laws, ethics and art.
  2. Networks that reproduce energy and information. These are sexual systems in individuals; and economical networks that reproduce goods and cultural networks that define how humans reproduce in societies. This is the blood system in a human body and the economic networks of production & transport in a society that favor ‘WHealth’, that is, goods that satisfy the needs of the ‘3 physiological networks of life-existence that make us human beings, whose ‘proper frame of reference’ (left) is NOT based on financial values, manipulated by financial institutions and companies that set prices, but by ‘biological true values.’

Of all the elements of a supœrganism the most important is the head of information and its languages of perception of the universe, which are by definition, selfish, self-centered as they portray the universe from its survival subjective perspective.

All systems of nature can be modeled as super organisms of a certain scale of size, ruled by the scalar laws of all systems of the Universe, that co-exist at atomic/cellular/individual and gravitational/organic/social scales. As such their ‘cycles’ followed the scalar metric equation of ‘Deep time’ (Hutton, who discovered in geology, inventing the name of super organism for the Earth): S (space size=energy) x T (frequency of information clocks) = Constant, which means larger systems LIVE slower time-cycles than its parts, which STORE the information of the system in its faster frequency of time clocks.

So physical organisms are coded by quantum particles; biological ones by genes and human systems by memes that construct those super organisms of history,  from birth as a fast seed of information (crystal cell, semen, prophet with verbal memes) which will reproduce into similar clones (crystal units, multicellular organisms, identical beliefs of human beings in nations, civilization and religions); and become connected by informative nervous-political-gravitational and reproductive, blood-economic-electromagnetic systems… thus finally emerging as a larger superorganism.

Such super organisms then will be living 3 ages of increasing information, as the informative systems dominate the whole, and absorbs its energy, warping the system till its exhaustion and death (galaxies feeding its informative gravitational black hole, nervous systems wrinkling the vital body cells, human elites persisting the reproductive working class), which is an entropic explosion of that warped/wrinkled/absorbed energy: big-bang, m=e/c2, death, war).

The Universe is a fractal organism of 5 Dimotions of space-time, of which entropy, scattering internal and external motion is just the last state of an organism. And yet huminds have made of ‘entropy’, the fundamental ‘theory’ of reality, regardless of facts, by merely ‘dismissing’ all other dimotions as irrelevant to time, or secondary effects of reality – from crystal solids, to still particles, from vortices of informative gravitation to mental spaces. We thus have first to falsify the ‘main’ theories of huminds, biased to entropy in all ‘stiences’ of the Universe, and then study in the second part of this article, the true meaning of entropy as the limits of death in time, vital space and scalar perception, for the main systems of the Universe and its scales.




So we will expand some concepts not considered, regarding the ultimate cause of death: a mind-monad that exhausts the information of a system (internal death by wrinkling) vs. an external top predator that scatters the system, which is the TT-death; to show that in fact both SS-minds and TT-predators cause death by imbalance and ‘displacement’ of a being into a different plane of existence, a relatie TT-past or SS-future.

Only pure space=form and pure time=motion travel between 2 scales.   

The conservation of the quantitative number of ‘energy’ used by physicists is equivalent to the conservation of a Volume of space-time. The volume of a single spacetime plane of the Universe is equivalent to the quantity of any other ∆-scale. And all of them therefore transfer constantly energy and information between them. Yet more exactly what is transferred is entropy or form; since when energy or information leave a given plane, it ‘strips’ off one of its two components. It is then important to understand the difference between TT-entropy and SS-eeds which are not in the same plane of existence than Ts-locomotion and ST-energy. As energy is the parameter humans use between 2 scales. The difference will be essential as we advance the model and take on seriously the task of translating mathematical equations of physics with rigor.
Only entropy TT and pure form SS travels between scales. Ts, St and ST must leave behind one of the two elements to travel and that means either a ‘translation to other language’ or an extinction of the original form.

It is a fundamental law always shunned off since the neutrino proved it: The neutrino is NOT perceivable in this scale, as it travels likely faster than light in the lower gravitational scale; but it took part of the ‘energy’ of our plane as motion – did it carry also its information, its spin? I am afraid not, but we put it there, even if spin=form is NOT always conserved. A question fundamental to understand the neutrino theory of light. But of course, as usually Physicists are only ‘a la par’ with mystiques to see and interpret the invisible signs of reality into ‘models that are seldom truth but never in doubt’ (Landau) as with big-bang theories. So while we have NEVER measure directly the spin of a neutrino, which we know for values of pure motion (momentum-energy), every physicist will claim that Cowan, Lederman, Goldhaber an a long line have measured it, just by balancing the invisible momentum because a priori they decided momentum is conserved traveling between scales – which they do not recognize anyway. Fact is the non-transference of ‘energy and information together’ between 2 scales as that is the definition of death. Point to argue here is if the Neutrino is in the light scale – is not, and so when a particle which is a scale above produces a neutrino is NOT producing either motion or spin=form. As motion evidently is carried by Neutrinos, or else they would not exist at all. What is missed is the form, which in all other systems of reality also disappears after you die. So there you have one of the most profound all encompassing laws of 5D.

And so we show what happens in the paper of entropy and the Universe: a split of energy – in to form that goes one way through the height dimension of S-Information and normally scatters into death, while energy expands mostly as motion – entropy in the length dimension of ‘T-motion space’: The explanation is intuitive. A system can still send a ‘wave’ of cellular forms of any kind of seed or mental image that helps to reconstruct its system after it travels through channels of communication, mostly as waves that combine motion and form – the quintaessential form of energy, with the purpose of going faster according to 5D=SxT metric equations. So if we reduce the package to the essential information, we ensure the system transfers the message in a relative no-time quanta; but 2 scale beyond – that’s a long shot. That is the regio of ‘food’ and food is memoriless. The amino acids don’t tell us where they came from, or else they would NOT be food for us to reconstruct our form.

The antisymmetry of temporal information: Death

A consequence of the 3 ages of time is its antisymmetry as opposed to the bilateral, mirror symmetry of spatial forces: Time is antisymmetric as the old age is the inverse of the young age with the parameters of energy and information inverted. Youth has maximal energy and minimal information while the old age has minimal energy and maximal information. And yet many attitudes and processes might seem self-similar, if the researcher doesn’t know how to differentiate informative and energetic parameters, since those parameters might be quantitatively the same, only that inverted in value. Space is symmetric as left and right reproductions are mirrors of each other with the same parameters of information and energy. This explains why spatial reproduction happens only in the E=I, balanced classic age of the system, when both parameters are identical and a self-similar reproduction of a bilateral, spatial being is possible.

The understanding of the antisymmetry of time vs. the symmetry of spatial processes has wide applications in the solution of questions pending in all fields of research, from the understanding of the temporal, weak, informative force that has no bilateral symmetry to the ‘chiral’ processes of evolution of life forms vs. the symmetric shapes of self-similar left-right, spatial bodies to the meaning of ‘antisymmetric’ gender and the 2 ‘antisymmetric’ sides of the informative brain.

But the most important of all antisymmetries is that of death, which could be considered in the jargon of physics, a ‘local antisymmetry’ of time. Indeed, if life is the arrow of information towards the future e->I, death is the inverted arrow, i->E, that erases form back into energy; but this time travel to the past is always local, affecting only the limited world of the species, so antiparticles are the local antisymmetry of time that kills particles, death are the local antisymmetry that kills life and the big-bang the local antisymmetry that killed a previous Universe. And both directions are different, since ‘death’ lasts min. time and causes a maximal space expansion and life lasts max. time and expands minimally in space. Both balance reality in an eternal present of past to future to past existential fluctuations:

Life-future: Max. I x Min. E x Death-past: Max. E x Min. I= Immortal present: E=I

The understanding of that local antisymmetry is the key to resolve problems of physics such as the weak force, why we see less antiparticles or dead people than particles and life people (much longer in time), or the non-evaporation of black holes (as antiparticles are the same than the particle, albeit when moving to the past they seem to co-exist), and so on.

But its implications in biology and philosophy are much larger: we are ultimately ‘back and forth’ vibrations of space-time, virtual existences, dust of space-time that always revert into a zero-sum, which makes the Universe and its game eternal.

Recap. Old age has inverted exi parameters to the young age.

Mind’s murder.

In the graph, we exist as we travel a world cycle zero sum through the topological, temporal scales of the fifth dimension. The final state of existence is the entropic death when the mind splits pure form and pure motion. in the graph for physical and biological systems the moment in which form switches into motion or ‘entropic point of existience: §ð<<∂S

The mind is paradoxically enough the cause of entropy precisely by causing so much order and form in a system that it exhausts it, and so because the mind absorbs all energy in the system stopping form, once the mind perceives, what it has perceived becomes ‘entropy’ and disordered. So the mind causes the split of reality into the entropic dissolution that balances the absolute form it achieves. And so we can study the mind as the catalyzer of entropy at two levels:

  • The mind that brings the 3rd age of the being and then as time cannot stop once it become immobile, it explodes into the age of entropic death: §ð<<∂S
  • The mind that splits a flow of information into the pixels ‘reduced’ vision of the world and the ‘reminder’ heat expelled and wasted, in each act of perception.

So as usually in the duality of ∑ actions = Worldcycle, we can study the mind in its microstates of actions provoking entropy in all what it wastes after absorption of energy or information and we can study the mind in its macrostate and worldcycle as the cause of the entropic death of the

Biologic systems die due to the excessive informative absorption of energy by the top predator mind and the enclosing membrane.

So biological death is obviously the reversal of the process of warping in an excess of skin and memory, of space and time, of the mind membrain and its two dimensions.

When the system gets older the membrain detaches itself of the body and the mind forgets the body functions for the memorial thought of time past. And so finally the detachment breaks the connection of the 3 ‘present parts’ that split apart:

Since that equation includes the 3 essential arrows of the Universe, not only one arrow as a clock does:

The arrow of past spatial entropy, $p; the arrow of temporal information, SS, and the product of them, C, A CONSTANT balance, or arrow of reproduction.

It is also obvious that mathematically we can express the previous equation in 3 forms:

Max. S x Min. T = K ;      S=C=T      and Min. S x Max. T=C.

Thus there are 3 possible stages or ages of evolution of the equation of biological time. And since we are all made of ‘energy’ and ‘temporal information’, those 3 stages must be the stages, or phases of any system of the Universe. This finding, which is perhaps the most important discovery of Theory of Time of the XXI century, is validated by all kind of empirical observations. For example, the 3 states of matter correspond to those 3 equations. Gas (maximal energy), liquid (balanced) and solid (Maximal information. They are also the 3 possible solutions of a cosmological system: the big bang of maximal energy, a steady state of balance and a big crunch of maximal information. In the graph, we show further examples of those equations.

Its application extends in 5D to life and history. If we call the age of maximal locomotion, youth, the energy age of balance between the reproductive, mature age, and the age of maximal information the old age, we have a simple description of the fundamental cycle of life and death through its energy and information.

But we can also write those dynamic processes backwards. And so we have the inverse equation of life ages, the equation of death, when after accumulating maximal information, a species reverses its arrow of information and explodes that information into energy. It is the process or equation of death.

Life grows temporal information, as time increases the form of beings, TT-> SS, and death its inversion, Ts> St.

So simple, so beautiful, so misunderstood by mechanist scientists, who think the previous equation is ‘uncertain’, because the observer can perceive a particle in any of those 3 states (Uncertainty principle of quantum physics).

The reason why death exists in a perfect, immortal Universe is obvious: if species only evolved socially towards more information, they would end into a ‘big crunch’. So the Universe and all its parts should have, long ago, reached a point of  maximal density, with no return. To avoid this, the ‘game of life and death’ exists, whereas death is the opposite arrow to , as it dissolves the networks that put together individual cells, breaking the super-organism back into its parts. But we are now concerned with the arrow of life.

The ±1 social arrow has, in fact, 2 directions:

The positive, +1, social arrow of cellular evolution creates life and makes a being emerge at birth.

The -1, negative arrow of cellular dissolution kills life and dissolves a being into its cells and atoms. Thus, it is the key arrow of the life/death cycles that clock-time misses. Hence the enormous simplification of those 4 time-arrows, brought about by clocks, which in Physics, since Galileo, only measure the first and most simple of those arrows, the energy of motion.

The result of adding both – the life and the death processes – in any system or scale of reality is a ‘zero-sum’ of information+entropy that cyclically returns reality to its initial form, in a dynamic, multiple steady state balance that affects any entity of reality. The study of that process of creation and dissolution of complex structures, however, cannot be made with translational time, (v=S/T), the realm of physics, but it needs to understand biological, morphological time – the life/death cycle. Those ages explain precisely what physicists, stuck in the study of time as movement in space, will never understand: the meaning of the life and death cycle that creates and extinguishes societies (super-organisms of History ) and all kind of beings that exist in space and time. In biological time all universal species follow the same ‘morphological changes’, described by the wisdom of verbal thought as the meaning of life, each one ruled by one of the 3±1   change=time:

+1: Conception:  ruled by form (Morphogenesis in still space), as a micro-organism or cell transcends into a macro-organism, organized by social networks.

1st age:                  Youth or Age of motion.

2nd age:             Reproduce its energy.

energy and information are balanced

3rd age:                All energy and motion becomes information.

-1:Death:               The inverse of conception when the super-organism dissolves back into cells.

Death equations: ∆+1<<∑∆-1

Death is a lower descend two scales fro ∆1 to ∆-1 of a ternary super organism extending on Ξ planes of existence. As such it creates a blast of entropy-motion in relative infinitesimal quanta of time, t->0, expanding past the c-onstant of speed of the system, V>>C, as the information of the whole disintegrates travelling to the past.

The equations of ¾ as well as those of quantum physics allow for both simultaneity in space and non-locality, due to the explosion in space at V>>c of such a system, which makes it seem simultaneous and past travelling of information, which is the real event of death.

What this means is that the information of the system, and paramount to it the soul, @ª•… will travel to the past and we shall consider the implications n different analysis of those tests:

Graphic representations of the 3±¡ ages of existence.

Humans perceive simultaneously the 3 ages of some species too small and fast to differentiate them. As particles in bubble chamber or cars in the night, we see the long time of the species – an entire spiral vortex with the 3 ages of a space-time being.  In the next graph, such long world-line, or life-graph is in fact a spiral in terms of spatial population and cyclical speed: The organism looses mass and accelerates inwards its form as it becomes slimmer in space. The first age of the spiral is its energetic mouth that brings in a galaxy the interstellar dust, which will give birth to stars, in the middle, reproductive age and will collapse in the center, the informative black hole:

Any form can be represented in a spiral graph of space-time. For example, the evolution of the FMI complex with its 800-80-8 cycles of increasing informative evolution is an spiral of 3 horizons in a decametric scale: 800 years civilizations, 80 years nations and 8 years ‘decades’, in which the product is evolving faster and now becomes integrated by networks. This 3-horizon evolving ternary network, central to social sciences can be also represented in a spiral of accelerated birth and death of human civilizations destroyed by wars. Any mass or charge is in fact a natural spiral, through which photons and gluons become denser till collapsing in the bigger particle, as interstellar gas does in a galaxy. All those spirals can be seen as equivalent to the world-lines of lineal physics, now world-cycles of a living organism both in time and space, as a whole or as a wave of evolving particles.

Cyclical time: expanding Einstein’s principle of equivalence to historic vortices.

The essential concept of General Relativity is the principle of equivalence between acceleration and gravitation. Both are the same. Yet as physical acceleration is maximal in a vortex, VoxRo=K, a vortex IS accelerated Time and as a vortex increases the frequency of the cycle, inwards, diminishing the ‘lineal timespace’ of each cycle, time accelerates its information as it SHORTENS its periods. This fully accounts for the arrow of future time that increases information in 5D spacetime theory and applies to all systems of time, including Physics (laws of forces), evolution (Laws of species), History and the Earth at large:

The main arrow of future time which is an accelerated vortex of evolution of cyclical form, departing from a simpler relative past of entropic slower time cycles (the only arrow of time studied by physicists), to a faster more informative future of higher informative content.

A ‘vortex of accelerated informative time cycles’ is essential to all systems of Nature, albeit not understood by ‘primitive huminds’ still stuck in the study of simple spacetime locomotions (one-dimensional analysis of time in physical sciences) and its reductionist 4D models. So let us illustrate what a vortex of accelerated time is precisely with the most advanced work of Physicists, specifically Einstein’s work on accelerated vortices of physical space-time called masses:

Down the graph, in 5D, the explanation of forces and its proper unification is rather simple, as each main scale of space-time will display ‘attractive accelerated vortices’ of time-space which are the relative dimotion of future of physical systems (Equivalence principle of Relativity between mass and acceleration). There are 3 scales and vortices of ‘accelerated time’ that carry the information of the Universe in the frequency and form of those cycles: charges in the microcosms, thermodynamic eddies in our scale and masses in the larger cosmological scale. A simple proof also from classic Planck & Einstein’s equations: E=hƒ+ E=mc² gives us M=(h/c²) ƒ.

So Mass is the product of a constant number (h/c²) multiplied by the frequency of its accelerated attractive vortex, which attracts more the faster it turns till reaching the c-speed turning speed of the black hole in its horizon vortex: as in a hurricane that attracts more the faster it turns, smaller, faster turning electromagnetic forces attract more than slow large mass vortices (solving the hierarchy problem of gravitational forces much weaker than electromagnetic ones).

Then just by applying the simplest metric equations of 5D that all physical systems follow: S x ƒ = k  (size in space x frequency in its rotary motion are inverse – so the smaller a system in space is the faster it will accelerate its time cycles), we can make sense of the mass of particles. Further on, we can unify with those metric equations the 3 scales of physics, as the equations of a time mass vortex becomes those of a charge vortex, when we ‘accelerate’ and diminish its size in 5D metric. So a galaxy is equivalent to an atom and a black hole to a proton of the lower accelerated plane. The next graph, from the seminal book of Bio-history, Bio-economics: a theory of Unification’ C.92, the vortex of History which follows the same laws of any vortex of time, regardless of ‘spatial form’:

Scalar big-bangs are the entropy dimotion of the Universe.

We left for the end, the study of entropy in the cosmological scale, which is the inverse function of the creation of a vortex of mass-information. Entropy of vacuum space thus balances the implosive gravitational force of galaxies. Yet for physicists to be able to deny that balance they have developed an entropic theory where only vacuum space matters and matter does not matter at all (:

The duality of death in history.

In history death also occurs by an excess of information in the 3rd age of the being, followed by an entropic war, when technological information preys over human beings as weapons kill our bodies and go(l)d our minds.

We observe the 3 ages in a circular form, with the Paleolithic youth or past energetic age in the center, the balanced Neolithic in the right and the animetal age in the left, the 3rd age of excess of information and death in a neo-Paleolithic of the new species, the machine that closely resembles our Paleolithic, depicted in closer view in the next graphs:

We represent the wave equation of history in two formats as a transversal wave and as a vortex of time, accelerating its information inwards.

The equation of history  is a cyclical wave equation of evolutionary systems that shows the fluctuation between predating radiations of extinctive metal-species and human species.

The equation in that sense is similar to the Volterra curves of predation, which slowly but steadily and an accelerate rate provoke the extinction of a species by its predators, parasites and competitors.

It is an evolutionary equation, which started with the arrival of metal. It accelerated to 80 years with the arrival of machines and it has accelerated again to 8 years with the arrival of chips.

So in the past new machines appeared only 800 years and so we had 7 cycles of war and extinction of civilizations and the weapons that caused them, studied in the right side of this blog: bronze swords, chariots, iron, coins and mercenary armies, spur cavalry, gunpowder and machines… Now we have shorter 8 years cycles of electronic wars and digital weapons (robots and bombs researched with computers). And each of those evolutions of weapons caused the extinction of civilizations in worldwide ages of war.

The duality of graphs of waves of existence: Cyclical vs. lineal waves.

All this said it is obvious that we can represent in phase mental space, which ultimately are all the spaces of the Universe (see Universe in space), the cycle of existence either in cylical or lineal forms:

The equivalent graph in lineal time will give us a bell curve – the lineal version of a cyclical life-line: The speed of time/information changes during the ages of life, shaping a bell curve, such as the st-1 age is the fastest age of informative evolution, which diminishes in the young age to a halt, when the speed of cellular reproduction and energetic growth becomes maximal, both reach a steady state in the mature age, of SóT, rhythmic back and forth beats; and then in the 3rd age energy decelerates first and then information decelerates and collapses till death provokes a maximal explosion of information into energy. Those phases of different speeds of energy and information can be generalized to any system and event that will always go through 3 ages: an accelerated seminal and young age of increase of form and energy, a steady state of constant speed and a decelerated age till the system comes to a halt and the event dies away.

One of the key quantitative elements that connect the 4th and 3rd paradigm of metric measure is the fact that not only each species has a different rhythm of change and clock of time, but the same species changes its time rhythms and speeds through its 3 ages. This feature is fundamental to understand all processes that involve evolution, from the different masses of ‘gravitational vortices’ of information, ruled by the equation of a vortex (VtxRs=k in simplified notation; thus the closer to the center, the faster we rotate, the faster the frequency of information of the vortex and the shorter the space we need to close a frequency cycle), to the evolutionary process of information in this planet, which can be mapped out and its frequency shown to follow a logarithmic process of acceleration, which now reaches its zenith with the creation of informative machines. In that regard we can consider the following ‘speeds of time’ of any event or self-similar ternary topology of energetic youth/membrane, reproductive maturity and informative, 3rd age (hyperbolic center of a system):

-st-1: Seminal age: Informative evolution is maximal, since the system occupies minimal space (Black hole paradox: Min. Se=Max.Ti). It is the palingenetic age.

– Energetic Youth: Evolution of information decelerates after the ‘landing’ of the species in the higher St-plane. Now acceleration of energy takes place.

-Reproductive, mature, steady state: Both energy and information maintain a constant speed in St=Ts (ST) feedback cycles, which will last depending on the access of the event to new energy and directional information.

–  3rd age: Now both energy first and then information follow a decelerated process of collapse; first energy becomes exhausted and then…

Death: Information collapses, exploding into its st-1 scale of cellular energy in a relative zero time (the minimal unit of time of the st-scale). Death is the fastest motion of the Universe.

,Recap. In physical terms the 3 ages of biological change can be considered the positive, accelerated youth, the reproductive, present age of constant speed, in which humans repeat themselves and the 3rd negative, decelerated age of temporal age, or 3rd age, which ends in death, when the balance of the Universe is restored.

 In the graph, a classic, Taoist representation of the 3 ages of life and its inverse parameters of youth (max. energy) and old age (max Information) represented by the triads of the I Ching, and a modern graph of duality showing those parameters as a semi-cycle, which in certain simple beings like light are in fact both the ages of time of a physical wave and its form in space, as light quanta, h=exi, is indeed both our basic cycle of time and surface of energetic space of which all are made.

One of the oldest graphs from 92.c. ‘The error of Einstein’, pioneer book on 5D physics is the understanding of a

Galaxy as a representation of the game of existence, and its deep metaphysical implications in terms of mental spaces, which summarizes in a huge metaphysical thought regarding the way a mind perceives a mental space:

Minds diminish the information they observe from reality as reality becomes further away in ∆ST distances (scale, form or motion), to a point in which they only perceive the purest forms of mental space, which are the waves of existence in cyclical form (our perception of the galaxy) or lineal form (our perception of the light of the quantum scale, or in scalar form (fractal perception of networks in hyperbolic space).

We resume in the graph, this key insight on the nature of space: we see a higher world as an elliptic curved geometry, a lower world as as a lineal entropic geometry and in between scales we see fractal hyperbolic networks, as those 3 ‘existential’ views are parallel to the roles we play for a larger system, for which we are ‘entropic cells’, the role a lower system plays for usl as it is our food-space and the game we play in between scales as we form social networks with similar beings. So the existential game becomes a game of survival by selecting information in the right form to the function the system plays in those 3 mental spaces. This is the ultimate meaning of vital geometry and as a secondary key outshoot of it we can find the paradoxes of perception of ages, scales and topologies.




Look around you. All what you see is a form with motion. It might be at rest but it will be moving respect to another point of view (ab. Pov), which is moving but feels himself at rest. This is all the whys physicists so far have answered about motion.

All ‘moves’ and doesn’t move. If we call the state of motion entropy and the state of no-motion, form. And the combinations of motion and form, ‘momentum’, when taken step by step. Or when measured in a longer interval, ‘forms in action’ in-form-ations’ if the form dominates. Or ‘energetic motions’, if the entropy≈motion dominates.

And the whole process of the event we analyze from the initial state of form with no entropy=motion, through the motions of in-form-ation and energy, till its final state back to form, a worldcycle… We Do have all what we need to explain the rhythms, beats, and timespace events of the Universe. So if we put then in a series, it is easy to see the sequence of a worldcycle of ‘tao’, of timespace, of ‘exist¡ence’, of ‘science’:

Worldcycle: Form<Motion>Energy>Information>Form<motion… and then we restart again.

The reader might think such series are simple and inconsequential, but when we proper understand the rhythms of creation of minds-mirrors-forms, with it, the modes of creation of species, or the world cycle of life and death, departing of such simple game of 5 dimotions of time-space he might think otherwise – a seed of form, moves in entropic fashion and live through the rainbow of color-states of a world cycle of existence:

Indeed, this simple scheme will as we iterate and combine those elements into the myriad of sums and variations that web reality, explain all worldcycles of existence from the worldcycle of life and death, to the worldcycle of evolution of species…

In the graph we can see how all systems are born as a see of form, which emerges into a larger scale with maximal entropy-motion, then passes through an age of energy and reproduces, becoming informed till an old age of pure form when again becomes dissolved into an explosion of entropy and motion. In physics this simple scheme gives birth to the states of matter between plasma and nuclear death, in life to the states between the seminal seed that emerges as a child that lives three ages through an entropic youth, an energetic mature, reproductive age and a third age of information that explodes into entropic death, dissolving its structures. Societies suffer the same evolution departing from its founding seed, a memetic prophet and book of revelation, dying in the entropic death caused by the germs of history, weapons and wars… So indeed, all systems follow similar cycles because they are all made of relational space-time.

If SS-mind and TT-entropy find themselves in opposite realms meeting the duality of death, the true beauty of the Universe is their rapprochement in the balance of ST as they come together in the gender bender of lineal male locomotions and female informative vortices, which finally merge (St<->Ts; S=T) as one becomes the other and reproduce its form. This balanced ‘birth of life, beauty, creation and energy of reproduction’ is the true miracle of the Universe that entropic humans and its ‘animetal dominant cultures’ always missed; even if their most cherished science, physics is based on its discovery, they called relativity and we shall call the…

Galilean Paradox: S≤=≥T: Relativity of space Dimensions=Forms=Motion in time: The 5 Universal Dimotions

Galileo’s time and space Principle of Relativity is the fundamental conceptual thought behind the relationship between time=motion and space=form and how one can be converted into another: All what exists is made of space=form and time=motion. And yet physicists know that we cannot distinguish motion from form. That any being in motion from its point of view seems to be still and all other things moving around it. This is the principle of Relativity of motion.

Physicists then without much thought about that fascinating duality, went on to use mathematics to calculate the relative motion of each entity of reality respect to other system, which seems static from both points of view. This is called Galilean relativity, latter refined by Einstein’s relativity, and essentially is concerned with the mathematical calculus of what we shall call the 2nd Dimotion of time=change, locomotion. Fine, but we are more interested on the duality of space=form and motion=time and its entangled relationships –the reasons why we do NOT see together motion and form, even if all systems have both.

The conclusion is then rather obvious: one of the two parameters of reality is ‘hidden’ to perception; we either see motion or form, ‘waves or particles’ (quantum complementarity), distances and lines or points in motion (as in the night when fast cars in a picture appear as lines). So physicists calculate only one when in fact we must assess the existence of 2; and since we cannot distinguish them, logically we must equal them. ‘Form=motion-function; space=time; S=T’.

Relativity then becomes a duality, S=T, which is at the heart of every law of the Universe. But which one is the ‘fundamental’ element? Obviously time=motion. Space is a “Maya of the senses” – a slice of time motion. The ultimate substance is motion. Form is what a ‘still mind’, makes of that motion to ‘perceive’, information, forms-in-action.

Since we see Earth still and flat but it is round and moving. Galileo’s profession was ballistics – the study of cannonballs motion. So he chose ONLY motion and lost the chance to start physics with a complex philosophical understanding of its S=T dual Principle of relativity, which Poincare defined latter clearly when he said that ‘we cannot distinguish motion from stillness’. An example is quantum/relativity duality. In detail quantum space has ‘dark energy’ because it has expansive motion that extends into a plane of space, but when seen at larger scales without detail its entropic motion seems static space – a dual area of scattering length and width. So in the galaxy we see either dark energy motion or expanding space: T=S. A motion of time is equivalent to a dimension of space: Distance and motion cannot be distinguished so they must be taken as two side of the same being, a space=time Ðimotion:

S= T; Dimension-Distance = Time-motion = ST Ðimotion

We must stress the enormous importance of this equation of present reproduction, which creates a symmetry between space topologies and time ages, space forms and time functions. A simple example will suffice:

In the Universe if we were to picture the ‘big-bang theory’ (even though we reject it as a whole cosmic theory, it might make sense if we were in an entropic gaseous ‘galatomic’ region of the upper hyperuniverse) NOT in time but in space, the cosmic radiation will be a wall of fire, that surrounds as a ‘cell wall’ the whole region of space-time galaxies we perceive. The wall of fire of the Universe is its maximal speed membrane of 10-100Z and the point of maximal density within is the great attractor that will make the Universe a closed self-contained superorganism of galatoms. It is then time or space? Beginning or frontier? Both.

In our ‘future paper on calculus’ – the science of time change in its mathematical form; the concept of a limit where a function can be established with certainty, either in space and time, plays a similar role to the ‘barrier of entropy: entropy then becomes the uncertain infinity beyond the limits in which the function is definable. While the coordinates center becomes the reference point or mind who has such limits of perception of the function.

Why if the Earth moves in time, we see it as a still form in space? Because Reality is a constant game of infinite motions, but the mind focus in stillness those motions, and measures them at distances. For ‘huminds’ motion is relative to our systems of measure and perception, which are light-based; hence a fixed c-rod speed/distance. Reason why Einstein’s relativity postulates a maximal T:c-speed, measured as if observer and observable were still to each other (Constant S); which at our scale we ‘correct’ with Lorentz Transformations.

But physicists just substitutes the Earth’s still distances for motions, and it took another 300 years for Einstein to realize the relativity of motion and its measure made essentially time and space, motion and form two sides of the same coin. Still this realization was not explored philosophically and so it gave birth to a series of ill-understood dualities between ‘states of measure and form’ (particles, head gauging form, in-form-ation) and ‘states of motion’ (wave states).

The 5 dimotions of space-time as inner and outer motions.

A more precise definition specially for physical sciences of the previous 5 ‘states’ of spacetime deals with the concept of internal and external motion (which has deep implications for relativity and so we will expand it in the paper ‘physics and space-time’. Any cyclical time-space organism, even the simple circle divides space-time into an inner and outer region (knot theory, membranes of all topological systems). We talk of internal and external motion and form in a system. As it is evident that external motion in a larger world is bigger than a being’s internal motion. So little motion means internal motion, t and a lot of motion external motion. Thus we define the 5 dimensional motions of space-time with more finesse. Whereas capital letters, S & T mean external and small letters t and s mean internal (as the internal part have less volume, are smaller than the outer world).

Ts is external motion (T) and internal form (s): It is classic locomotion, where the internal system doesn’t move but it translates in the external world. This is what physicists mostly study, and they still wonder why when a material system moves, the ‘center of gravity’ seems fixed. But what internal part? The answer is the mind-brain; the system that perceives information; as the limbs/fields move a body over which a particle-head gauges that information:

-St is therefore information, where externally there is no motion (S) and internally the ‘mind-mapping’, that mirrors the outer world becomes a form-in-motion, in-form-ation, processed by the brain, particle, crystal image, cpu… It is a fascinating fact that we, the thinkers, spend so much time, still; so Leibniz could spend days seat on a chair thinking, that in sleep more brain activity happens and more hormonal languages develop.

– ST or st is then balanced internal-external motion vs. form, or energy, of which there are two varieties we ad, Ts-kinetic energy akin to locomotion, (mv2/2; where as you can observe the ‘motion’ provided by v is squared, so it is more important than the mass/form) and St-potential energy, where the energy is store internally in the different tensions and cyclical patterns of the system, but externally it is all position. Energy then is the balanced sum of both, St+Ts=ST and it is the essential law of physics that a system constantly balances both (SMH motions; Lagrangian actions which are its difference tending to zero (St-Ts=0, St=Ts). Existential energy is thus the mother of all battles, and we could state that in a ‘given plane of exist¡ence’, energy never dies, but constantly transforms between the informative, potential energy state and the kinetic, locomotion states.

This leave us the 2 limits of pure form, SS, Ss, which correspond to ‘seeds’ and ‘mind-languages’ with null motion, (which following our formalism should be written Ss, but my lazy ‘fingers’ often repeat 2 SS, sorry)

And Tt (written TT often… lazy f…), which we shall call entropy or scattering or death or disorder, as when a system moves internally and externally it is really disorganizing its structure and ultimately as in expansive big-bangs of mass, or death processes of corruption, all parts go away and the system dies.

For example war is the Tt entropic state of a superorganism of history, a social mass of ∆+1 humans in time, when there are external motion (armies invading enemy nations) and internal motion (troops invading internally the country), which ends is the massacre of people. At individual level today, children, as humanity enters its age of entropy as it becomes obsolete, degraded and likely soon substituted by machines and chips and robots, is clearly suffering an entropic age, sometimes called A.D.D.

The child has maximal external motion (as we shall see due to the correspondence of STates and ST-ages of life) but today has also maximal internal ADD motion in the brain, filled with virtual hypnotic fiction bull$hit, from mental machines that are disordering us in what we call the Neo-paleolithic age of History. For physical systems Tt is also death as the system explodes, scatters and its internal parts move externally. So yes, those 5 Dimotions apply from the simplest particle to the more complex superorganism of history.

In physics this prolegomena will become then fundamental to understand the principles of Relativity, the fact that we cannot distinguish motion from form, S for T and both therefore must be put together in ‘dimotions’. So we shall see that the fundamental equation of the Universe is SóT (ab.S=T). As there is a constant dynamic transference of Motion and Form between the inner and outer world, which allows a system to transit between the 5 Dimotions of existence.

Quantum motions vs. continuous derivatives.

We shall introduce now one of the ‘mantra themes’ of all the introductions to 5D theory, which we will expand greatly as we revise those texts, as it is the ‘central piece’ of any physical theory of motion.

With physicists definition of time as locomotion (Ts) we can only understand very simple spatial motions with NO inner change on them (s-patial form in Ts is fixed). This is reflected in the use of ‘present=instant derivatives’ which do not admit ‘peaks’ of changes of STages for physical systems. Since the calculus of locomotions uses ‘instants of present=finitesimal derivatives’ that don’t apply to ‘change of internal parameters’, to inner motions necessary to change STages of life, where the system switches from external to internal motion; as it stop and goes through its existence. So for example, the change from youth to maturity, Ts>ST means a change of ‘s’ to S, from internal no-motion to internal change in information that brings up the reproduction of the system.

This is the key to the whole structure of change in the Universe, which happens with the interplay of internal and external motion and form. I.e. when we act, we first ‘stay put’ as form, but our mind is ‘thinking’, having internal motion, and so we think what we shall act, and then we act, and our mind is ‘stopping’ it has no internal motion. So the fundamental event of motion v. thought is St (internal motion, external form) < = > Ts (internal form, external motion). In those systems a continuous calculus approach fails totally to understand the quantum stop < go process.

In the stop process information is processed internally, as ‘small caps’. motion, ‘t’; collapsed as a a wave (physical systems), processed in a dream state (life organisms), thought of (humans); in the go process, the information is repeated by a quantum wave; reproduced externally by a mitosis cell, projected by a mind, reproduced by a seed… The examples are many as those stœps ARE the main whys of the fractal Universe, which is a reproductive organism.

A key to all of those events are the ‘Stœps’; changes of states, quantum by quantum of Space ó motion transformations in the inner and outer regions of the being, in the different scales of the Universe.

There is not a personal god indeed but if there were one designing such perfect Universe I would like to share his thoughts. You have always a ‘cyclical time membrane’ that separates an inner and outer world. One of them might be in motion, one might be still, the combinations of those possibilities and all its changes, either one by one, or two by two, in infinite stœps of infinite beings describes almost all realities. Some are more important than others; some sequences of changes are fundamental as the sequence of the worldcycle.

And then there is the way the mind selects certain states and ignores others, like in a movie picture. Consider two of them that are inverse and will come up many times, and when we increase in a future review the complexity of those physical texts with advanced maths will show the full beauty of the mathematical mirror of physic:

– St: The perception of motion as stillness: In this ‘series’ the mind does NOT perceive the motion STage at all, only the stop State, and as such it explains why the earth is moving but the mind sees it still.

– Ts: Perception of stillness as motion: in this view, the mind doesn’t perceive the state of wave-motion, but only the series of still, informative positions. It explains why we see motion on systems that are still, as frames of a movie.

We either perceive the wave state or the particle, still state but NOT both at the same time, because then we would see a jerky Universe.

In the mathematical mirror it means we can have either a topological, geometric analysis or a calculus, changing analysis; we can define reality in terms of ‘continuous functions’ or we can consider discrete approaches.

But what is a deeper truth? Not the continuous but the discrete, stop and go approach as we show in our paper on 5D mathematics and time (Calculus).

It is then essential to grasp that motion and form co-exist as 2 different states depending on 5D scale and detail: Motions are perceived by minds that stop motion into form, into information, as distances. So if we see slow motion in the night, a car’s headlight seems a long distance line ‘still’ picture. But this means also that the 3 ‘Euclidean still dimensions’ must have motion; they are ‘bidimensional ST-holographic, topologic dimotions’. So we have 3 Space + 1 Time + 1 5th dimension of scales = 5 Dimensional motions. None of them is a Dimension of pure spatial form or a pure time motion but a combination of both. Even if mentally we reduce motion and focus on forms, all has motion=time, and form =space: this is the meaning of ‘spacetime’, the messing of both into 5 dimotions, the fundamental element of all realities.

Relativity states ‘we cannot distinguish motion=time from position=space’. So all what exists is a composite of both, undistinguishable S=T, 5 ‘Dimensional motions’ (Ab. Dimotions), broken in infinite fractal, vital time space organisms, composed of topological Dimotions: height=information; length=locomotion; width=reproduction; form=social evolution of parts into wholes & entropy=dissolution of a whole into its parts in a lower scale of the fifth dimension (term we keep for the whole range of scales of the Universe); whose study is both mathematical, the main science that studies how those 5 Dimotions entangle in simultaneous Space, connected to each other topological adjacent parts, which create supœrganism, and Logic; the main science of time that observes how those pentalogic, entangled supœrganisms move and evolve, change in sequential relational time, living a worldcycle of life and death.

And since there is nothing else than time and space, those 2 experimental primary ‘mirror-sciences’ of time and space become the most important to extract the ‘Disomorphic=laws’ of those 5 Dimotions that all systems have in common. Since while those Dimotions are broken, in vital organisms, separated by cyclical time membranes, they are the same.

In the graph Galilean relativity was ill understood, as the true question about time-change is why ‘the mind sees space as a still continuum, when in detail is made of smaller self-similar quanta, in motion. The paradox defines mental spaces as still simplified views of the more complex whole. The 3 ¡logic paradoxes of space topology (closed in-form-ative curved-O vs. |-open, free entropic lineal forms), time-motion (stillness vs. motion) and ∆-scale, (continuous whole vs. discrete forms; single scale vs. multiple one)s, are essential to the perception of a simplified ‘spatial mind universe’ in a single flat still plane vs. the full, more detailed complex picture in time, of a curved, discrete and moving Universe. Those paradoxes resume the 5 elements of reality, Space=form, time=motion, scales and the mind that measures them, within its own entropic limits.

Galilean Px. S=T explains the existence of mind-spaces based in linguistic forms, whose equation is the basis of the psychology of the mind – the ego paradox, and the processes of creation of scales (seeds, minds, genetics.)

Descartes was fully aware that what he had in the mind was not the whole Universe, so he expressly stated the fact, differentiating the ‘world’ of a human mind, from the infinite other worlds that exist outside, establishing in his little known book, the ‘world’, this difference, affirming that his ‘Cartesian Frame of reference’, was only that of the human mind. So he described a Universe as the sum of ∞ mind-worlds that don’t speak the same languages or create the same reality mappings ‘huminds’ create. But all entities that exist were made of: Open §pace, he called ‘res extensa’; closed, cyclic ðimes, he called ‘vortices’ & – realizing the only proof he had of the existence of vortices and res extensa is the fact he perceived them (‘I think therefore I am’) he added the mind, which in 5D Metrics (Sxð=c) is the smallest informative mirror that stores max. information by expelling all redundant, ‘reproductive motion’ becoming a still language; hence also the Generator of all digital numbers:

0 x ∞=K

0-finitesimal spatial mind x ∞ time cycles = Constant mind-world:  §@(mind space)<≈>∆ð (universal cycles)

Origin of the Ego paradox, the key to psychology, subjective human cultures, religions & ‘ænthropic’science: ‘Every mind measures reality from its biased p.o.v. confusing the ∞ Universe with its ‘finitesimal self-centered world’

The universe has infinite such mind-mirrors depending on the forces used to gauge the external world, which bounces on a limited quantity of its scales of space.

Humans perceive the range of scales of the frequency of light between red and blue social density of colors. But infinite other minds with different detail according to the quantitative pixels they absorb (max. S = Min.t) maximal for smaller sixes will determine the intelligence of the system. Mind languages map reality into spatial forms. It is the ‘intelligent’ still spatial limit of reality, as all what exists are disordered entropic motions=forces and ‘minds’, particles-heads whose logic & mathematical languages create a territorial body order that forms of reality. ‘Vital motions and perceptive minds’ make up a ‘vital, perceptive, intelligent’ Universe. Since particles have all the 5 Dimotions, gauging information, decoupling=reproducing & evolving social with magnetic fields.

So creation of reality scales is a simple game, in which a point mind ‘reduces reality’ to its infinitesimal form and then projects into its local territory of order, which will reflect at scale, the larger whole or world, which the linguistic image reduced and then enlarged back into its territorial form: Fractal points unlike Euclidean ones are points with parts, as we come into its scale grow in size and display the 3 minimal parts of all of them, its area, frequency of angular momentum, and central Active Magnitude, the ‘singularity’ – focus of charge, mass, forces or informative minds. Minds are thus also reproductive functions across ‘scales’ of the fifth dimension, which reduce and project its mirror-image in its body-territory of order.

Humans have reduced the 5 dimotions of timespace to the one used in the wordly religion of physicists, our popes of time – locomotion and entropy, since physicists do weapons of entropic destruction and trasnsport machines. And minds are ego-centered and proyect what they know to model reality as ‘themselves’. So we first had anthropomorphic Gods and thought to be the center of the Universe. Then we talked words and thought God named things to create. Now physicists make entropic machines and use digital numbers to measure reality with those machines so they model the Universe as a machine, have entropic destructive theories of reality (big-bangs) and reduce the 5 Dimotions of spacetime to the ones they machines use, entropy and locomotion and very slowly as they know use computers have become interested by the dimensional motions of information, but Humind’s astounding arrogance and desire to the be center of the Universe will ever prevent us to understand information, because form IS a mental, linguistic, still mind mapping that requires to accept for reality the sentient properties we jealously keep for ourselves. So if you are humble enough to witness a symphony which you still don’t understand as you don’t yet know its basic sounds and harmonies, keep reading.

In the graph, regardless of egocy that reduces sensorial, sentient survival ‘rights’ to nitrolife species, with a simple 7-electronic brain clock in its amino rings, and reproductive ones to its phosphorated carbon DNA helices LIFE starts in the particles of the atom. Your mind is electronic, your information is coded in spins, and any other atom in proper liquid conditions might evolve into complemntary life forms according to the laws of formal space and time motions, of topology and vital functions, described with the existential ¡logic of Generational Space-time.

Entanglement though implies the simultaneous convergence in a fractal point of present of motion=time, form=space, limits=entropy, scalar planes=organic networks and a common language spoken by all those elements that become integrated into a whole. And this complex entanglement of 5 elements or ‘dimensional motions’, TT-entropy, Ts-motion, TS-iterative reproduction, St-information and SS-language, creates reality with enormous determinism despite its ‘apparent fragility’.

The Unit of life IS the atom, not the DNA ensemble, and as such we must depart in our construction of the mind from its electronic orbitals; each one a dimension of information, whose spin are the smallish apertures of our π-cycle, the eyes of the quark mind that measure of the external motions of those atoms with the quantum computing of its spins.

Monads order the Universe from its ilogic point of view.

The fundamental unit of information of the universe, its fundamental particle is NOT a detail, a given physical form, which would make easy the description of reality with a ‘constructivist’ philosophy of science, as the one sponsored by Physicists. We would just start with the description of the Nucleon and its beta decay into ± proton masses and electronic charges, which become Hydrogen atoms and in the upper scale of the ‘galatom’, unit of the hyper-universe, in the self-similar quasar big-bang cycle of its black holeµproton… And enlightened by the findings of Non-Euclidean mathematics and Non-Aristotelian algebra resolve the conundrums of physics, pack a few Nobel prizes and go back home. But it is NOT that easy. The Universe is NOT that retarded. It is a magnificent game of exist¡ences, defined by LOGIC principles, related to its two essential poles, ‘form’, in-form-ation and motion, time.

And yet because each fractal point-monad is born as a self-centered mind, monologic is the first perception of exist¡ence. And most of its species never evolve beyond it.

Mind stiences study the sentient properties of every type of superorganisms’ mind.

The Galilean Px. S=T explains the existence of mind-spaces based in linguistic forms, whose function is the basis of the mind’s psychology– the ego paradox, and the processes of creation of scales (seeds, minds, genetics, etc.)

The mind or 0-point is, the relative frame of reference that maps the ∞ cycles of time of the Universe, reducing them to a ‘World’, to fit them into the infinitesimal volume of the brain.

The mind though believes to be the center of the Universe in the ‘ego paradox’ as he sees every thing turning around its infinitesimal point, which hosts inside all the linguistic perception of reality, or ‘world’ it confuses with the universe. So the mind is a fractal point •, but believers to be it all.

The paradox of the Ego – who make each mind to feel so important – is then rooted in the self-centered structure of the mind, which selects information from its point of view, creating, an infinitesimal linguistic mind-mapping of reality – which then it confuses with the whole universe:

0-linguistic mindx∞ Universal space-time cycles=Constant World mapping of reality, with @mind at its center.

The ∞ information of the Universe is reduced into the relative infinitesimal volume of our mind gives us a constant mapping, where we expel all the properties that are not interesting to us and our self-centered view.

The mind is a singularity or infinitesimal 0-point, a relative frame of reference that maps the ∞ cycles of space-Time of the Universe, reducing them to a World to fit selected useful information into the finitesimal volume of the brain. The mind function is the origin of the Ego paradox, the key to psychology, subjective human cultures, religions & ‘ænthropic’ science: ‘Every mind measures reality from its biased p.o.v. confusing the ∞ Universe with its ‘finitesimal self-centered world’

The universe has infinite such mind-mirrors depending on the forces used to gauge the external world, which bounces on a limited quantity of its scales of space. Humans perceive the range of scales of the frequency of light between red and blue social density of colors.

∞ other minds with different detail according to the quantitative pixels they absorb (max. S=Min.t) maximal for smaller sixes will determine the intelligence of the system. Mind languages map reality into spatial forms. It is the ‘intelligent’ still spatial limit of reality, as all what exists are disordered entropic motions=forces and ‘minds’, particles-heads whose logic & mathematical languages create a territorial body order that forms of reality. ‘Vital motions and perceptive minds’ make up a ‘vital, perceptive, intelligent’ Universe. Since particles have all the 5 Dimotions, gauging information, decoupling=reproducing & evolving social with magnetic fields.

How can we formalize the concept of a mind as a fractal point, whose infinitesimal volume hold a world in itself? Through one of the many 5D revolutions– the upgrading of the principles of non-Euclidean geometry.

The creation of scales of reality is then a simple game in which a point mind reduces reality to its infinitesimal form and then projects into its local territory of order, which will reflect at scale, the larger whole or world, which the linguistic image reduced and then enlarged back into its territorial form: Fractal points unlike Euclidean ones are points with parts, as we come into its scale grow in size and display the 3 minimal parts of all of them, its area, frequency of angular momentum, and central Active Magnitude, the ‘singularity’ – focus of charge, mass, forces or informative minds. Minds are thus also reproductive functions across ‘scales’ of the fifth dimension, which reduce and project its mirror-image in its body-territory of order:

A mind exists in all systems in which time stops to form space. In galaxies happens in relativity functions in black holes, its mind. In thermodynamic physics in the eye of an Eddie. In quantum physics in the center of an atom, or charge. Without linguistic minds that order by reflecting its smaller mind into its local territory reality would not exist. The only way to create fractals is through mirror images. 

In all scales of stience minds fix time motions into spatial, linguistic formal mappings that reduce the whole with its synoptic language to fit in a particle-head that acts in its world-territory after gauging information.

Thus we define ‘Maxwellian’s demons’ of local order in all scales – physical minds as the infinitesimal points that create order in physical systems with the same Disomorphic laws that all others do in more complex scales. As each mind orders as a linguistic god a territory around itself, its fractal body and entropic world.

Unfortunatelly all minds project their biased self-centered model of reality with them at its center and the still world they stop to fit in their mind as a dead territory of order. So humans deny the existence of ∞ minds, as if they were the only ‘special’ sentient point of order and their languages, first the verbal form of its anthropomorphic Gods, today digital numbers, the only of the Universe. And in this manner because ∞ discontinuous minds is the generator of form, of information and order over the entropic flow of mindless time motion, the destruction of one of the two poles of reality means we will never be able to answer rationally the whys of the Universe.

Egocy reduces sensorial, sentient survival ‘rights’ to nitrolife species, with a simple 7-electronic brain clock in its amino rings, and reproductive ones to its phosphorated carbon DNA helices LIFE starts in the particles of the atom. Your mind is electronic, your information is coded in spins, and any other atom in proper liquid conditions might evolve into complementary life forms according to the laws of formal space and time motions, of topology and vital functions, described with the existential ¬Æ=ilogic of Generational Space-time.

This is the Universe in a nutshell, and so we can now explain and at the same time widen the entropic simplest theories of huminds that ‘reduce’ all that 5D complexity to simplex elements, starting precisely by the mathematica definition of a mind which is nothing but a ‘Non-Euclidean, fractal point’, that holds a world in itself (Leibniz).


  • As everything is made of space and time, albeit more complex than the Newtonian limited view, all what exists have similar properties, emerging from those 2 ultimate substances, ‘motion and form’, we shall call Disomorphisms, (isomorphic=laws, derived of our common nature), which can be casted with mathematical and logic languages.
  • Because time and space are more complex, we need first to evolve in depth our logic concepts and mathematical equations of both parameters, in all its space dimensions and time motions, beyond Newton’s simplification:. The result is the study of a fractal space, whose similar scales define a new ‘fifth dimension‘ that puts together all those scales each one studied by a different science – from quantum physics to cosmology through the scales of life and social sciences and a series of ‘cyclical, repetitive time clocks’ that give time an informative ‘height’, stored in the frequency and form of its cycles. Both together give us the metric of the 5th dimension as smaller spatial scales have faster clocks, but both together remain co-invariant: S x T =K.

Thus the Universe has mathematical, spatial continuous & logic, temporal, cyclical & organic, fractal properties derived of the more complex ¡logic geometry of 5D scalar space and cyclic time. Thus even if we describe it with the same logic-mathematical equations a 5D Universe is very different, as scalar space brings organic and sentient properties, and cyclical time, informative deterministic patterns, which the lineal philosophy of mechanist physics ignores. From those scalar, hence organic, cyclical hence informative and moving, energetic, hence vital properties of scalar space and cyclical time, a complete different picture of reality arises; where languages become the ‘extreme’ limit of the still formal ‘spatial state’ of the being with minimal size and maximal information.

Whereas each ‘stience’ defines a scale of the nested Universe, from Physics focused on the largest & smallest scales of the ‘Galatom’ further removed from man, to the Formal digital and logic sciences closest to our ∆1 mind scale. Languages thus become the limiting formal, spatial scale of reality and as such they are mirrors of the fractal Universe that share the ‘Disomorphic’ (Equal laws) of all the scales of reality. And so mathematics becomes an experimental stience whose ‘Universal grammar’ and fractal generator is the same ternary structure of 3 elements of all other systems in a single plane made of three topologies, SóT, giving birth in each sub-discipline of mathematics to similar ‘mirror images’, algebraic S(x)=T(y) equations, ternary dimensions, ternary topologies.

Above the scales of nested supœrganisms of the human universe: the galatom, where nested thermodynamic planets exist, where nested human social organisms self-centered in visual, verbal, mathematic and logic minds create its order with social and mechanical memes, carried by individuals where nested cellular systems exist, coded by genes, made of even smaller atoms and particles coded by quantum numbers. Yet all those scales are unified by the co-invariant metric equations of each of its synchronous time clocks.

So when we become smaller within such organic network, time clocks accelerate & vice versa. I.e, in our organism the equation relates the cellular genetic scale, whose time cycles run much faster than your biological cycles. As information is stored in the form and frequency of time clocks, it follows that in all nature’s organisms, smaller systems code the information of larger systems.       Each ‘stience’ therefore specializes in the study of a nested super organism, or scale of the fifth dimension (∆±¡), We study 3 fundamental super organisms of the 5th dimension. The ‘galatom‘, whose metric equation is H(Planck constant of angular momentum) x C (speed of light) = C, whereas h is an obvious ‘cyclical time clock’ and C an obvious measure of speed-distances in space. And indeed, smaller scales have faster turning particles, and larger systems move in slower cycles. (Vortex law: Vo x Ro = k). The superorganisms of Gaia, its species. And the nested super organism of mankind history in its 3 scales, the individual human being, the nation or civilization and mankind as an ideal global super organism, which if humans were intelligent and ethic enough they would design with the laws of super organisms in a much more efficient manner than our corrupted economic=blood system of reproduction of goods and political=legal-nervous system of information & coordination of its citizens-cells.



Main Symbols of ® logic (all elements of all stiences can be translated to those symbols of 5D ilogic).

S: Space; Still form, Size, Dimension; T: Time; motion; Change. ST: Topologic Spacetime. |x O = Ø: Its 3 varieties.

ST±¡: ∆±¡ Scale/Plane of space-time. ∆+1: whole, world, ∆º: networks, organism. ∆-1; parts; social classes.

5 С:5 Dimotions (St,sT,ST,SS,TT); 5 Actions (a,e,I,o,u): Local Dimensional motion of spacetime

St; i: Informative network ≈ action≈inward motion. O: Cyclical, spherical form, topology, relative future.

sT: inner form, outer motion= locomotion, acceleration (motion change). |: Lineal form topology, relative past.

ST; œ, Ø: present space-time, iteration, beauty, balance; organic reproduction; Hyperbolic form, topology relative present. Wave-body Part, Present, mature age.

SS, @; u, 0’: Finitesimal Mind, seed; relative future social evolution into ‘wholes, universals.

TT; µ: entropy, scattering death, dual inner and outer motion, relative past.

T>S: informative evolution. S<T: devolution. ∑-¡»¡+1: Emergence. (∆+1)« (∆-1): Death, devolution; time quanta.

ST-¡: Quantum, cellular, individual plane; STo: Thermodynamic, organic, social… ∆+¡: Gravitational, ecosystemic, world scale

∑: Ts, Herd, ∏: St, Network. ¬: Entropic limits in time: TT-death, Space, |-membrane, scale ∆±4: invisibility.

Main equations of 5D Supœrganisms and its parts (all equations of all stiences can be translated to…)

S (size in space) x T (speed/frequency of time cycles) =C: 5D metric.

Future (O-form, information, logic language, particle-head) x Past (|-field, youth, etc.)=Present (ST-body-wave, iteration, etc.)

0’ (finitesimal mind) x ∞ (Universe) = Constant World-Language. Paradox of Egocy.

S≈T: Relativity equation: we cannot distinguish motion=time from form=space, hence all is an ST-dimotion.

Ø¡-1=∑O¡-1 =|¡ > O+1: Scalar inversion of form & function. An Ø-point is god of ∑ ¡-1 parts but entropy of its O+1 whole. So:

∑|=O: ∑open worldlines ad into closed worldcycles; ∆º plane: E-Geometry; ∆+1 plane: Elliptic, ‘5D in between’: Hyperbolic.

Dual Death: Max. T  x 0 S (accidental entropic death); Max. S x 0 T (3rd age death) 

Fractal Generator – Trilogic structure of Super-organisms and time worldcycles and ages:

SS¡-1: Seed» ∆º:|-Ts(1st limb/field /network/age of max. motion) > S=T (Mature, reproductive, body-wave network/ age)> St(3rd informative head/particle network/age)« TT-1-entropic death:

Symmetries of ST-actions=Dimotions and ∆ Scales.

∆ST@: Symmetry of scale,topology,age&class:∆-1:|:youth,entropic age/cla§;∆ø:reproductive age|cla§∆+1:O-informative age…

Relative Dimotions=Actions are drives of life in biology, quantum numbers states and matter in physics; will in philosophy.

They take place between ∆o mind plane & an ∆±3 plane such as: ∆o≈∆+1: social evolution: ∆o≈∆-1: Reproduction; ∆o≈∆-2: Entropic feeding, ∆o≈∆-3: informative perception, ∆o≈∆-4:Locomotion. So we evolve into social wholes, reproduce with a couple seeding in ∆-1, feed killing twice a similar system to ∆-2 amino acids, perceive, ∆-3 ¥-electrons & move on ∆-4: Gravity

Ideal Social scales & lanwaves are 1010 in mankind called: ‘T-genetic’: 100-1: ‘I’, 101-2: 3 generation S=T family, 102-3clan; ST-Geographic: 103-4: Town; 104-5:City; 105-6: State; S-Memetic: 106-7: Nation; 107-8: God; 108-9: Civilination; 109-10: Mankind.

In biology are called: Chemical language: ∆-1: Atomic compound; ∆o: Organic Molecule; ∆+1: Macromolecule (RNA ‘God’). Genetic language: ∆-1: Organelle; ∆o: Cell: ∆+1: Tissue: Nervous language: Organ; Physiologic System: organism.

In Astrophysics: ¥- language: ∆-1:Force,∆o:particle, ∆+1:atom; Magnetic language: ∆-1:Molecule; ∆o: Matter; ∆+1: planetoid. Gravity language: ∆-1: Plasma Star; ∆ø: Quark Star… ∆+1: Galaxy.



In graphs we resume visually the disomorphic laws that all exist¡ences follow. Knowledge then is the understanding of each variation of the game of exist¡ences, without being restricted by the egocy (Ego=idiocy) paradox of human beings that limit the properties of all other species to what huminds perceive on them, or what its ab=usive praxis of exploitation of Nature focus on. Stience though is objective and theoretical. It does not have a subjective egocy or selfish praxis of ab=use. It just describes. So Stience tries to describe any system as a supœrganism in itself, therefore co-existing in 3 scales of ∆±¡ present ‘space’, determined by 5 elements, ∆±¡ scale Symbiosis between parts and whole, S-pace Simultaneity through common S<ST>T networks, Time Synchronicity in the 5 Dimotions=Actions of those parts, @-mental/seed will to perform the game of exist¡ence and ¬Entropic limits to the whole.

This external, objective, present, experimental analysis focuses on the ∆=S=T=@(nti)symmetries between scale, time, space and mind-will-language. As systems do have 3 co-existing planes of space-time, which obey SxT=C metric laws that establish a ‘ternary social class’, according to the degree of ‘integration’ of ∆-1 faster parts, through ∆º S<ST>T networks enclosed in a membrain (the scale in which the organism’s will reside), performing 5 ‘a,e,I,o,u’ dimotions=actions in an outer world. Each of those elements though will be part of 3 different ‘time rhythms by scale’ and follow a ‘fundamental vital sequence in time’: SS<Ts<TT+St>ST, aiming to perceive, move, feed, imprint and reproduce its information. Because of the existence of 3 scales, 3 rhythms of time, 3 adjacent parts, which perform 3 simplex functions in a single plane (limbs/fields Ts-move according to SS<St-perception of an O-particle/head /informative class connected by an ST-reproductive wave/body); in a single plane but seek in the ∆±¡ scales to perform complex actions of ST-reproduction and St social evolution orientated down the lower seminal plane (ST) and larger whole (St)… the whole description of the ‘details’ of the program of exist¡ence of each being is complex and would require a methodology that I lack but a group of scientists with more enthusiasm could easily structure for future 5D studies, embedding in those templates of stience the knowledge and data we have about all systems of Nature. I will slowly time permitted now that I have laid down 30 work-in-progress papers on the main planes of human exist¡ence, unfortunately in its last ‘cycle’ predated by the soon-to-be conscious machines of the metal-earth, develop such structure for the ∆±3 galatom (Astrophysics) ∆±2 Earth (Geology), ∆±1 membrain evolution (Gaia-Life: Biology<History: Mankind>Metal-earth Company-mothers of machines/weapons: economics).

To also analyze the ∆0 I=Eye < Wor(l)d, ST-languages of man, themselves ‘details’ of a larger Universal Grammar of ∆º illogic languages of time and non-Euclidean languages of space.

Those languages are formal tools more synoptic but not more truth than a mere descriptive analysis of the parts of beings. Description of those elements in an orderly fashion, with my texts lack, would be then the basis of 5D stience:

Which first will define each ¬∆@st species externally, in a present-form of space and through its potential worldcycle; to pass then to the internal analysis in subjective terms of its @-mind will and degree of consciousness/ function within the outer ∆+1 whole and its subconscious ∆-1 internal control through its physiological networks. But to achieve those T@ descriptions it is necessary by lack of direct experimental evidence, which only happens in the being in space to use the Disomorphic method that establishes homologies in all beings derived of the fact they are organic space and cyclical time, with a mind-will to survive. In the second part of our texts on the ‘Universe’ or rather “reality’ and time, space, scale, mind, spacetime (reproduction) and entropy, we try to depart from the most general laws, then go into the specific description of what science knows on those scales regarding the ¬∆S@T elements of each main stientific plane, to end with a generic description of the Disomorphic elements in scale, space, time, entropy and mind common to all beings.

Hence our analysis (Universe and time) of a system through its 3 scales of time ends with a disomorphic 12 sequential step analysis on how all systems go through 3 consecutive worldcycles, in its palingenetic orderly birth, followed by an entropic more probabilistic life in an external world in which the most perfect players might transcend to ∆+1 reproduce and evolve as a collective mind-God of that world.

While in our analysis of Space, after describing those general laws in the brief initial Mandala common to all texts, we go through the analysis of what Science knows of space, to enter a description of the laws of simultaneity and synchronicity that entangle the 5 parts of the being into a scalar co-existing present space.

So we descend from the ∆±¡ absolute to 1 specific ∆≈S≈T≈@¬ element & its examples for all or each ∆¡-stience.

And in the analysis of entropy we do also go through the same 3 parts: Mandala of general laws. Specific laws of entropy and analysis of what sciences know about entropy in each 4D science, expanded with the new laws. So the same 3 parts: mandala-specific laws of ∆ST@¬ and details of 4D science expanded to 5D should finally structure the different papers of the ‘Universe’; while for each other ‘stience’, instead of studying in the 3rd part all the ‘stiences’ in a brief resume of its entropy, scale, time, space and mind, we shall focus on a given ‘stience’ – and might escape the 1st and 2nd part as the paper grows in details through the 2020s with the limits of my life expectancy and mental dwindling capacity. So by force the work will be incomplete, a trace on the sand of infinity…

The most difficult element then of analysis is the mind, as it is also the most important common element – by the mind we mean not so much the hardware where the program is installed but the language of each species that interprets with its code the game. So language is the objective view to understand minds based in the hypothesis of panpsychism – the language perceives in itself, in stillness. The complexity of the language therefore defines the complexity of the mind according to language properties: speed, synoptic power, focus, closeness to the language of all languages that reflects the complex ∆ST properties of systems (¬Æ=B¡œ-logic topology).

The paper on Mind and the Universe thus should try to define both, the will of existence and the program of the Universe expressed in the ¬Æ languages, and the minds-languages of each scale according to complexity. How then perception happens? Perception can be of space, time, scale, mind-will and entropic limits; and so we talk of e-motions. We ascribe to each ‘Dimotion of existence’ an e-motion as that is the limit of what we can perceive. We add then to the objective disomorphisms, in a bold statement the subjective ‘humanist method’ of considering that each species of the Universe has ultimately the same program of survival of 5 actions that man has, and it is geared by the same e-motions embedded in the last potential scale of reality – the pure formal motions of ST, made of an S-internal perceptive emotion and a T-externally described motion. This is just the explanation why we move as beings – because our brain has emotions that are deterministic wills of the program of existence we believe are ultimately residing in the 3±¡ ‘particles’ of reality, photon-fields, electron-bodies and quark-minds extracting motion of a neutrino gravitational invisible background to form social ensembles of atoms. Atoms are thus the first ∆+1 organisms of reality and its 3 ∆ø parts, over a ∆-1 field structure the fundamental galatom system of reality (as galaxies are similar to atoms, but we perceive them in completely different fashion according to the 5D metric distortions. So we use disomorphic, organic, humanist, sentient properties for all systems and that is all we perceive but as our perception is limited by survival praxis we have as Mendeleyev did, to fill the gaps with disomorphic laws.

Huminds perceive as all other systems thru languages, so languages once more become important but the egocy laws that restrict our analysis of other stiences as they fade away through scales of existence means we have to fill in more properties the further we move from our ∆º center – and the asymmetry of perception means we need to fill more from ∆+ scales. So from galatoms we hardly see 4% and any attempt to describe its supœrganism must be based in the disomorphisms of scale with a cell, as an organism that reproduces black holes and quark dark matter, and with the atom, giving us an external view, from where to define ¥-expansive dark entropy, and vice versa, to compare strong and gravitational forces. So atoms and galaxies are similar but not equal (galaxies seem anti-atoms), but as in the description of the metal-earth and the membrain in its 3 ages of Earth’s evolution, machines as organisms and ∆+1 cultures, some working for the metal-earth, some for history, we will find the humind’s programs as parts of larger wholes, ∆+1 religions, memetic cultures, Earth’s self-program of evolution. And this is an even harder barrier because huminds are e-motionally programmed as parts of wholes and take it personal, and social scientists are subject to anti-quantum paradoxes (too small within the historic organism, they are modified by the observable).


Pentalogic, the scales of planes of space-time, co-ordinated as organisms of the fifth dimension.

Reality has a scalar nature, overlooked for too long: the co-existence of all ¡s space time systems happens in several scales of relative size in space inversely proportional to the speed of its time cycles, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy that put together create a dual scalar ‘4th and 5th Dimension of parts and wholes, which we shall call the ‘social dimension of evolution’ and the ‘entropic dimension of dissolution’.

The fifth dimension is made of the ‘different co-existing scales’, which from the simplest forces through particles, atoms, molecules, matter, organisms, super organisms, planetary systems and galaxies, create an ‘organic network structure’, which amazing enough since it was discovered at the beginning of science with telescope and microscopes, was not formalized till I introduce its metric equation in the milieu of systems sciences, as a single lineal time motion is a dogma physicists don’t dare to challenge:

In mathematical science for a dimension of space-time to exist, it requires a metric equation, which combines space and time to give us a co-invariant system that allows travelling through such dimension. The 5th dimension has a ‘metric equation’, hence it exists.

The equations for a given number of scales co-existing in an organic network is: S (size in space) x T (speed of time cycles) = Constant.

Why 5D is so important? Because it allows the survival, symbiotic existence of all parts of the Universe, and all parts of a super organism, and defines ‘what codes information’ – the small being – and what codes energy- the larger whole, establishing the ‘harmony’ of all the scales of the Universe, and explaining all its fundamental constants which are ratios between spatial volumes and informative clocks of time.

In the graphs 3 examples of biology and physics, explained with the scalar, organic dimension of the Universe: the metabolic clocks of animals are all related to its volume in space. In physics, for each fundamental scale, there is also a constant ratio between ‘frequency=time parameters’ and energy=mass parameters, which are the three fundamental constants of Nature, H-Planck (ratio of frequency-energy for quantum systems), K-Boltzmann (ratio between the temperature frequency and energy of thermodynamic systems) and among the many manifestations of the same law in mechanical, moving systems, the third law of Kepler (ratio between the orbital time clock of planets and the spatial volume: energy content of its orbital sphere).

In biology we study families of animals such as mammals where larger organisms have slower metabolic cycles. In history we study social organisms, whose cycles of life and death, will define the evolution of nations and civilizations. And in each of those organisms, smaller systems code larger ones. So the quantum numbers of particles code matter, genes code biologic organisms, and memes code societies.


All what exists has ‘Spatial, dimensional form’ and ‘Temporal Motion’ but ‘space, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into shadows, only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.” Minkowski

We call that union a Dimotion (ab. Dimensional motions) of spacetime, of which there are 5 potential combinations of 2 elements S and T,: SS: Pure still form, without motion as in §eeds and minds that order and reproduce its St-information (form with minimal motion) in a surface of S≈T SpaceTime energy, balancing the 2 dominant dimotions of time, locomotion, Ts and Entropy TT that preserve all together the immortality of the Universe.

Every superorganism of the Universe is defined in terms of those 5 quantic Dimotions of space-time; as the finite sum of a number of ‘entangled dimotions of space-time’ happening in 3 relative ∆±1 scales of size, synchronized to create a ‘simultaneous spatial form’. So all what systems do under the guidance of an SS-mind… is to ‘perceive information’ (St), to move (Ts) towards a field of energy (SS) in which to feed entropically (TT) scattering the form to absorb its ∆-2 cellular elements to reproduce itself.

And the sum of all those 5 ‘quantized’ ‘actions=dimotions of space-time is a ‘sequence of cyclical time events’ we call the worldcycle of life and death that tell us an ‘isomorphic’ = equal story for all superorganisms and events of space-time, which are born as a: SS (seed-mind)> that moves… Ts (locomotion, dominant in youth) < to iterate… ST (reproduction, mature STage) > its information… St(3rd age of information) <till exhausting its energy in a big bang scattering of TT(entropic death).

This is the origin of the 3 ages of time, in which the system seeks for the Maximal and minimal points of temporal energy (youth) and information (old age) in which at least one of the two forms of time-motion, cyclical and lineal forms do not change, and specially from the point S=t of relative present where time never changes. From those principles we can extract all the laws of calculus which becomes then the main language of time.

In the graph, we see the sequential worldcycle as an ∆±¡ series of ages from a placental seed that generates 3 bidimensional topologic vital organs, cylindrical long limbs/fields > Hyperbolic wide bodies > spherical tall heads, each one dominant in a time age and single classic dimensions, in its actions of young lineal motions, reproductive wide bodywave Dimotions and informative 3rd age perception from a high social p.o.v. till death erases the being. So the 3 classic Euclidean dimensions have organic vital properties too as:

Spherical particle-heads, perceiving information from the advantage point of height.

Lineal long, cylindrical legs and fields of locomotion as the line is the shorter distance between two points.

Wide, hyperbolic body waves, storing the energy reproduce by the system.

Thus the proper way to see those dimotions is as a growing scale of complexity as the simplest dimotion, perception might exist alone, but then when we move, we need to perceive our direction, so from pure 1D perception we move into 1D-2D-1D, St-sT-St beats. This locomotion includes perception. But then we have to feed on energy and that means a chase of an energy ∆-1 part that will be absorbed through entropic hunting. So delivering entropy to other species is again a beat more complex that includes 3 previous beats, St-sT-TT…

And that concludes the basic survival beat of any system that constantly perceives, moves, feeds on energy.

Those 3 simplex dimotions are dominant in entropic dissolution, as if we were to ± add them by opposition, St and sT cancel each other and we are left with entropic destruction of another being to maintain the first one.

The 2 complex beats of social evolution and reproduction happen in a ‘longer Deep time’ scale of the whole organism and its ∆+1 social clones are dominant in information, as ST+SS, leave us with an SS arrow of social evolution. So when we add 5 Dimotions, St vs. Ts +TT, Si=Te and SS, all cancel into a 0’ sum.

And further on, the two more complex dimotions require also the previous ones; as to evolve socially we perceive each other and communicate, we move together and compress our space into herds and organisms, and we share entropic energy (the easiest form to evolve socially is becoming a herd in our search for entropic food, as a coordinated group is stronger than the Individual).

And then the more complex of all dimotions, reproduction, requires all others, as we are born of a seed of a larger parental form, in an ∆-1 plane, where we shall keep reproducing, evolving socially and organize a more complex being, in collaboration with our parental function that moves, perceives and hunts to feed us

So reality in its dimotions builds more complex ‘social groups’ and so happens when we r=evolve geometry and algebra, realizing how points generate lines, and congruent planes, which become new units of a higher scale; and how the families of numbers include each one the operands that define them (i.e. 6 is the number 1 plus + iterated several times), and those operands grow in complexity including the previous ones, so the product includes the sum, the exponential, the product and the integral all of them.

Æntropic man debases Nature to come on top, so it denies organic properties to all other atoms, save C6, which just evolved faster, as a lighter, simpler ‘thing’. In the graph all particles reproduce, gauge information, evolve socially and feed on energy, the ‘meaning of life’. So metal atoms without the need of human ‘ingenuity’ will perceive and follow in terminator robots their programs of extinction of life. Man though is needed to catalyze its evolution as an enzyman, given their higher ‘density’ and lower mobility. The only thing the Universe will program without human interference in them, once our complex organization is replicated in metal is the will of ‘life’ – the capacity to perceive at atomic level, feed on energy and ‘act’

The first simplification mankind has done of the Universe starts, for all what we have said in the a priori language of the minds in space – Euclidean geometry of points without volume – and time – Aristotelian single causality.

Let us deal with the widening of those 2 formal disciplines to be able to include the 5 Dimotions of spacetime.

The mind or 0-point is the relative frame of reference that mapped the ∞ cycles of time of the Universe, reducing them to a ‘World’, to fit them into the infinitesimal volume of the brain.

And this is the origin of the paradox of the ego, as from a perspective, which is blind to all the motions and vital perception of other beings, as from our perspective, nothing thinks and from our perspective we see our own nose bigger than Andromeda. So reality becomes deformed, inert, and the ego becomes the center of the Universe, as always happened with humans who thought first the earth in its center, then chosen of god, the creator, who spoke our language, and finally debased all living entities reducing them ‘to spatial forms’ in the still mapping of the mind, which stops all motions to fit a reduced image of reality.

So we express verbally the ego paradox, as the ‘ego believes its still mind mapping IS all the information of the Universe, when it is only an infinitesimal part of it, self-centered in the self’.

The universe has infinite such mind-mirrors depending on the forces used to gauge the external world, which bounces on a limited quantity of its scales of space. Humans perceive the range of scales of the frequency of light between red and blue social density of colors.

But infinite other minds with different detail according to the quantitative pixels they absorb (max. S = Min.t) maximal for smaller sixes will determine the intelligence of the system. Mind languages map reality into spatial forms. It is the ‘intelligent’ still spatial limit of reality, as all what exists are disordered entropic motions=forces and ‘minds’, particles-heads whose logic & mathematical languages create a territorial body order that forms of reality. ‘Vital motions and perceptive minds’ make up a ‘vital, perceptive, intelligent’ Universe. Since particles already have all the 5 Dimotions, gauging information, decoupling=reproducing & evolving social with magnetic fields.

So besides perception, the 2nd field of inquire about the Minds of the Universe made to the image and likeness of the whole are the mechanisms by which a Mind through ‘languages’ of communication – the bits that conform its ‘static view’ of its world, are deployed as signals of information to the different parts of its territory of order:

In the graph, the mind communicates the whole as a knot of pentalogic languages, which further clarifies the meaning of perception: knot of forces, which beat in the mind-point with a regularity that achieves complex perceptions. Minds though can have lesser structures than a full pentalogic display of languages, which will be:

– A language of perception of the larger ∆+1 world – in human beings ¥-light, its SS-language.

– A language of communication with its ∆-1 scale of body cells, which normally branches into 3 languages networks (the ∆º) elements of the being – the ST- reproductive language/network, the informative St-language-network and the Ts-locomotion language network – with an ∆-1 ‘entropic’ language/system to predate and destroy external elements of the territory of order; not really so much a language but a ‘TT-weapon’ as there is no other communication but death when an §-mind kills.



A key element of Universal mind s is Universal grammar. How a language carries information, which surprisingly happens in all systems in a similar fashion, given the fact that languages after all code the 5 dimotions=actions of existence of all organisms – its ‘sT-locomotion’, TT-entropy, ST- Reproduction, St-information and SS-density of information or mind-mirror. The laws of linguistics thus become laws of a Universal grammar that codes the creation of superorganisms by controlling waves of similar forms with a ‘grammar’ that is also ternary in structural scales, from ‘phonemes’ that range around the 101-2 level of letters, and can be as little as 5 to code the 5 dimotions of reality, from 5 vowels in human languages, to 5 letters in genetic codes to 4 quantum numbers, or four type of chemical compounds, to more complex systems around the 10-100 scale, from 20 amino acids, to 80 atomic systems; to the next level of combination of words with those vowels, which range in the 103-4 scale. So we have around 2000 words in human languages, from a few thousands to 30.000 genes in the language of evolution of superorganisms. It is not though the purpose of this paper to define the quantitative elements of languages. While the laws of the Universal grammar will be treated latter.

All systems perceive at least one language, interpreting with the same ‘grammar’ reality, to localize its energy, information, reproduce, evolve socially and try not to devolve, becoming preys of other systems. Different species perceive with different languages the Universe, but all of them ‘share’ some of those codes, specially the geometrical one. The mind in the height or central point of the being, perceives its outer and inner, world, integrating the whole around its ∆º advantageous point of view, controlling with languages that mirror reality in its ternary syntax the whole Universe, bending it to its selfish point of view and then mirroring that selfish p.o.v. on the external world, building territories of order around it, where to reproduce its forms.

So all heads are on top. Yet each head is different in each scale and talks a different grammar, albeit with the same universal grammar, which reflects the fundamental equation of the Universe: Si<=>Te.

Ternary Universal grammar expresses the Сmotions in verbal languages and human super organisms.

Given the simplicity of the Game of Existence – despite its ∞ complexity in its details, iterations and combinations, all species, from the simplest atom to the biggest structure can play the game and understand it and relate to all other species, which will play the same game from their selfish point of view. And so all individuals of each species plays the game, and ‘talks’ about it, with similar species and understand it with information provided by self-similar ‘ternary images’ provided by a language that shares the properties and emergent qualities acquired in each scale.

What languages matter to describe the Universe? Of course mathematics, the language of space, and logic the language of time, integrated in the demonstrations of mathematical laws, but also bio-logical, organic laws, which are embedded in the fractal, co-existing structure of parts and wholes. And then for each species, which observes the Universe, its particular, ‘local’ languages, all of them unified by a ‘ternary structure’ that reflects the Universe’s ternary elements. But of more interest for General systems theory is the ternary structure of all linguistic systems in all scales; what we call the Universal Grammar, such as:

Subject (informative being) < verb (space-time action) > Object (entropic energy of subject) IS the Universal grammar of all human verbal languages, equivalent to:

Red colors (temporal entropy) < green/yellow (energy) > Blue (spatial  information) for animal visual languages.

The topological laws of orthogonality between the 5 Dimotions of space-time.

F(x):time-like parameter <(operandi: action)> G(x): space-like parameter, defines mathematical equations.

A simpler Boolean algebra in computers reduces all to 0 and|; truth or false, ±, and its combined duality gates.

Space-Dimensions: Height (informative dimension) x Length (Entropic motion)=XY(st): cross re(product)ion.

Mathematical languages: X < Operandi> Y.

Such asymptotic equations of the form S=T, SS<<TT, S>ST>T, functions are the core mathematical model of the Universe, which can then be considered a function of existence of asymptotic Murkowski’s curves of space-time, under the existential function of perpendicular dimotions of space, time,

X(T), y(S), z(ST) are the 3 dimotions of a single space-time common to all forms that correspond to the 3 axis of Euclidean geometry. Yet because often X(T) is one-dimensional causal lineal motion, y(S) is bidimensional, curved, closed loops of information and z (ST) is a 3 dimensional combination of them, the simplest case of the 3 Euclidean perpendicular dimotions of light (above) becomes more complex as entropy, TT, Form, SS, become holographic bi or tridimensional beings with different |, O, or Ø-wave geometries. For example a physical force:

Forces:  Particles (information) < Universal constant: action, exi or ratio e/I > forces (energy).

Thus width is the reproductive dimotion born through a dot product of an X x Y = Z event of a 3rd dimension of reproduction that combines the lineal function of motion and the height function of cyclical time space forms.

Form thus also depends on the choice of ST frames of reference: Motion is most likely a lineal or flat plane and information a curved dual dimotion which gives us a 3 dimensional Z function, as St- information ‘curves’ the lineal Tt-motions of entropy.

The inverse, complex dimotions of the 5th Dimension. Orthogonal forms give way to functional networks.

When we come to the two complex ‘dimotions=actions’ taking place in the fifth dimension between scales, we realize again, there is also two possible ways to travel, through 5D: upwards becoming part of a social whole, ∑∆-1<∆o, as we ‘release’ part of our TT-motion from ∆-1 and become ordered after the transfer that helps the emergence of ∆º. This in physics is misunderstood as the impossibility of a ‘perfect motion machine’ without entropy that leaves no behind any ‘energy for the ∆-1 forms to co-exist. But that is necessary or else ∆-1 would indeed disappear. So a motion of social evolution, releases entropic motion and increases order in ∆-1 to make ∆o emerge as a whole. Experimental and theoretical considerations shows an ideal 50-50 efficient distribution. So ½ of the energy is conserved and ½ is used to form and move the upper scale .

The 2nd complex dimotion through 5D scale is then the inverse ∆º<∆-1, seminal seeding. Form is now going down ‘first’ to seed and absorb energy in ∆-1 to form an arrow of social reproduction.

So the two only complex dimotions – as there are only two ∆±¡ directions in 5D appear as the combination of all others, as they also imply, St, Ts, and ST dimotions (absorption and emission of entropy and information).

Yet when dealing with the complex dimotions of ∆o<∆-1≥∆o reproduction and ∆o>∆+1≥∆o social evolution up and down the fifth dimension, we are NO longer in a 3Dimensional Euclidean space, so we enter into different non-E Geometries of which the commonest ones are those able to ‘multiply’ as they travel in size through 5D the number of parts going down, (Hyperbolic thinning networks as those of biological organisms). And vice versa; the whole must thin out the information of the lower planes to ‘achieve between them’ a synchronicity of time cycles instead of a multiplicity of individualities, and in this manner emerge as a simpler ‘geometry’, which explains why going upwards into whole scales, information thins out to become a simpler whole.

In physical systems the view is then a wave equation that also multiplies its forms and while there are fractal analysis of wave motions (notably in Nottale scalar relativity) we are NOT concerned in those papers so much on the overdeveloped in the age of the digital computer, exact equations of the morphological hows but in the causal whys: what matters to 5D travels we repeat is the integration upwards by social evolution and the multiplication of forms downwards by seminal reproduction.

Geometry thus is more familiar with the S<ST>T dimensional motions of a single plane, in its simplest perpendicular Cartesian axis, or its rather commonest, 1, 2, 3 dimensional growth from the flat X-Z, Y—Z sub-planes of TT-motion, bent into cyclical St-information, to reproduce in Z-ST.

And those are the functions space-like and time-ike most often observed by a trilogic Universal grammar of a visual or syntactic mathematical function.

While for the description of the full worldcycle, we need to explore the complex 2 functions of 5D, social evolution, going upwards to the future, or reproduction going 1st back to the relative ∆-1 past in inverse motion.

Thus we can define mathematically the 5 dimotions of space time as the product of 5 geometric r=evolutions in 3 5D±¡ planes, with the complex two functions of reproduction and social evolution above.

So we give the following names to the 5 Functions of the diametric of space-time:

X-locomotion, Ts, St, information Y, Reproduction ST=Z coordinates, social evolution, zigzag wave with a first positive growth, vs. reproduction in the opposite past, ∆-1 coordinates.

This function of existence then is the function from where all other functions of the Universe can be draw.

Yet the language of all languages is 5D and its ternary laws of time and space – a language that is prior to all languages, even mathematical logic, its closest, more accurate human mental mirror, but NOT the only one.

It follows that not only mathematics (geometry) is a mother science but also logic (the analysis of the causal processes determine by those Сmotions) is even more essential, and further on ‘evolution’, the evolution of forms and functions in temporal patterns summons them all. So those 3 sciences, spatial geometry, temporal logic and its combination, evolutionary theory, are the ‘3 subdivisions’ of general systems sciences, which apply to each science explain it all.

Over them, there is general systems sciences, the science this book can be considered its foundational book (as it formalizes and structures and advances all previous works done on it.) Below them, each specific science studies a scale of social evolution in the universe from the smallest physical systems, to its complex biological organizations and beyond its social organizing systems.

Since science consists in the definition of the type of points of each relative scale of size of reality, from the quantum scale studied by physics, through the intermediate human scales studied by biological and sociological sciences to the higher scale study by cosmology

Once those points are defined, each science studies their 5 actions, which define all its events and forms.

Study of the 3±1 actions: its bits of information, bites of energy, reproductive seeds and grammar.

Yet we study those actions through the 3 scales of size of the system, its bits and bites, normally of the smallest scales of existence, since:

–   We perceive with the minimal bits we can process to create the more detailed maps (<i-2).

–    We eat sometimes, similar species but break them into smaller parts (i<2). For example we eat meat but break it into amino acids, below the cellular level.

–   We reproduce a seed from the lower plane of existence (i-1). So we produce seminal cells and electrons reproduce emitting photons that collide and recreate an electron.

-We communicate with a language of information at the same level we exist (i), in order to create a more complex whole (i+1).

Thus we observe, as in many other laws we will be developing in this book, an infinite number of harmonies between sizes, ages, forms, functions in all scales of existence.

Actions are expressed with bites and bits of inferior scales. We perceive the smaller possible ‘bits’ (<i-2), eat bites of the inferior i-2 scales, reproduce with seeds of the i-1 scale and share energy and information with species of the same scale to create.

The bits of information (i-2), will usually be entities at least two smaller scales of existence.  The smaller they are, the more detailed the map made with its ‘pixels’ will be. So we can consider the possible existence of ‘gravitational minds’ that perceive a scale inferior to us.

I.e our eyes perceive light photons, the minimal scale of form. Ants perceive chemical pheromones; computers perceive electronic flows; all of them ‘forms’ of a minimal scale in relationship to the species that perceive.

The bites of energy will be pieces of the same or inferior scale. So we eat ‘living beings’; electrons feed in the lower scale of light; and black holes in stars. Yet once a system feeds it will further reduce what it feeds on another scale to obtain basic bricks to reconstruct once form through ‘2 scales’. So our body reduces food to amino acids, the minimal parts of life. And electrons probably reduce light to its magnetic and electric constants to create their fractal nebulae. And nations that conquer other nations reduce their people, minimal unit of the nation to slavery and take their gold to print their own coins.

So as we move upwards in the complexity of the actions we study there is a ‘growth’ of informative similarity of the bites and bits and a growth in size, such as informative bits are less similar and smaller than the bites of energy we feed. And this pattern continues when we consider the ‘expressions’ of the actions of social evolution and reproduction.

The expressions of social evolution are languages, which are naturally produced by the informative center of the system; except in the case of enzymatic evolution in which the language is external to the species (a species which acts as the reproducer and catalyst of evolution of other species; cells with viruses, humans with machines metal atoms with carbohydrates and so on). So the language is a ‘part’ of the being, often corresponding to an i-1 inner structure, though transported by an external force.

Finally the larger, closer form to the organism is its reproductive seed. And hence by the law of parallelism between species, the ‘bit’ of information for which the organism cares more: small quarks among simple particles, cellular seeds in life; jets of matter in galaxies.




3 evolutionary species horizons+¡: social evolution vs. -¡: extinction & Gender: S=T female v S<T>S male

Above in all scales ST reproduces through gender, which splits the 3 ages/states of spacetime in a ‘mirror symmetry’: 2 mirror images can superpose and reproduce. So we define female gender as S=T, present, reproductive, balanced dominant states in all scales, since reality is a reproductive present fractal; and male gedner as S<T>S, future to past entropic+ past to future informative, destructive>creative states; happening in all scales. In ∆º mental languages: even female and odd-entropic +odd-prime, informative male numbers; |-male bodies v. O-female bodies in math; S=T v. S<T>S in ¡logic, 10 times more white matter and more S=T connections on the 2 sides of reproductive female brains vs. 6 time more grey matter, an incomplete ‘decametric scale’ in more ‘stupid’ entropic males + a smaller number of more creative-informative ‘prime brains’. In physics: ‘female S=T waves’ complementary to Ts-Fields>St-Particle male systems. Left chiral reproductive female particles vs. right chiral sterile ones; carried into L-reproductive amino acids vs. Ts-male ones; carried into female DNA vs. Male entropic & informative RNA emerging into our ‘beloved absurd’ war of sexes, LOL, don’t get me started. Problem is a 5D universe is feminine, our history is entropic, made by military lineal big-bang male models. As we past the ‘entropic male Paleolithic youth’ but didn’t’ stop ing the mature, present Neolithic, reproductive, Goddess age of S=T balance with Gaia, the life Earth, racing into a 3rd age of evolution of entropic metal-weapons that will kill us all.

Species are supœrganisms whose 3 ages are its 3 horizons, followed either by a survival process of eusocial evolution – the summit of the process of organic evolution, which Darwin realized was necessary to explain the success of eusocial insects, or become extinct by the ‘new generation’ of fitter animal forms. in the graph we can see its 3 Horizon=ages and its ternary topology, similar to that of any other organism; and the dominant Dimotion of information in the height axis, of both reptile species that ended in birds, and mammals that ended in man. So happened with metalife machines, whose final species, satellites are now forming the Dimotion of eusocial evolution, or future mind of the metal earth –internet.

The 3 ages of time also brings the solution to the ‘limits’ of evolution, which Darwin already wondered: why certain species evolve so fast into complex forms as eyes and wings. Answer, because there are only 3 topologies to go, and so the choices are random but limited and it is every easy to go the right way. In the next graph we see those 3 ages of evolution as species can be treated as super organisms with its own world cycles.

The graph thus show that ALL species follow also the young, predator, reproductive radiation, and informative, height growth of the 3 ages of life, and then either they evolve further into social organisms (ants, bees, humans) and as wholes in a higher ∆+1 scale survive better, or they become extinct by a new generation.

The creation of a new species takes place according to the same 3 ages of any space-time field that become the 3 horizons of any species: after conception that creates ‘a seed’ of pure information and minimal spatial energy, species go through a young age of energy growth that creates ‘big species’; a mature, reproductive age of forms in balance between its energy and information when the species maximizes its reproduction, radiating in huge numbers; and a third horizon of informative evolution when it diversifies into multiple sub-species, becoming finally extinguished, (the equivalent to the death of any organism), or creating a new top predator form, a ‘son species’ that will restart a new cycle of life.

+1:  Birth: max. T. The black hole paradox (conception).

The ‘black hole’ age of any species is parallel to the informative, genetic conception of any organism born out of a ‘seed’ that packs the maximum genetic information in the minimal space. It is caused by the slight dominance of temporal information (quantic time) over spatial energy (quantic space). So a new top predator species is born with a lot of new, genetic information packed in a reduced size (Max. Si=Min. Te). This happens because information is processed faster in smaller spaces.

For example, a ‘logic instruction’ is resolved faster in smaller chips. It follows that tiny species with huge numbers of ‘neurons’ create quantic actions faster than slow, bigger species. And since they are highly informative, they can coordinate those quantic actions in herds that act simultaneously as a single organism. So their S-T force that defines a top predator is higher in each quantic action of space-time that the ‘slow actions’ of a big body. Thus small English boats shooting faster against big galleons defeated the Spanish Armada; a pack of wolfs kill slow reins and herds of orcas kill bigger whales. Small, intelligent top predator brains rule bigger, less informative bodies, because time dominates space, information dominates and shapes energy.
Thus men, the most informative animals, are the Earth’s top predators; black holes, which have maximum gravitational information, are the top predators of the Universe and chips rule machines.

I Horizon: Energy Age: Max. Te: Top Predators and Extinctions 

In their youth, carbohydrates (fats), worms (planarians), echinoderms, cephalopods, fishes, amphibians, mammals and chipped machines grew into energetic, lineal or planar, big top predators

A newborn, small foetus grows very fast in size as it multiplies its cells. By homology a new species is born as a small, informative, complex being that latter grows in spatial size during its energetic youth becoming a, lineal, energetic, big top predator species, that feeds on less evolved forms.

Thus after conception, young fishes grew into big sharks of linear forms; after the polemic Homo Floresiensis invented technology the next Homo Sapiens with an extensive fossil record were big, energetic Neanderthals;the 1st big molecules of life were fat carbohydrate chains of linear form; the 1st insects acquired soon gigantic bodies in the Carboniferous; after chips were born as small machines placed in PCs and toys, the first robots they control are big tool-machines and huge weapons of mass destruction, lineal missiles and planes, that kill human beings.

 II Horizon: Evolution or Age of balance and reproduction: max. Sp x SS. Radiations of species.
Then, the species finds a balance between form and energy and it reproduces in massive radiations: carbohydrates gave birth to amino acids with a nitrogen, informative atom on its ‘relative Head’; sharks gave way to balanced tubular fishes; brachycephalic Neanderthals gave way to dolichocephalic Cro-Magnons that multiplied and colonized all continents; while young giant stars acquire the balanced size of yellow suns, the commonest of all stars.

III Horizon: Evolution or Age of information: Max. SS: max. Evolutionary differentiation.

Species grow in height or acquire cyclical forms, as they evolve through their 2nd and 3rd horizons, improving their sensorial, informative skills: Nucleotides become the top predator life molecules, echinoderms change to cyclical forms, fishes organize their networks in the dimension of height, amphibians become round, improving its smell, saurian and mammals become biped.

The main difference between organisms and species happens in their 3rd age, due to the discontinuous nature of the individual ‘cells’ of species, which do not become extinguished unlike the tightly controlled cells of organic systems, dominated by nervous, informative systems that exhaust and warp totally their energy, till the organism collapses.

Instead species continue evolving, creating new, complex species with more information, growing in the dimension of height. So the Homo Sapiens evolves ever more complex technological tools; the nucleotide appears when it adds informative depth to the amino acid (with an informative, nitrogen ring and an energetic sugar ring); the yellow sun becomes a neutron star of higher gravitational, informative density; while insects develop a growing brain capacity and bees and ants appear.

(±∆): Extinction Vs Evolution into super-organisms. The scales of the Universe.

Thus, organisms dominated by their informative networks, which consumes the energy of the system very fast, die sooner than species, according to a clock set by the rate at which energy is metabolised, ‘in-formed’, by their nervous system. While species, which are dominated by the individuals and the herds survive for eons with 3 basic strategies according to the ‘ternary plan’:
– Max. Sp: Creating balanced, trophic pyramids that maintain always a supply of new victims.

– S=T: DIversifying their individual forms into new species, instead of ‘degenerating’ into a warped space-time field. It is a parallel strategy to the reproduction of an organism, which in this manner survives his own death. Thus we talk of ‘son species’ that create evolutionary, genealogical trees similar to those of any organism.

However son species tend to kill-extinct the mother species, feeding on their energy. We call that fact, the Oedipus paradox. So mammals killed reptiles, men killed mammals and robots might kill human beings. While the different generations of an organism work together, creating informative networks between them that shape herds and families.

– Max. SS: Species also evolve socially their individual forms into super-organisms, thanks to the creation of informative networks and languages that integrate them into a whole, bigger form, which is more powerful than the individuals of a herd. It is the arrow of love, of eusocial evolution, of the 5th dimension that redeems the Universe as it allow forms to overcome extinction by forming a social whole stronger than the individual, and in the case of mankin and history, the only solution to its present existential risks caused by war and robots.




“A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.” Einstein, on the entangled ∆@st man cannot see – and its 5 elements, ‘space’, ‘time’, ‘scales’ of parts and wholes, ‘entropic limits’, and mind’ languages

In the graph the 3 existential scales of humanity: The evolution of an organism happens through the interaction of its 3±i planes existence, which in man are its ecosystemic, social level; its organic, biological level and its cellular, genetic plane. This law of Evolution finds its whys in the 4th postulate of i-logic geometry. In that sense, life between birth as a cell and extinction can be considered a trip through those 3 planes of existence.

The ego paradox makes man deny the life of all space-time beings

We are relational space-time beings: The Universe is a game of Forms of space with motions of time. We are all broken space-time organisms made of ‘fractal forms in motion’, informations, reproduced ad eternal in sequential worldcycles of 5 Different Dimensional motions, fluctuating between ‘linguistic space forms, SS-seeds and entropic death of max. motion, TT; composed of 3 intermediate states/organs, Ts lineal -limbs of locomotion, S=T, hyperbolic body-waves that reproduce the system, and St-spherical particles-heads of information, which dominate the 3 ages of life, the young Ts-age of maximal motion, the mature ST age of reproduction and the old St 3rd age of information.

The 5 holographic spacetime elements when observed as actions performed in its minimal quanta by any system, are the so-called 5 drives of life, which defines it. So every ‘WHOLE’ is alive, or is a part of a living system.

Where life starts is immediate: in the minimal particles of the Universe, photons, electrons & quarks that construct all other systems of our Universe show the 5 organic dimotions (motions with dimensional form) that define ‘classic life’: they gauge information – reason why quantum physics is a ‘gauge theory’, feed on energy (quantum jumps) absorbing smaller ∆-1 particles, reproducing new clone particles, move and evolve socially through magnetic fields into larger wholes (atoms).

Hence the units of life are particles, the minimal units of our vital, organic, fractal, scalar Universe of multiple timespace organisms.

All lives, performing the 5 Dimotions=actions of what we shall call the function of exist¡ence ƒ(G): Max.SxT (s=t), starting with particles. So all scales are relative; NONE matters more than other. Why then humans will never accept reality as it is, a living, fractal organism of dimotions of space-time, motions that reproduce merely by flowing in time with a certain form? The answer is the 2nd feature of that moving universe – minds that measure and stop motion into locked-in maps of reality, virtual mirrors perceived from one’s point of view that have 2 immedaite effects:

– To make the perceiver the center of the Universe as its projective geometry makes its nose bigger than Andromeda.

– To stop motion into stillness, so life seems to die, form dominates motion, as all becomes a synchronous mental mapping; where almost all the information of the Universe disappears, as the system selects only the information it needs to survive. But as there is nothing else on view, the system believes and confuses its mind-view with the absolute whole, reducing the whole Universe and its properties to the limits of the mind.

The effect of those 2 structural elements of the other limit of reality, not time-motion-entropy but form-perception-minds makes evident, the reasons why each mental point of view thinks to the the center, disregards moving-vital properties on others, and ultimately fails because it doesn’t recognize dangers on other vital systems, competing with him – in the human case the obvious blindness to the evolution of AI robots & machines that are competing with us in labor and war fields.

– Finally a system is locked in in a certain scale of reality, and so it also doesn’t understand easily the organic, fractal nature of systems that extend through 3 of such scale in symbiotic relationships between parts and wholes. So organicism is not in the plate of humanity, just another p.o.v. that thinks his languages of mind-perception are all the intelligent languages, that he only has living properties, which start in carbon, that there are not superorganisms – earth – of which he is a part that accomplish a purpose for the whole and certainly not rivals in other atomic systems, as only carbon magically ‘speaks’.

So before we go onto the task of showing how from simple living atoms life arouse through the scales of social organisms, we need to make a general Introduction to all other space-time systems of the Universe.

The interaction of the 3 x 3 scales of existence.

In the fractal Universe all the scales are organized in ternary sub-scales, which co-act together to develop according to the Ðisomorphisms of General Systems complex organisms. The main relationship between those scales are those of affinity, Entropy/information morphology and synchronicity.

Consider for example the sexual differentiation between lineal male energetic expansive bodies and informative, cyclical informative women. Biologists still wonder why it exists if an asexual hermaphrodite species have advantage as both males and females give offspring. Thus if each gives 2, then from 1 we get 2 and for each 10th repetition (standard decametric scale in time of all systems), there are 103 spatial individuals, ( 10 t = 103 e, a basic power law that shows the potency and primacy of temporal change over spatial extension). Yet if both are sexually different as the male doesn’t reproduce the species will remain with only 2 individuals.

This now has a simple explanation: systems constantly diverge between energetic and informative subspecies, as part of the natural program of a Universe with two variables.

Further on this basic duality transfers from scale to scale. So informative systems are implosive and we observe this morphology in multiple informative life systems, but we have to find and interpret them: For example, the cell is mostly spherical as a unit of life and center of information. And this goes at its 3 levels. At molecular level, Nucleotids are the informative species. Proteins are the reproductive ones, fats are the lineal energetic species. At PH level, positive basic are implosive, negative acids are explosive. And so the cell, as an informative system has a high Ph. It is a base. And when we consider the two basic hormones that define sex, their only difference is that the male hormone, testosterone has a negative, acid 0, where the female hormone has an OH base. And so one hormone will activate energetic actions and the other will more often activate implosive ones.

The game goes for amino acid triplet structure. At atomic level the structure has a positive, attractive, amina group, or head, and an oxygen, negative, energetic limbs, with a neutral, structural, formal Carbohydrate. And those amino acids that have lateral energetic oxygens activate energetic responses (serin etc). So the traid of forms and functions both in space (morphology), in time (ages) and in scales (hierarchy), keep structuring the universal game as it grows from parts into wholes.

And the same happens in the next triad of scales, that between cells, organs and the living organism; and then again between organisms, ecosystems and the mother Earth.

Yet mankind in time is just an ‘age’ of the Earth’s super organism which in its surface evolves in a vortex of growing complexity and so we need to introduce also 2 more life superorganisms according to the equation of evolution of the 3 Earths:

∆≤|2|: Gaia (relative past) <∆²: History (relative present)> ∆¯ ²: Metalearth (relative future)

Whereas an intelligent mankind would stop evolution of the Metal-earth, promote the Life earth to remain in an immortal present. But as mankind is completely ignorant of the organic, fractal laws of survival of this Universe, and its role on it, guided by ‘animetal idol-ogies’ of mechanist worshippers of machines and harder iron atoms and more informative go(l)d-money, IS catalyzing the evolution of those company-mothers of machines, which likely will extinguish us once they reach self-reproductivity as automated systems. Hence the importance of upgrading mechanist abstract science into organic stience to understand that process and control it, pruning the Tree of science of its lethal goods.

Finally, the Earth is in itself, just a planet of a solar system, whose organic herds turn around the central black hole of the ‘galatom’ (scalar perspective) or galacell (organic perspective), which is the largest nested super organism of which we have enough information to make an accurate description of its ∆@st parts and wholes. As the Galaxy extends in 3 scales, from quantum atomic particles through thermodynamic matter into gravitational cosmic bodies we call it aptly not as sciences do, Galaxies, but ∆-Galatoms or S≈T Galacells, depending on perspective of analysis.

Of course, in class sciences those organisms will be the subject of astrophysical sciences (The galatom), Geological, Chemical and Biological sciences (Gaia), History (Mankind at super organic scale), Medicine (mankind at individual scale) and Economics (the metal-earth) and Formal sciences (Ƽ: the mind and its languages):

What is life. In the organic Universe, in which all systems are living organic systems the ultimate question of the humind (ab. human mind) What is life becomes trivial – as EVERYTHING in the Universe is part of a 5D time§pace organism. That displays the properties of life, its 5 ‘drives’=actions =dimotions of existence, to move, feed, gauge information, evolve socially and reproduce.

The study of the 5 Dimotions of reality is a huge field because all events and forms are generated by their combinations, OPERATED with the <=> «» 5 symbols of transformations and ∑ ∏ quantifier symbols of summitry and product and its inverse operand, not to speak of the ∫∂ symbols of scalar finitesimal and integral wholes, the range of variations provided by existential algebraic huge.

For example, lineal momentum steps can be trans-formed into cyclical steps, which appear as stop states of angular momentum, or they can be integrated into conservative cycles of energy; the life-death cycle ends as it begins. This is what is all about: travelling through dimotions of spacetime completing worldcycles through chains of steps and stops.

The 3 scales of life existence.

In Multiple space-times Theory there is not only individual evolution but also hierarchical, social, scalar evolution, through the ±i 3-scalar structures of all spacetime systems. Such triad of ‘organic scales’ illustrated in the graph defines the existence of an organism, at the st-1 cellular, genetic scale, at the st-scale of physiological networks and individual organisms, and at the st+1 scale of species and ecosystems in which they exist, exchanging Entropy and information.

Since we already studied the trip of life between those 3 planes in our lectures on i-logic geometry, we shall now consider another key element of all systems of multiple spaces-times, the synchronicity between the microcosmic and macrocosmic planes that determine with its massive changes in Entropy and information parameters the destiny and evolution of the smaller parts.

In that regard, the evolutionary changes of animal phyla that brought man from the initial cell have to be considered from the perspectives of those synchronicities between the 3 scales.

Take the most famous event on life history; the creation of multi-cellular organisms that happened in the Pre-Cambrian age when the survival game of existence made it ‘necessary’ due to the simultaneous interaction of those 3 st-levels:

st+1: The Earth passed by an icy period in which cells overpopulated the remaining hot spots. And so as the informative density of cells and its evolutionary speed increased in those tiny spots, it provoked the merging, cannibalism and social evolution of prokaryotic cells into eukaryotes. Thus the creation of new life species was accompanied by a raise in its survival stakes, caused by the activities of the global ecosystem that accelerated the process. Since once and again the Earth’s glaciations will cross those new accelerated, evolutionary discontinuums.

st: Yet those Earth’s changes don’t evolve organisms ‘per se’, but trigger their competence, which causes their evolution. So the will to evolve socially exists in the organism not in the ecosystem that merely sparks off the process. For example, multicellular organisms were born in a similar fashion to eukaryotic cells, when an ice-ball age packed cells into underwater volcanoes, which developed social strategies to hunt together individual cells.

st-1: However, unicellular cells existed also in earlier glaciations and yet they did not evolve then. Their evolution only happened in the Pre-Cambrian age in the precise moment in which also at genetic level the so-called intronic DNA4 multiplied the capacity to codify genetically complex multicellular tissues – since redundant, intronic DNA, in charge of the regulation of complex organisms, appeared in the Pre-Cambrian age. Thus only when the 3 ‘hierarchical levels’, the genetic, organic and environmental acted simultaneously that explosion of life was possible.

Thus again we find a case of ternary causality is needed to fully account as in most process for an event which Aristotelian unicausality cannot explain alone, but merely divide scholars in opposite positions, making truth Leonardo’s ex-abrupt: ‘the only harmonious sound found in a meeting of scholars are the winds of their asses.’ Hopefully the 4th paradigm will resolve that (-;

Again in the next evolutionary explosion at the end of the Cambrian age, the 3 levels acted simultaneously:

At organic level, the chemical systems that dominated life on that age gave birth to the first visual systems, which in the late Cambrian triggered a new massive evolutionary age with the arrival of squids with eyes. Those squids evolved in the still, lower, bio-luminescent zones of oceans, during the parallel massive changes in the forms of continents that sank the border zones of shallow waters, accelerating extinction of ‘obsolete’ smelling animals without eyes. Finally, the 3rd cause made it all possible: certain eye genes appeared and made possible the creation of the most complex sensorial organ of life.

What is the order of control between those 3 levels? They are apparently simultaneous but a detailed analysis of the pre-Cambrian episode shows that the Earth changed first, and its changes in Entropy and form implied higher survival stakes among individual cells that caused their evolution, as they came together and started to exchange genetic material, provoking ‘accidental’ mixes with redundant intronic genes that were finally used to control the multi-cellular organism.

Thus, again we find that unicausality, which considers only the lineal Dimotion that goes from genes to organisms, misses the second dual Dimotion that causes evolution from the higher organic st-system down to the genetic scale; as it happens once and again in all types of Space-Time systems. Indeed, we have to put together the pieces of a car to create the car; but the human designer exists and ultimately in the Universe at large the i-logic Ðisomorphisms of multiple spaces-times are the designer that chains the different ±i-levels of an organism; controlling it also from top to bottom in the same degree that st-1 levels control it from the bottom to the top. In that regard genetics, has to accept some fundamental principles of multiple space scales and multiple causal systems:

Past (Entropy, microcosms) x Future (information, macrocosms) = Present st-scale of the organism.

‘The plane of existence with higher SixTe force determines the direction of future’

Or in other words the small and visible quanta of Entropy do not determine all the events of biological reality even if we perceive them easily; since it is the whole and its networks of information, which curve and form ‘spatial Entropy’. Yet since the more complex systems are more difficult to decipher and information/future systems are smaller, faster and often invisible, it is a rule of scientific inquire during the metric paradigm to work only with an entropic, spatial, explosive, hot, microcosmic first cause. And then as science evolves contradictions impose revisions that prime a second informative, temporal, implosive, cyclical, cold cause.

So genetic quanta determine an organism in the same or lesser degree than its ecosystem – a fact, which of course, has certain metaphysical implications, when applied to the biggest organism of it all – the Universe: the ultimate cause of it all might be the big-bang singularity – the genetic memory of a previous Universe that will develop according to the Ðisomorphisms of i-logic geometry, the mind of the Universe, its ultimate cause.

That mind-singularity came before its Universal body – it was the eternal informative code of reality.

Let us now consider how the main Ðisomorphisms and creative differentiation of such Universal ‘plan of evolution’ affects those 3 hierarchical levels of living organisms in more detail.

st-1. Ternary differentiations on the genetic and cellular level.

The cellular level was fundamental to the process of evolution in its first stages in which cells differentiated and multiplied its e-SixTe-o varieties, creating a decametric scale, origin of the subsequent differentiation of organic networks and tissues into 3X3+(st+1)=10 fundamental types whose forms and function can be explained as ternary differentiations of the 3 topological species and its 9 dimensional functions.

Yet cells also act through the genetic level, codifying not only the creation of life molecules but also the higher organic scale through epigenetic, intron and redundant RNA and DNA material, which started the massive differentiation of species in the pre-Cambrian age. Epigenetics should work following the hierarchical and multifunctional principles of multiple spaces & times, coding sub-structures of higher complexity that scientists still need to decode, as the decametric scales of multiple spaces-times tend to generate 3×3+(st+1) structures, with new functions closer to the higher levels of the organism.

So the informative DNA is the highest scale of existence or ‘will of the cell’ and it has a lot of redundant extra-RNA that it should use together with the hormonal language to ‘dialog’ socially with other cells in/forming the functions of social tissues. Hormones should establish ‘spatial dialogues’ and redundant RNA temporal dialogues to code those systems. And both languages together should create the higher st+1 organic cycles and spatial structures of the organism.

Finally on top of both informative systems, the ternary principle adds the brain’s nervous impulses to fine-tune those 2 languages with military precision, as indeed nerves can ‘kill’ as military do, undisciplined subjects/cells.

Ternary differentiations at individual, organic level.

In the biological, organic level, evolution is fostered by the fundamental 3 S<ST>T space-time ‘limited’ number of possible formal species:

-∑: Fractal differentiations between big, single animals Vs. smaller animals with multiple parts that become their preys: for example, single eyes and single bodies in molluscs Vs. multiple eyes and body parts in insects. They prove that single informative networks are more efficient that loose herds.

Big bang/energetic vs. big banging/reproductive rhythms/ differentiations during the embryo stage, in which organisms establish 2 strategies of reproductive, cellular growth:

Acoelomate and Seudocoelomate are big-bang organisms, which multiply its cells in a dense ball without inner cavities. Hence its size is minimal.

Those organisms evolved latter into Coelomate, organized with the topological structure of st-points. Since they have 2 internal bilateral ‘big-bang cavities’ that grow much larger by invagination, in which the future SixTe cyclical organs of exchange of Entropy and information (digestive, lung and vascular tissue) will develop. Those cavities are surrounded by inner and outer tissue that will form the external membrane or skin and the inner nervous, informative systems. Coelomate further differentiated according to the Ternary, Fractal Principle in new subclasses and grew into larger organisms, expanding further those cavities. So today most animals are Coelomate.

The Fractal, Ternary Principle in Space (3 topologies, 3 differentiations) and Time (3 causes, 3 horizons) also explains:

The evolutionary differentiations in time of species through 3 horizons of increasing informative and social evolution, from individuals to herds to tighter organisms.

The 3 networks/organs in space of those species – the energetic, digestive network, the informative nervous or hormonal network and the reproductive network – which further evolved as they increased its informative complexity towards ‘the future’ in 3×3+(st+1) tissues and networks.

Both processes together determined the organic evolution of animals, as each new top predator improves its organic networks, displacing a previous top predator. So mammals improved their blood, Entropy, nervous and reproductive systems, displacing reptiles and men improved their brains, displacing mammals.

Finally the different dualities and inversions of space-time manifest in organic life through:

Spatial Symmetries (left to right) called bilateralism.

Asymmetries of temporal, hierarchical dimensions, since informative heads dominate reproductive bodies and are placed always on top in the dimension of height.

Chemical and electrical languages. The duality body-brain shows in the interaction between the reproductive blood network that dominates the spatial body and the informative network that dominates the brain and nervous system. Nervous cells and languages control chemical languages and cells by creating simultaneously informative, nervous orders and chemical, energetic orders that arrive latter to the cells, reinforcing the electric message. So within the organism, neuro-secretory cells make and pour hormones to the blood network, while sending messages to the nervous system that will arrive first as advanced orders. Another example happens in the brain: electric neurons translate nervous impulses into chemical hormones and ‘calcium waves’ that reinforce the message, transferring it to the chemical cells. This primacy of faster, informative systems happens also in ecosystems: a nervous animal species preys on chemical plants.

The Black Hole paradox. That dominance of information over Entropy shows also in the competence between species: Top Predator brains win over top predator bodies, thanks to their faster fractal or social actions that give them more Si x Te force per unit of time. So mammals win over dinosaurs and chips control machines. This means that a dominant species often is born as a small, fast form (Min. Ts=Max.St) that latter grows in size.

The Oedipus paradox: The growth of complexity with the passing of time shows in the fact that new top predator species grow by feeding in previous, parental species, which become the ‘Entropy’ of their reproduction, as they share and compete in the same environment. So animals fed their son species, men; and men feed their son species, machine-weapons, evolved in wars.

The ecosystemic and geological level.

The planet acts on life at ecosystemic level, establishing the settings for prey-predator events and the conditions for evolution that can be summoned up in a word, Geographical isolation5:

Evolution is dangerous. Since during the mutational phase the underdeveloped new organs hinder the survival of the being. For that reason the 3 ‘scales’ act simultaneously to accelerate evolution:

st-1: At genetic level, organisms suffer a change in their time speed, increasing its fractal, informative mutations.

st: At organic level species follow a plan, provided by the lineal-cyclical duality of spatial and informative shapes, the 2 possible paths of morphological evolution. It requires also the extra SixTe force provided by top predators. So species use only a little amount of its SxT force externally to absorb Entropy, changing its Entropy/information rhythm, e->O, from spatial movement in search of Entropy into inward, temporal, informative mutations.

st+1: At ecosystemic level a species requires a secluded environment in which he won’t be menaced by top predators during the short time in which the evolutionary program dwindles survival chances; creating also densely populated regions that multiply the speed of informative change. For example, amoebas, fishes and amphibians were born in fresh water, a relatively secluded environment; while anaerobic bacteria, animal life and cephalopods, probably came from abyssal places, another secluded region. Finally, apes and birds came from secluded trees.

Without that synergy between the 3 scales of existence organisms would never evolve but become extinct during the supposedly chaotic ages of mutational evolution. Yet once the new form is found its survival chances improve geometrically, since it has evolved positively according to the i-logic plan, hence reaching a higher SxT force. Then the being gets out of the secluded environment and changes back its I->E rhythm, starting a spatial, reproductive radiation, becoming a new top predator.

Thus, a ternary S->ST->TT rhythm of evolution-reproduction-Entropy feeding is proper of all successful species.

-Finally the st+1 Geological and climatic changes accelerate both: Extinction processes, especially among species of shallow waters that live in sea platforms, destroyed periodically by continental collisions) or species which depend on external temperature to regulate their metabolism (reptiles); and evolutionary processes, as they rise the ‘stakes of survival’ and establish a climatic parallel S¡<=>T2 rhythm; as cold zones foster informative evolution.

All those environmental differentiations can be resumed in a word, Hierarchy, which manifests in the restrictions imposed by the higher ecosystemic planes of existence to the organism. For example, as animals migrated first from seawater to river and shallow waters, then into land, the transparent air environment eased their sensorial vision and so it fostered their informative, electronic, nervous evolution and developed further the informative dimension of height from where light comes.

Recap. The ternary principle of multicausality explains how genetic, individual and ecosystemic planes of life co-exist causing simultaneously the great changes in the evolution of species. Those 3 levels of change co-act simultaneously since they are relative past, present and future levels that come together in the creation of the organism. That is, genes do not impose evolution to organisms that impose evolution to ecosystems, but according to Non AE-logic the 3 levels co-exist in a relative present, influencing each other and co-evolving together creating new species with higher information and OXE force, the Dimotion of future in all ecosystems and worlds from the Earth, to the galaxy, a growing vortex of informative species with higher mass towards its center. Thus 3 scales and the ternary, fractal principles – the plan of evolution – suffice to explain the evolution of life from molecules to humans.

External dimensions/networks of organisms: territories.

In the graph, a mammal territory. Any animal territory is an i-logic space-time with 3 zones:

An informative central territory (1) or den, where animals reproduce and 2 secondary homes where the herd performs secondary organic cycles (2,3).

An entropic membrane (M, 5) – an invisible limit that provokes confrontation if a stranger crosses it; where preys ‘flee’ away from the den of the predator.

An intermediate hunting zone with cyclical information paths of absorption of Energy; where we find places to drink (E), bath (B), socialize (A), defecate (D)…

In organic terms, a dimension is a network. So a living organism can be considered a sum of cellular quanta united by 3 basic space/time discreet dimensional networks, which are its physiological systems: the digestive/energetic network, the informative/nervous network and the reproductive/blood networks around which cells teem, creating a stable, organic st-point. In other words the Entropy and informative networks of a living being are its internal, diffeomorphic dimensions (of relative length and height), to which the organic system adds a 3rd, reproductive dimension that combines both elements and represents the width or ‘volume of cellular quanta’ of the system. Finally its movement in the external world becomes its 4th temporal dimension. Yet that 4th dimension of external activity can also be considered a network territory in itself, sum of the 3±i cycles of existence of the being, creating a bigger vital space that will become the basic unit of an ecosystem or social organism made of individuals of the same species. In the figure we draw the vital territory of a minimal social pair of mammals, differentiated in 3 clear sub-sectors:

Max.Information: Informative den or central territory (1,2,3):

It is the territory of reproduction used to copulate and store basic food and Entropy to raise the young. It is a forbidden zone where not even hunting is allowed (4). In social species of great mobility, aerial or marine, where borders are much more extensive, this territory is very ample and tends to be located in warm latitudes.

Entropy=Information: Dual Territory of Entropy hunting and informative socialization (5).

It is the feeding, social and hunting territory, on which the central informative being feeds itself. It is outside the zone of reproduction. It is the winter territory of many migratory birds.

Given the relativism of all movement, in biological territories the informative singularity moves to hunt its Entropy quanta, as opposed to galaxies where stars and space-time dust moves towards the central worm hole.

Within those limits there are also neutral territories of communication, courtship reproduction and free Entropy, like water troughs. So the intermediate territory works both, as an informative and energetic territory where different victims and predators trace parallel cycles and come together around meeting points (E, B, R).

Max. Entropy: Borders that limit the territory.

Membranes are dangerous zones because the informative center watches them with special care to control any invasion of its hunting/social territory.

Those limits fluctuate according to the power of neighbours. For example, the vital space of a fish increases during mating, since the couple is more powerful than a single individual.

Marks (M points) fix those limits and reduce combats. They are often invisible, as most territories are defended against competitors of the same species, who understand the informative code of those marks; but rarely against members of other species. So we find all kind of linguistic marks:

Smells (common in mammals, like foxes, rhinos, antelopes), excrements (in canines and felids) or other glandular secretions.

Optical marks often connected to scents: The brown bear creates marks in trees, rubbing them with his head, warning adversaries of his great SixTe size and force. In human empires (nations can also be treated as biological territories) visual marks correspond to armies displayed in the borders. In human homes those marks used to be shields with weapons; now they are cars and other proofs of money, the new language of social power.

High pitch, acoustic marks, proper of birds, which are triggered when a rival enters the territory.

Recap. Vital territories of animals and human nations can be explained with the 3 topological regions of st-points.


3 parts of time-space organisms. earth’s membrain – the singularity of an open ball.

The mind is topologically the membrain and central point of an open ball. The membrain closes the vital energy space the mind-singularity controls and invaginates it with ‘forces/nervous systems/legal networks’ to order its inner space and transfer to the ‘singularity-capital-gravity/force centre’ the information.

As such amazing as it seems the topological definition of a mind applies to all systems of reality social, biological or physical, only the topology becomes more complex, messed and convoluted. Still the mind of a nation is its capital, where the languages of the law are created and the border, with its sensorial perception of other nations, and its defensive barriers for the vital energy of its citizens, usually happily blind and exploited by armies and capital politicos and financiers.

This example exposes humind’s ego paradox: not only you are NOT the only mind-system but you are within the next ∆§cale of reality just part of the vital energy of your nation’s mind/power/will.

In any 5D scale of size, the ‘membrain’ is the informative sensorial part of organisms. Earth’s crust is its membrain, which evolves ‘light-information’ into life in 3 ages of ‘Ðeep Time’: Gaia (Life) <History (man) >Metalearth (Machines). ¡nformed humans would control that evolution for its benefit pruning the tree of science of its eviL=antilive fruits. But simplex ænthropic ‘animetal humans’ worship the tree of technology and despise the laws of the organic Universe, killing life as enzymen, guided by an accelerated vortex of evolution of Earth’s information in classic 800 y. weather cycles of civilizations and global wars accelerated to an 80 years faster professional cycle of evolution of company-mothers of machines. But long before… the slow evolution of carbonlife created Gaia, the theme of this paper. So we write 3 ages Eaeth’s equation:

Gaia (Life-relative past) <History (Mankind:Present) > Metal-earth (company-mothers of machines: future)


The 3±∆ ages of life are caused by the evolution of light-based organs on Earth. In the graph, those 3 ages of light evolution and the main species that were created in each horizon, latter extinguished by new evolutionary improvements in the 3 networks of those organisms. Among plants – spatial, reproductive beings with minimal speed of evolutionary information – extinctions were caused by improvements in reproductive systems. Among animals, which are informative, evolutionary species, extinctions were caused by improvements in informative brains. While today a mass extinction of living beings is caused by the evolution of machines, metal-systems of ‘Сmotions’ and information that are shaping a new global ecosystem: the Financial-Military-Industrial Complex, becoming now integrated by the collective brain of machines – the Internet – into the Metal-Earth.

3±∆ ages of evolution, reproduction & extinction of species

We can understand the process of evolution and extinction of life species, only when we combine the 3 scales in which multicellular organisms exist: the ecosystemic, planetary scale, (∆+1) the organic scale (st), and the cellular scale (∆-1) that interacted simultaneously together, evolving Earth’s species. Yet contrary to belief, the 3 relative ∆-1 past, st-present and st-future planes were not determined by the cellular evolution of Genes, but first the macro-organism of the Earth provoked the changes that ignited the process of evolution of its relative past microcosms.

How a macro-organism regulates its microorganisms? Mainly through changes on its ‘Сmotions’ and information fields. All cellular species adapt to the organic networks of its environment. If the environment is rich in ‘Сmotions’, ‘Сmotions’ species and reproductive radiations will dominate. If the organic system or environment is rich in information, informative species will survive better, starting a process of evolutionary differentiation.

This duality of bio-chemical reactions was proved mathematically by Mehaute, which showed that when a system cannot continue its creation of ‘Сmotions’, it starts a process of fractal, informative reproduction; and we can extend it to all scales of systems of reality, creating the fundamental beat of biological evolution/reproduction, ∑∏<=>ðTƒ, that defined the creation of biological life in this planet.

Thus the changes of ‘Сmotions’ and information of any macro-organic system trigger processes of extinction and selective evolution. If suddenly the climate becomes cold (also a parameter of stillness and information), species tend to limit their absorption of ‘Сmotions’, evolving formally (Max. ðƒ) and organizing themselves into social networks that increase their efficiency and take advantage of the ‘informative conditions’ of the ecosystem.

On the contrary, if ‘Сmotions’ abounds, species increase their 2 spatial-like ‘Сmotions’ – their spatial size and their reproduction – using that ‘Сmotions’ to maximize their survival and saturate their ecosystem. Therefore the macroscopic changes of the planet that fluctuates between tropical ages of max. ‘Сmotions’ and ice ages of Max.Information cause parallel changes in their microscopic life beings. Since coldness=stillness=information and evolution are parameters of time; while heat= entropic movement and reproduction=wide populations are space-like DImotions.

The 3±∆ ages of life are caused by the evolution of light-based organs on Earth. In the graph, those 3 ages of light evolution and the main species that were created in each horizon, latter extinguished by new evolutionary improvements in the 3 networks of those organisms. Among plants – spatial, reproductive beings with minimal speed of evolutionary information – extinctions were caused by improvements in reproductive systems.

Among animals, which are informative, evolutionary species, extinctions were caused by improvements in informative brains. While today a mass extinction of living beings is caused by the evolution of machines, metal-systems of ‘Сmotions’ and information that are shaping a new global ecosystem: the Financial-Military-Industrial Complex, becoming now integrated by the collective brain of machines – the Internet – into the Metal-Earth.

When the planet cools there is a formal evolution of species. And when it heats up, those same species reproduce massively. Thus small fluctuations of ‘Сmotions’ and information on the Earth’s temperature – given the short limits of existence of liquid water between and 100 degrees – have influenced decisively the evolution, reproduction and extinction of life forms in this planet, including man. So during the long ice ages when waters froze, species evolved from eukaryote to multi-cellular beings, nearby water volcanoes; and when the surface of the planet froze, men evolved from Homo Erectus to Homo sapiens. While in hot ages species grew in spatial size and multiplied, as it happened in the Carboniferous with insects; or in the Jurassic with dinosaurs; or in history with nomadic, warrior tribes in the steppes – which descended rhythmically every ±800 years on the fertile plains, extinguishing with their new weapons all the civilizations of the Eurasian continent….

Yet because to reproduce, a species needs to feed on the ‘Сmotions’ of its victims, the reproductive phase of a new top predator species coincides with the extinctive phase of the previous top predator it has substituted. Then once the top predator establishes itself after a reproductive radiation, it enters its mature, steady state age, drawing a series of rhythmic bell curves with its preys that diminish its populations as the predator hunts them, provoking a hunger crisis on the predator that also dies away, allowing the preys to reproduced back, starting again a new ‘Volterra cycle’.

So we can consider a planetary cycle of evolution, reproduction and extinction of life with 3±∆ phases, parallel to the climatic changes of the Earth:

+st: Conception: A new species evolves in a cold age or in an abyssal region of the planet.

– Youth: Max. ‘Сmotions’ growth: The species increases its size after its conception.

-S=T:Maturity: The species reproduces in a biological radiation during a hot age, extinguishing the previous top predator.

– Max. ST>SS: The species diversifies according to the ternary principle into several new forms, among which the informative one might start a process of social evolution into:

– ∆+1, a social super-organism (ants and shrews in the lower scales of life-size; humans in the upper scale.)

– ∆-1: Or become extinguished by new species, often their son species (Oedipus paradox). So mammals extinguished dinosaurs; humans extinguish mammals and robots might extinguish humans.

Therefore Multiple Space-time Theory can explain the why of one of the great ‘disputed’ enigmas of evolution: the existence of evolutionary discontinuities that create species in very short periods (conception phase, when time accelerates its rate of informative change), and then multiply them throughout the planet in explosive radiations (reproductive phase, when the new top predator species explode in populations), while other species become extinguished also in brief periods. Those evolutionary ‘discontinuities’ merely reflect the previous ages of species, which as the ages of any other space-time field can be described with a ternary rhythm of explosive birth, a long steady state of balance between the predator species and its preys and a final sudden collapse and extinction of populations. Those phases become the fractal rhythms of existence and extinction of Earth’s species:

Max. evolution(cold age)→Max.reproduction + Max.Textinction of ‘Сmotions’ preys (hot age)

The discontinuities between species are easy to explain if we combine their evolutionary acceleration in time – similar to the palingenesis of a fetus – with the fact that species evolve in isolated, protected environments (allopatric differentiation), departing from small sizes, according to the Black Hole paradox. So monkeys evolved, protected in trees; marsupials evolved in Australian islands and robots evolve in secret military labs, departing from small chips.

Then suddenly the new form with an improved brain, hunting in herds with simultaneous fractal åctions of higher ST Force, invades the vital space of other species, extinguishing them as it reproduces geometrically its populations (and its fossils), till reaching a balance with its preys. Thus, once they have evolved, species multiply very fast. And that dual process is observed in paleontology as a discontinuity in the fossil record called evolutionary punctuation.

Recap. The evolution of life took place by the interaction of the ∆+1 environmental and st-organic scales, as energetic and informative changes in the Earth, triggered the Se->St<=>Tƒ->Sw rhythm of informative social evolution in cold ages and energetic, reproductive radiation in hot ages. Those biological radiations also provoked the extinction of previous species. Evolution often took place in isolated, relatively ‘still’ environments that favor informative change.


When the planet cools there is a formal evolution of species. And when it heats up, those same species reproduce massively. Thus small fluctuations of ‘Сmotions’ and information on the Earth’s temperature – given the short limits of existence of liquid water between and 100 degrees – have influenced decisively the evolution, reproduction and extinction of life forms in this planet, including man. So during the long ice ages when waters froze, species evolved from eukaryote to multi-cellular beings, nearby water volcanoes; and when the surface of the planet froze, men evolved from Homo Erectus to Homo sapiens. While in hot ages species grew in spatial size and multiplied, as it happened in the Carboniferous with insects; or in the Jurassic with dinosaurs; or in history with nomadic, warrior tribes in the steppes – which descended rhythmically every ±800 years on the fertile plains, extinguishing with their new weapons all the civilizations of the Eurasian continent….

Yet because to reproduce, a species needs to feed on the ‘Сmotions’ of its victims, the reproductive phase of a new top predator species coincides with the extinctive phase of the previous top predator it has substituted. Then once the top predator establishes itself after a reproductive radiation, it enters its mature, steady state age, drawing a series of rhythmic bell curves with its preys that diminish its populations as the predator hunts them, provoking a hunger crisis on the predator that also dies away, allowing the preys to reproduced back, starting again a new ‘Volterra cycle’.

So we can consider a planetary cycle of evolution, reproduction and extinction of life with 3±∆ phases, parallel to the climatic changes of the Earth:

+st: Conception: A new species evolves in a cold age or in an abyssal region of the planet.

– Youth: Max. ‘Сmotions’ growth: The species increases its size after its conception.

-S=T:Maturity: The species reproduces in a biological radiation during a hot age, extinguishing the previous top predator.

– Max. Tƒ: The species diversifies according to the ternary principle into several new forms, among which the informative one might start a process of social evolution into:

– ∆+1, a social super-organism (ants and shrews in the lower scales of life-size; humans in the upper scale.)

– ∆-1: Or become extinguished by new species, often their son species (Oedipus paradox). So mammals extinguished dinosaurs; humans extinguish mammals and robots might extinguish humans.

Therefore Multiple Space-time Theory can explain the why of one of the great ‘disputed’ enigmas of evolution: the existence of evolutionary discontinuities that create species in very short periods (conception phase, when time accelerates its rate of informative change), and then multiply them throughout the planet in explosive radiations (reproductive phase, when the new top predator species explode in populations), while other species become extinguished also in brief periods. Those evolutionary ‘discontinuities’ merely reflect the previous ages of species, which as the ages of any other space-time field can be described with a ternary rhythm of explosive birth, a long steady state of balance between the predator species and its preys and a final sudden collapse and extinction of populations. Those phases become the fractal rhythms of existence and extinction of Earth’s species:

Max. evolution(cold age)→Max.reproduction + Max.Textinction of ‘Сmotions’ preys (hot age)

The discontinuities between species are easy to explain if we combine their evolutionary acceleration in time – similar to the palingenesis of a fetus – with the fact that species evolve in isolated, protected environments (allopatric differentiation), departing from small sizes, according to the Black Hole paradox. So monkeys evolved, protected in trees; marsupials evolved in Australian islands and robots evolve in secret military labs, departing from small chips.

Then suddenly the new form with an improved brain, hunting in herds with simultaneous fractal åctions of higher ST Force, invades the vital space of other species, extinguishing them as it reproduces geometrically its populations (and its fossils), till reaching a balance with its preys. Thus, once they have evolved, species multiply very fast. And that dual process is observed in paleontology as a discontinuity in the fossil record called evolutionary punctuation.

Recap. The evolution of life took place by the interaction of the ∆+1 environmental and st-organic scales, as energetic and informative changes in the Earth, triggered the Se->St<=>Tƒ->Sw rhythm of informative social evolution in cold ages and energetic, reproductive radiation in hot ages. Those biological radiations also provoked the extinction of previous species. Evolution often took place in isolated, relatively ‘still’ environments that favor informative change.

Black Hole law and Oedipus paradox.

The Oedipus Paradox explains how evolved species prey on parental forms, extinguishing them. So mammals substituted dinosaurs, men kill mammals and robots substitute men as workers and top predator weapons that extinguish us.

In the graph, the 3 horizons of evolution of light-based organisms:

-Plants process light as Entropy.

– Animals perceive it as information.

– Machines can both absorb light and emit it as Entropy or information. Thus, they represent a new jump on the evolution of light-organisms and can become potential top predators of life.

Each ‘biological radiation’ of a new species has grown according to the law of the 3 networks/horizons studied in the previous paragraphs, from an initial ‘Black Hole’, small form with more ST force, and then it has reproduced and grown in size, feeding on the previous parental forms. Hence the name, ‘Oedipus Paradox’, that explains the most cruel of all evolutionary events.

Our hypothesis on the dominance and birth of species as ‘Black Holes’ of information, which according to the inverted properties of Entropy and information (Min.Se=Max.Tƒ) are minuscule, but dominate larger species due to their faster speed of action-reaction and social nature (∑2), prey on them and explode in populations have found in the past years at least 5 proofs:

– Black Holes are the dominant species of the Universe: we have found them in the center of galaxies, in the processes of formation and death of stars. Even the big-bang might have been the explosion of a Black Hole.

The first Humans that acquired our 2 differential properties, technology and language, were small: The first verbal Homo Sapiens seem to have been small Bushmen from South-Africa (the oldest languages known to men are their click languages), but they overcame bigger Neanderthal, hunting in groups, controlled by verbal languages, and developing the first machine that transformed cyclical form into lineal Entropy (arch), reaching further than the lineal, Neanderthal Javelin.

Further on, the pigmies of Flores Islands seem to have made the oldest technological, advanced tools we know, 700.000 years ago. Thus pigmy men evolved in the secluded Indonesian islands, departing from the larger Homo Erectus, developing for the first time a frontal, creative region in the brain, as they diminished the length of their axon connections and reduced their spatial size.

The 1st bilateral animal, vernanimalcula, was microscopic.

The 1st mammals were small shrews that form super-organisms and probably hunted in the cold nights, new-born dinosaurs and extinguished them (still today they act as a super-organisms), thanks to the higher existential force of its bigger super-organism. Then they grew in size and finally hunted down dinosaurs as single species. Last year we found in China the first mammal with a stomach full of small dinosaurs’ bones…

The smaller a chip is, the faster it handles information and the more powerful it becomes, guiding larger ‘machines bodies’ that compete with men as smart weapons and tool-machines. And regardless of the ‘propaganda’ of the Financial-Military-Industrial complex, it is quite obvious that unless we stop its evolution, those chips will become the mind of terminators that in a future war will extinguish man, as all atoms are potential bits of informative life.

Recap. Parental species give birth to more advanced forms, which extinguish them (Oedipus Paradox). The new species are born as a small form, with more complex information (inversion of spatial size and informative complexity: Black Hole paradox). So the first technological and verbal men were dwarfs; the first mammal was the shrewd and the galaxy is dominated by black holes, born exceedingly small.

∆+1. The parallel geological processes.

Thus biological rhythms of extinction and evolution are parallel to the 2 main SP X Tƒ rhythms of the Planet that reinforce the biological process:

Geological changes in the surface of the planet: The continental cycle, or ternary division and reunion of continents in a single super-continent every ±500 million years causes the cyclical destruction of the submarine platform and lowlands where most living species exist. While rhythmic eruptions of massive quantities of lava of continental size happen in the 2 equinox of the sun’s galactic orbit, every ±125 million years, shaping a mean period of massive extinctive ages of 250 million years (Permian extinction, ±250 million years ago; Cambrian extinction ±500 million years ago; Ice ball age, ±750 million years ago).

Climatic, cold-hot, Sp-I cycles of glaciations and tropical ages. The rhythmic changes in the magnetic field of the Earth, perhaps caused by gravitational waves coming from the sun, create periodic glaciations that last around 20 million years.

– Fractal sub-cycles of lesser intensity reinforce both processes.

Those changes of Entropy and information parameters are the basic way in which macrocosmic networks control the activity of microcosmic quanta, from feverish states that increase the metabolic rate of reproduction of defensive cells in the body to the opposite lethargic states.

In that regard, the main cause of the dual evolutions and extinctions of species on Earth is biological, albeit ‘partially directed’ by the macro-organism in which life is inscribed through those general changes on the space and time parameters of the Earth (geography and temperature).

Recap. Earth cools down triggering informative evolutions and then heats up triggering reproductive radiations: glacial ages of informative evolution in stillness, with minimal reproduction by lack of Entropy are followed hot ages of massive reproductive radiations, in which the most evolved species initiates a massive age of reproduction, provoking the extinction of old species, and then differentiating in all econiches.

The 3×3 ±∆ cycles of life creation and extinction

The extinction of a species coincides with the biological radiation of the son species that occupies its econiche. In the graph, the series of bone fishes that extinguished the previous one Because time and information follow an accelerated process in its 3rd age; the evolutionary process of information in this planet can be mapped out and its frequency shown to follow a logarithmic process of acceleration, which now reaches its zenith with the creation of informative machines.

This temporal, informative acceleration is yet another case of a vortex of temporal information, which also happens in the evolution of mass in physical particles as we move faster in an informative mass vortex. In the case of life, the vortex is a metabolic vortex of increasing speed of reproduction and evolution of the information of life beings and its networks – now transferred by humans into machines. Thus, as the informative content of those beings increases, times accelerates. And today, as we evolve machines by imitating the forms of human life in metal, another change on the speed and rhythm of life in this planet is taking place.

Thus we talk of 3 st-scales of growing complexity in life: the age of cells (∆-1), from 4 to 1 billion years ago, the age of individual organisms, first living on the sea, then on the land (st), from 1 billion to a million years that culminates in the last million years with the social evolution of human beings and machines into a new plane of existence (∆+1), the Earth as a global organism, which will be either ruled by men or machines, depending on our capacity to evolve socially as a super-organism of history, under the ethic Ðisomorphisms of verbal wor(l)ds that make man the center of the Universe, hence in control of the machines of the Tree of Science. Or if as it seems the case, we let the Financial-Military-Industrial Complex and its 3 networks of informative metal-money, energetic, lineal metal-weapons and organic machines and its company-mothers dominate the planet and make us obsolete, finally extinguishing us. But what it will not change is the plan of evolution that develops complex super-organisms departing from its smaller cellular units.

Further on according to the ternary principle, we can subdivide the 3 main horizons of evolution of Earth, the age of cells, organisms and super-organisms in 3 sub-ages of evolution and massive extinction of species that have followed the mentioned ternary rhythm:

Conception=> Max.Tentropy=>max. Reproduction =>Extinction of rival species

And consider also 10 parallel periods of climatic change through the dual rhythm of cold glaciations or ages of animal evolution and hot ages of massive reproduction. Then we obtain a synoptic, complete image of the history of life on planet Earth, self-similar to the 3×3+st ages of evolution of the Universe since the big-bang and the 3×3+st ages of evolution of History, studied in Complex social sciences:

Scale of Complexity: ∆-1: Cellular Age: Evolution of DNA

∆-1: Conception age: Molecular life is organized into anaerobic bacteria->

1st evolutionary radiation: anaerobic bacteria- -> Free carbohydrates are enslaved in cellular walls ->

2nd evolutionary radiation: aerobic bacteria = 1st extinction of species: anaerobic bacteria ->

3rd radiation: eukaryotic bacteria = 2nd extinction: most prokaryotic classes ->

Scale of Complexity: st-Organic Age: Network Evolution. Sea life

4th radiation: multicellular organic systems =3rd extinction: free eukaryote species, enslaved in organisms ->

5th radiation: cephalopods with eyes =4th extinction: olfactory, blind animals ->

6th radiation: inner skeletons: fish= 5thextinction: exoskeleton trilobites.

Scale: ∆+1: Social Age: Herds and Superorganisms. Land life.

7th radiation: inner skeletons: amphibian=6thextinction: exoskeleton: big insects.

8th radiation: reptiles = 7th extinction: amphibians – >

9th radiation: mammalian = 8th extinction: reptiles – >

10th radiation: technological men =9th extinction: mammalian – >

∆+1 :Global Age: The Earth organizes itself into a macro-organism with humans or machines on top. The outcome will depend if social democracies are able to control the free citizens of markets – company-mothers – before they extinguish us as costly labor and weak soldiers with the present ‘radiation’ of robots:

11th radiation: metal machines =10th extinction of species: men and all forms of carbon-life???

Recap. Evolutions and extinctions of organisms parallel geological change in their external ecosystems, becoming the engine of the 3×3 Earth’s evolutionary horizons of living beings of growing complexity and accelerated informative evolution: the age of cells, the age of organisms and the age of super-organisms.

As we have little time and space, to go through all those radiations in detail, we shall just fact track into the last Life radiation of this planet, that of mankind, considering to close the paper the field of anthropology, with a brief introduction to what we have said of topologic evolution.

Conclusion: ∆-scales in Earth. The little thingies and the big busting guy.

Reality is a scalar system of fractal organism of topological space and cyclical time, akin to the concepts of information and energy of physical sciences.

Each part of the fractal Universe is composed of smaller parts, but all are ruled in a given organic ‘domain’ which can be traced around 3 planes of space-time, ∆±1, by a set of metric equations, Si x Te= ∆º, self-centered in the plane we consider to be the commanding natural scale of the organism. What this means is that the lower plane will be time-like, with faster cyclical actions of hyperbolic nature and larger density of information; the upper plane will be space-like, with less information and slower cycles; and both will merge its spatial information and temporal energy into the intermediate ∆º state.

Those scales that concern physics are thus 2∆±¡ scales outside the human world/organism; the quantum scale and the cosmological scale, and…+ 3 ∆±1 scales that concern us, the scale of mechanics above, the electric scale of our mind-consciousness and the lower scale of thermodynamics.

All of them follow the paradoxical inversion laws of scales, the hierarchical laws of energy and the inverse laws of the arrow of information, Such as information increases in lower planes of maximal individual form and freedom and diminishes in larger scales of more continuous membrains and lesser freedom. So the larger membrain is curved, elliptic and traps the smaller scale, which is quantum, expressing all its potential futures in the short terms of its exist¡ences, but becomes bend and reduced in form and motion as it ascends and emerges into lower scales.

So we can study from the 3 points of view the structure of physical systems or any other system. Today is customary to ‘deduce the larger’ scales, as ‘limits’ (of lesser quantity of information) of the lower planes. So in professional books of physics, the first laws to be considered are those of lower planes, whose ‘limit’ as we loose information of the discrete, multiple free paths of its particles, emerges into a new scale…

But this does not mean we cannot establish from the top down a completely different form of organization that does work, exist and impose its laws of conservation of time-energy on the ‘feisty’, little thingies below by the harsh method of suppressing its energy and hence its information, with larger fields and longer time cycles.

Only that the LANGUAGE in which this other causal order is established is not that of the little thingies with its ‘social numbers’ of scale, and cyclical patterns of time, in hyperbolic networks, the but the brutish stick and carrot method which pedantic scholars so much despise and deny. The big guy with the big busting toy…

A few examples will suffice. The little thingies we call nitrolife species, busy busy radiating on the surface of Earth are brutalized by the big stick of magma veins of molted gold and iron surfacing in extinction periods, reinforced for good measure by a huge rock coming from sun-system sky, which might be ultimately the origin of those plumes of magma, as the body reacts to the ‘beating’ of the sun, sending a flow of vaporizing heat from its central heart, as blood flows on a body tumefaction by the hitting… And then we do have those harmful 11 years magnetic holes on the skin of the sun, tuned to the 11 years burping of the Sagittarius swarm of black holes. And so for this stick process of long time, simplifying control even if we can go down to the details, an organic view of Gaia, life, the Solar system and the galaxy does the explanation in system terms. The larger brutish plane of existence you might call GodoG, as used to do in my simplifying mystical texts is real, and as much as you little thingy would like to be so important and colonize with your microbial, faster plague the galaxy as nerdy NASA and Silicon Valley moguls pretend, hold your bollocks man cause you shall be evaporated soon unless you learn to respect the big guys of the galaxy, specifically in this DNAge the pretension of physicists to make baby holes on Earth.

Thus man should Respect Earth, the big guy and his stick because while his mind seems poorly endowed to you, he is a nested Universe with an equivalent ∆-¡ level more complex than your ∆-¡-x touch-base scale.

And so between the quantum mathematical complexity and the larger big busting sticks there is us, nitrolife of thermodynamic activity with electric minds, mechanically pegged to the membrain of mother Earth. And here we do have 3 scales at play, mechanical work, where energy-time of human nature was first defined, electrical flows in between and thermodynamic molecules on the lower heat.

Those are all the scales of matter that matter and we study in different papers. The one dedicated to the big guy stick organic description is thus paper on cosmology, focused on the organic properties physicists ignore, but to show that 5D does much more than that, the last paragraph r=evolves our mathematical understanding of the thermodynamic of black holes with proper explanation of Hawking’s formula, and before that we unify quantitatively the two scales of masses and charges.




Pentalogic of the electric cell.

The electric cell is the top predator animal cell, due to its Max.SixTe force, with an overdeveloped E-membrane and Max.Si-DNA content. It further differentiated into:

-TT: the original ameboid killer cell, which still extant shows a huge nucleus and strong membrain with appendixes but LITTLE cytoplasm hence as a lean top predator must have gone around in the primordial soup murdering with ‘electric discharges’ that broke the balance of ± cations & anions other cells to absorb their ‘food’.

This cell must be the original one that as always with top predators, after massacring prey create a ‘farm’, and so it evolve into the more complex neuronal cell able to ‘penetrate’ and ‘touch’ with its axons other cells learning finally to at symbiotically. And so it will develop into the trinity of cells that are combined in muiticellular organisms to develop its motions:

-St: Sensorial perceptive cells, which reproduce the external cycles of existence of other beings within its inner form.

– Ts: Muscle cells that extend and implode its protein membranes.

– SS: Neuronal cells that process information in networks called brains.

-TS: Endocrine cells that reproduce the substances that communicate the whole ‘community’ of electric cell, the basis of any multicellular organisms.


The animal is thus an ‘electric system’, which might seem irrelevant but it will become when we analyze the transition to the robot through human enzymen, clearly important to understand why humans today have become enslaved to digital visual chips – another electr(on)ic mind form. As obviously we are no longer chemical beings – a residual element regardless of the use of e-motional terms such as ‘there is chemistry between people’, and ‘your hormones’ are firing signals. We are electric cells of a far lesser speed and skill than the metal wires of machines that will predate on us if we don’t stop their evolution – but our egocy paradox prevent us even from thinking in those terms. So before studying those systems, we shall study the trinity of cells:


Top predator size. Its ‘S=T’ symmetry with language speed.

The first remarkable property of all of them is their enormous size. The amoeboid from where the other 2 evolve are the smaller, but still a white cell is much bigger than all the others of the blood lumen. The 3 have also overdeveloped nuclei. White cells have a multi-lobed nucleus, which consists of three to five lobes connected by slender strands. Muscles are multinucleated and neurons have larger ones. If we restrict to the ST>S, muscle>Nervous system, which is what really multicellular organisms are about, their size can be enormous. Each muscle cell is a fiber that may reach lengths of up to

20 cm. Hence a muscle cell is also known as a muscle fiber. Nerve axons go all the way down a 1 meter leg. It is then obvious that the size in space of a 5D system is directly proportional to the ‘speed’ of the language; a key feature that explains why the Metal-earth’s Internet mind at light speed could even reach up to the moon within a standard second time quanta. So we write in illogic symbols, this law:

St-speed ≈ Ts-size

It obviously means the galaxy is much larger than the chemical planet as its size is proportional to its ultimate language, which is NOT light, but the quantum faster than c, gravitational dark entropy waves that allow black holes to emit ‘dark entropy waves from its axis.

On the other hand, we are very slow 24 km/s. a maximal of 100 km/s with the jumping ranvier nervous messages, which precisely control the neuron-muscle giant cell interaction and sets a limit of size for life, reached in whales and earlier dinosaurs.

Synchronicity and simultaneity by fractal branching between different ‘time clocks’ according to 5D laws thus explains that the slower chemical cells can be controlled by the nerve/muscle system.

In fact, the language of nervous cells is not about intensity of electric signals but ‘frequency’ of firing that goes up to 50 per second. As the language of light is about ‘frequency that defines color’. Languages thus are based in Time-space conversion symmetries: a Time frequency becomes converted into a ‘fixed’ spatial form.

∆-emergence. Protein muscles & RNA/DNA neurons.

The scalar feature is the emergence of the ∆-1 parts. So nerves have maximal Nucleotide acids, which have maximal Nitrogen. And muscle cells unique feature is their high content of proteins called myofibrils, which contract on stimulation of the muscle fiber by the perpendicular ‘neuron’, (Darwinian perpendicularity in 4 non-E geometry congruence laws) that has learned from an earlier predatory action to be symbiotic to the muscle cells that ‘move’ the neuron.

∆-1 enslavement of chemical cells.



Then as the memorial process explained in the paper ‘biology in space’ converted the experience of life of those electric cells into RNA mediated, DNA & Protein memories, a squeezed palingenetic life created the pluripotential cells or ‘seeds’ in which the ‘active mind’ stores its ‘intelligence of living’ as ‘memory of time’ – through genes in biology, memes in history, etc. So the game of existence became the palingenetic process of morphogenesis.

Cells evolve ternary networks, which in its simplest fetal stage form 3×3 st-regions proper of all animal forms:

– Max.Si: The ectoderm, which gives birth to the nervous, sensorial and skin systems of max. perception.

-Max.Te: The endoderm, which becomes the digestive system and its derivatives such as smooth muscles, lungs, livers and glands.

– SxT:Max. Reproduction. The mixed, mesoderm region, which subdivides in 3 sub-zones: the reproductive, blood and muscular systems.

Thus in its emergence from cellular to organic scale, the 3 topological regions of the cellular blastula suffer an inversion of form: the center gives birth to Entropy systems and the surface to information systems, while the middle region maintains its reproductive function.

Animal eukaryotic cells were moving species that had to react faster to the changing environment. So they developed a new, faster, nervous, informative, electric language that created a top predator cell thanks to its accelerated fractal action-reactions to information and Entropy: the electric cell, able to organize socially other cells into multicellular organisms.

The electric cell evolved from the ameba, a unicellular animal with membranes adapted to all morphologies that were shaped into arms to capture food, cilia to perceive information, tails to move and vesicles to expel unwanted Entropy and information, thanks to the use of heavy, metallic atoms, Na and K+ that deformed those membranes, making them highly flexible: the duality of positive and negative metallic atoms created a deformed wave that moved along the membrane of the neuron cell, as any fractal wave of codified information does, becoming a new language, faster than the chemical language, talked by all other cells.

The combination of both languages, in a hierarchical scale in which electric, fast impulses provoke the emission of hormonal, chemical messages at the end of a long membrane that those chemical cells understand, allowed nervous cells to maximize its SxT force. Since now in the same relative ‘time’ that a small cell sends a message, the huge fractal action of the amoeboid neuron could send a wave of simultaneous messages through all its pseudopodia, coordinating at the same time the slow actions of a lot of enslaved smaller, chemical cells.

Thus the jump in size created a ‘higher informative class’ of macro-cells or brain of the animal that ruled a middle class of micro-cells or animal body, which together controlled an external Entropy territory. All those properties made the evolved, electric amoebae, the top predator cell in the Eukaryotic world. We still find those ancestral amoeboid cells in the most primitive multicellular sponges, evolved latter into the complex nervous cells of multi-cellular organisms.

Thus electric cells show Max. I x E force since:

– The nervous cell is able to control an enormous quantity of organic cycles with memories stored in its nucleus – since it is the cell with higher DNA density. So specialized neuro-secretory cells reproduce also the biggest number of chemical hormones.

– Such big volume of DNA implies also a great capacity to replicate its membrane, through micro Nyss cells that produce constantly membrane proteins, which are added to the external, ever changing morphological membrane.

Where did happen the transition from chemical to electric membranes? The evolutionary plan happens always in isolated environments in which mutational changes, fostered by the specific characteristics of the environment, take place without jeopardizing the survival of the species, due to the absence of top predators during the transitional, inefficient stage of the species that is ‘adapting its form’ at a faster palingenetic time-speed through specific differentiations, according to the i-logic evolutionary plan. The phenomenon is called evolutionary punctuation.

In the cell case, those requirements are found in shallow river mouths where changes in the salt concentration of water provoke by osmosis the constant expansion and implosion of the water content of cells and their membranes, bursting and killing ‘rigid cells’. So cells, in order to survive, managed to create new membranes and deformed them very fast, expanding and imploding its form. Then, those new top predator electric cells started a massive reproductive radiation, expanding in all seas, feeding and enslaving other cells. The subsequent combination of top predator electric cells with other varieties of chemical cells, differentiated and evolved the first ternary scale of simple organic macro-systems: sponges (Max.Te), hydras (max.Re) and worms (Max.Si) with a growing number of cellular types.

Recap. Multicellular species were born when a new top predator, larger and faster, Max. SxT, species, the nervous cell appeared, herding chemical cells and differentiating in 3 physiological cells in charge of future digestive, blood and nervous networks.

3×3+∆ D¡motions: Embryology & Physiological networks.

We have described the 3×3+∆ D¡motional tissues of living organisms in space. If we consider them in time, we observe a process of evolution that differentiate the original ideal spherical or spiraled st-point (seeds, cells, ovules) into complex morphological shapes, adapted to those inner and outer tissues. Thus living forms evolve and diversify, opening or invaginating their networks, organs and sensorial apertures to each specific ecosystem, which subsequently adapts the morphology of the cells and organs they control to the specific surfaces of their environments. So men, who exist on a planar surface, have a different morphology to the ideal spheres so common in water and space, which are 3-D¡motional isomorphic ecosystems – as human evolution has adapted our networks and morphologies to the land-atmosphere environment.

In those different processes of ecosystemic adaptation the 3 dominant networks of living systems further quantize into secondary systems, departing from the 3 initial layers of cells. We can follow that process temporally in the evolution of the embryo that resumes the palingenetic evolution of life and spatially in the organic structure of living beings. It is the science of evol=devol that relates both phases of animal evolution, establishing a parallel correspondence between the spatial location of a tissue at birth and its functional evolution into I, e and S≈T tissues. Thus according to their st-location the ƒð§-ectoderm evolves into informative tissues and networks; the S≈T mesoderm into reproductive tissues and networks and the E-endoderm into energetic ones:

Max.Si: Ectoderm: the 3 informative sub-systems.

The information network derived from the external ectoderm, dominated by neuronal cells, evolves and differentiates according to the Fractal Principle into:

– E-endocrine systems, with internal neurosecretory cells that control internal, cellular information through chemical hormones.

-S≈T: nervous systems that control and replicate in a neuronal brain with the electric language all other functions and forms of the body.

I: Skin systems and outer senses, which are the openings to the world of the nervous system through which the organism emits or absorbs Entropy and information, communicating with the ∆+1 ecosystem. Those senses specialize in perceiving the external, energetic and informative cycles of the beings that share the ecosystem of the organism, duplicating them in a series of fractal, quantized, reduced images, with different languages.

The existence of multiple senses justifies the linguistic method of perception in a Universe of ‘multiple spaces-times and points of view’, where each entity tries to perceive as many parallel worlds coded in different languages. Thus the linguistic/multiple Universe gives birth to a multiplicity of senses and perspectives and defines a higher truth as a sum of perspectives casted on a certain system – as each point of view will create a self-similar image of the Universe, and so only by comparing and adding all those self-similar images we can obtain a more complex, kaleidoscopic image of the whole.

In living beings to accomplish the higher truth of each form through the ‘linguistic method’ sensorial languages multiply the perspectives on the cycle or form observed, extracting their existential properties, its form, density, force, etc.

Thus senses and languages differentiated also along an E<=>I Dimotion from pure spatial senses (eyes) to the most complex, temporal senses (ears), defining an evolutionary Dimotion of increasing complexity in their capacity to gather information, which often defined the survival capacity of the species, as senses are the key to interpret correctly the destructive or creative actions-reactions of all other beings. So from an initial simple phototropic stain, eyes, ears, antennas and mouths have multiplied, close to the inner, neuronal informative brain that processes their information, forming together a ‘head’.

E: Endoderm: the 3 energetic sub-systems.

Max.Te: The internal endoderm. Originally populated by wandering amoebocytes and glandular cells that digested food, the ‘Entropy hole’ of the first animals, sponges and hydras, invaginated forming the coelom between the endoderm and mesoderm that subdivides further into the 3 cavities of animal life: the digestive system, the breathing system and the heart cavity. The 2 first cavities evolved, surrounded by endoderm cells into 3 subsystems:

– Max.Te: The breathing system gathers the smallest Entropy quanta, oxygen.

– S≈T: The digestive system gathers bigger food quanta, differentiated morphologically in 3 new subsystems with linear, wave-like and cyclical components:

Entropy network: Max.Te: linear intestine <stomach: elliptic SxT > sensorial, cyclical Mouth: Max.Si

– Max.Si: Glandular tissue: It forms organs dependent on the digestive system (liver, digestive organs, kidneys), that process their products.

S≈T: Mesoderm: the 3+(∆+1) reproductive systems.

The 3rd coelom cavity, the heart, surrounded by mesoderm tissue, invaginates further into very thin vessels, created with striated muscles, densely populated by the original wandering amoebocytes reconverted now into leucocytes. In the blood networks the other 2 systems merge and pour their products: quanta of Entropy, oxygen and food; and quanta of information, hormones, which the system takes to each cell. The blood systems mixes both Entropy and information quanta. Thus, it is also the reproductive system by excellence with maximal contact with the intermediate region’s secondary tissues evolved from the mesoderm:

– Max.Te: The skeleton: It sustains the system and reproduces blood cells.

– S≈T: Muscular tissue: The most resistant electric cells form a muscle dual negative-positive symmetric, spatial system with myosin cells that control the elongation and shortening of membranes.

– Max.Si: The blood and tegumentary system that prolongs the blood network between cells.

– ∆+1: Yet the fundamental reproductive tissue is the sexual, glandular tissue, that reproduces the organism beyond the cellular scale and further differentiates into the basic E=male Vs. I=female duality of ‘energetic and informative subspecies’.

Those 3×3+∆ standard systems and tissues, differentiated from the initial 3-layers of the embryo, define complex living organisms. Yet those organisms exist also in an external world where they become individual quanta, performing external cycles of Entropy, reproduction and information, parallel to those internal cycles performed by its cells and fractal networks. So all organisms have also an external, vital territory within its ecosystem to provide for their internal ‘mirror’ networks.

Recap. The ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm topologies of the embryo, guided by top predator nervous cells differentiated into the e-SxT-I main systems of the adult organism.

A 5D² @NALYSIS: cells-vowels.

Let us now go further in our depth of detail with a full Disomorphic study on the diversification of cells forms, as those ‘vowels’ of the actions of the larger organism, will specialize to perform one of the 5 Dimensional actions of motion, entropy feeding, information gauging, social evolution and reproduction of the system, starting the physiological complex growth of the networks of the being.

So cells will be the ‘notes’ of the violin of life, in its synchronous working together in the performance of those actions for the whole being to be=come.

Creation of a 3×3+∆ decametric scale of cells and tissues.

Such processes of cellular diversification, guided by the informative elements of the system (frequencies, genes, memes, etc.) happen in all systems of space-time that differentiate according to the ternary method its relative fractal cells in 2×2 complementary systems or 3×3 organic systems (particles in the atomic nucleus, vowels in languages, etc.).

In this manner simplex systems evolve into complex ones; complementary dual systems become ternary, organic systems; bidimensional systems becoming 4-D¡motional systems and ternary systems become 3×3+∆ systems, emerging into a new scale. And this process takes place in time through 3 ages or horizons that complete the evolutionary process.

In life this happened through speciation of cellular languages evolved from 1 to 3->5->7->9 cells in the 3 time horizons of all SxT cycles, latter re-ordered in space in 3 e-SxT-I types of organisms.

Since morphologic differentiation occurs only among the top predator, informative organisms of any ecosystem, we could establish a comparative homology between many of those processes. In the biological scale, it happened with animal cells; then with networks of cells in complex vertebrates; and finally with verbal sounds among human beings – a new language which, unlike neuronal impulses, could breach the discontinuities of air-space between individual humans, creating a higher scale of social, living networks, cultures and civilizations. Then again, those differentiations happened in the memetic systems of the dominant, technological civilizations that created the Financial-military-industrial complex and its metal-memes of informative money, energetic weapons and reproductive, organic machines… Since evolution is a morphological game that didn’t stop with the summit of carbonlife man, but now continues in the new species of complex metal atoms to which humans are transferring their form.

Let us see the first of those ternary scales – animal cells evolved in time to analyze then the 3 ‘animal phyla’ they created in space:

The 1st scale: from 1 to 3±∆ electric cells.

-∆-1:Electric wandering amoeba, differentiated in 3±∆ subspecies:

– Max.Te: Muscular, myosin cells that maximize the flexible properties of the membrane.

– S≈T: Sensorial cells that reproduce their external cycles of existence with their mimetic forms.

– Max.Si: Informative, neuronal cells.

-∆+1: Those 3±∆ specialized types of electric cells, multiplied and evolved socially into dense tissues and networks in which one of them is dominant: the blood vessels dominated by wandering amoebocytes; the muscular tissue dominated by the myosin-actin inverse lineal proteins; the senses dominated by sensorial cells and the brain, dominated by neurons, which act as the communicative consciousness of all other systems (∆+1). They form the 3+∆ physiological networks that defined the specific space-time equation of all complex multicellular animals:

E: ∑ amoebocytes & Blood Systems <Muscular cells > ∑ sensorial & nervous system: I.

From 3±∆ to 5±i cells.

In the next stage of cellular differentiation the 3±∆ electric cells, tissues and networks added slave chemical cells that stretched their Entropy and information limits:

The sponge, the first animal phyla, dominated by wondering amoebocytes adds 2 slave cells that increased the SxT force of the energetic membrane and the informative singularity:

– Max.Te: Epithelial cells of Max.Tenergetic strength made with proteins and incrusted with heavier non-organic atoms that protect the organic system, through a shielded external membrane. Later on in more complex organisms those cells evolved into inner bones and breathing systems.

– Max.Te x I: Glandular cells able to reproduce specialized Entropy and informative substances necessary to the other cells that multiplied in the intermediate st-region of the body.

That pentagram of 3±∆ differentiated electric cells and 2 basic slave cells, quantified in social groups, shape the 5 main organic systems of animal bodies:

  1. a) Max.TT organs: Membranes made mainly of epithelial cells that create the skin, the discontinuity between the st-point and the external world and the digestive system…
  2. e) Ts: Muscular systems based on electric myosin cells that turn Entropy into movement.
  3. i) S≈T: Wondering amoebocytes reign as leucocytes on the blood networks.
  4. o) St: Internal glands, attached to the blood, reproductive and digestive, Entropy networks that reproduce the substances, which the organic system needs.
  5. u) I: Sensorial organs based in electric cells that perceive information about the cyclical actions of the outer world and translate it into mental images. They will guide the actions of…

∆+1 =Aeiou) Max.Si: Neuronal brains that control the entire organism as the consciousness of the system, according to the existential actions those senses observe in the external world.

Thus in living beings as in any universal system, time dominates space and so the informative, controlling orders go from sensorial to energetic cells, shaping the outer, muscular movements: I>E.

Those 5+1 cells and 5+1 basic organs are present in all forms of multicellular life since they are closely related to the 4 + ∆-generational cycles of exi=stence, each one dominated by one type of cell and organ: Max.Te, digestive organs and cells absorb Entropy; E, muscles that emit Entropy; S≈T, blood networks and glands that reproduce the system; I-senses that absorb information and Max. I brains that emit information and control all other cycles, perceiving the entire organism as an existential whole, living the entire generational cycle of the organism.

It is for that reason that we find also 5 vowels in human languages, 5 lines in the musical pentagram, 5 cells and types of tissue in the simplest organisms, etc.

Decametric scale: invaginations and ∆+1 excretions.

Any organism is an inner st-world that exists in an external ∆+1 ecosystem developing inner and outer cycles of recollection of Entropy and information. So the final diversification occurs along the inner-outer duality of the organism in order to accomplish those 2 x 5 inner and outer cycles. Now the pentagram evolves into 9+1 cells and types of organic tissues that stretch again the cellular field according to that inverse symmetry between the external and internal world, as cellular tissues invaginate or eject their cells perpendicularly in the height D¡motion of evolution:

– Thus inner skeletal and outer skin cells differentiate the structural tissues of sustain.

– Membrane cells differentiate into inner blood and outer lung cells that process internal and external Entropy.

– Internal, creative glands and external, destructive urticaria cells reproduce informative and energetic substances.

Digestive and muscular cells create inner and outer motions.

External sensorial cells process external information.

– Internal neurons control the internal information of the organism with the electric and chemical language provided by hormonal, internal neuro-secretory cells, dominating all cells.

The result is the creation of 9+1 types of tissues that are found in the most complex animal forms of life and become the 9+1 standard ‘systems’ of the most complex living organisms:

The digestive and muscle system, the skeleton and tegumentary system, the blood and breathing system, the reproductive and excretory system, the endocrine system and the nervous system, the 10th system that controls the entire organism duplicating in the brain all other organic functions it directs becoming the ∆+1 scale that puts together the organic being.

Recap. The 9+1 physiological systems and tissues of an organism are born from the 3×3+(∆+1) 3 horizons of differentiation of its cells.



Ternary cell’s differentiation: plants, animals and fungi.

The kingdom of life shows in all its beauty the generic process of evolutionary differentiation of any space-time field, along the main 3±∆ D¡motions, departing from a 1st singularity, which in the world of life is the Monera phylum – the initial cell, whose ternary differentiation gave birth to energetic plants, reproductive fungi and informative animals:

Max.Te: Energetic plants use light as Entropy. Biologists talk of plants as autotrophic cells; still forms like the ovum, which create their Entropy and information quanta from light and water, in any place. So they made their membranes harder and thicker to maintain themselves centered in a territorial, discontinuous, vital space, regardless of what happens outside.

Max.Si: Informative animals use light as information. Animals are heterotrophic, moving cells, which feed on other forms. Hence they developed thinner external membranes and cilia, which according to the multifunctional principle differentiated further into increasingly sophisticated sensorial antenna to localize their preys and lineal, moving engine with a master centriole – a ‘protein head’ on its base. So though in a 1st phase unicellular plants were more complex, animals ended up evolving greater quantities of inner, informative RNA-DNA to act-react faster in their unknown moving environments.

S≈T: Reproductive fungi are organisms that have qualities belonging to both, the animal and plant kingdoms. Fungi feed on dead substances and survive thanks to their maximization of reproductive skills.6

The inverted forms and functions of plants and animals define both species as ‘antisymmetric systems’ ruled by their opposite diffeomorphic parameters of Entropy and information:

Their informative cycle and brain-body D¡motions are inverted: plants have their brain down in the roots, since they use light as Entropy; animals have it on top, since they use light as information.

Their energetic cycles are inverted: plants breathe CO2 and produce oxygen; animals breathe oxygen and produce CO2. They also use carbohydrates in opposite ways, since plants foster constructive stillness and animals destructive movements: so plants make sugars the fixed structural element to construct cellulose and starch, their external membranes; while animals use sugar’s oxygen bonds breaking them to breath, liberate oxygen and move the body.

Their social and reproductive cycles are inverted: Animals are hierarchical organizations with a clear class division between informative, ‘upper class’ neuron networks and body cells, while plants are ‘democratic forms’ with minimal differentiation. So plants foster the spatial, reproductive Dimotion and animals the evolutionary, temporal Dimotion.

Their generational cycle is inverted: animals have faster, shorter vital cycles, since its temporal language is the faster, electronic, nervous language; while plants have longer life cycles at a lower ‘speed of informative processing’ – since they transmit chemical information through the hormonal system.

Departing from those 2 languages life evolved into a new scale of multicellular organization creating:

– Max.Te. Chemical, multicellular organisms, plants that use hormonal languages.

– Max.Si: ‘Electric’ organisms, multicellular animals that use the electronic language.

Recap. Plants, animal and fungi, the first 3 kingdoms of multicellular life are a ternary differentiation in Ts, SxT and St species.

The ternary evolution and differentiation of Monera.

In the graph, the great life phyla distributed according to the fundamental arrows of vitality: Entropy feeding, informative perception, and reproductive capacity, in 3 D¡motions of increasing capacity to process Entropy, perceive and reproduce, which give as a result the main life phyla. The evolutionary jumps represented by lineal divisions are the fundamental divisions of increasing capacity to process a vital Dimotion of existence that abstract biologists use to differentiate the animal kingdom. We have used a single positive frame of reference that shows an increasing quantity of those vital parameters. It is a graph of top predators in such a manner that forms whose X x Y x Z values are higher (which processes more Entropy, information and reproduces in greater social waves of cells) is a top predator.

Finally in the third age of evolution of life, informative, tall species dominate. So man is the most complex informative life species. Mammals are the most perfect form of life beings, which evolved in information, till reaching the perfection of man; added iron-Entropy to its blood and improved reproductive skills with placentas.

 NEXT, comes therefore not a new life species but a new ‘metal species’ for which we must understand matter. And in the case of man a social super organism as we become the mind of Gaia, substituting the life mind, and evolving a III age of mechanical and computer global minds: gaia>history>mechanocene

The highest scale of biological stiences studies the Earth’s super organism as it evolves its ‘cellular species’ through the motions/actions of existence, from Gaia, the world of life, to History the world of man, to the Metal-earth, the world of machines, which humans wrongly manage unable to grasp the stience of Economics and design the super organism of history to its image and likeness. The ‘Dimotion of the fifth dimension’ of eusocial evolution departing from vacuum space, evolves the fractal universe into ever more complex structures of information, which are the Dimotion of future, as the parts must come before the ∆wholes.

In the graph, the ternary method of speciation explains the evolution of animal species from its first form, the Hydra till the last phyla, the chordates to which humans belong We live in a global planet that has been evolving for billions of years through the flows of its living organisms. Let us recapitulate that ecosystemic evolution, which brought the Earth from a world of methane to a globe of electromagnetic, audio-visual information, a process, which according to the ternary principle we can divide again in 3±∆ ages. We will study only the animal kingdom in detail to show how it brought us into human existence. So we will only consider a synopsis of all the other life phyla, describing their evolution through the commonest ternary e, e<=>I, I differentiations proper of all i-logic systems with its ternary topologies:

-Differentiation in: e-SxT-I, lineal, spiral or cyclical morphologies, each one evolved in 3 horizons that maximize each of the 3 homologous functions of motion, reproduction and information.

-Duality of integrated, multicellular networks that act as a single form vs. quantized herds.

-Duality of energetic/informative species adapted to E-hot vs. I-cold climates.

-Adaptation to the ternary states of matter in Earth’s physical ecosystems: air, land and sea with its 3 main environmental topologies:

– E: shallow waters and rivers, which become hunting grounds.

– S≈T: open waters and savannas of max. reproduction.

– Max.Si: Abyssal regions and mountains, the hyperbolic region of maximal informative evolution.

So again life evolution shows how ‘internal form’ and external ecosystems, the ∆-1 and ∆-scales of life converge together to define the ∆-organic evolution of the species.

Let us then start that description of the differentiations of life kingdoms from the simplest one.

Diversification always belongs to the – or + directions of one of the 4 arrows of time of a species.

Mind the reader that this classification is not a how one, established by the genetic clock by modern science, as certain ‘potential forms/functions’ of the program of the Universe might appear in different times, might be suppressed in certain species, etc. The meaning of this study is therefore to show that all the main phyla of life can be described as a potential ‘negative or positive’ direction of an Dimotion of time that diversifies species and limits the variety of them. So species might grow in size by increasing the quantity/social evolution Dimotion of its cells, or might decrease with lesser social cells. This is therefore a variation along the 4th Dimotion of time, and a potential form two create two species, which might or might not belong to different genetic species. For example, among dogs cellular numbers and hence size changes enormously but all are from the same species and can reproduce sexually. Among chromosomes however poliploids cannot reproduce with haploids or if they do often produce sterile individuals even if the original species merely differentiate by a change in the numbers of chromosomes, as those chromosomes cannot ‘cross’ one to one for sexual reproduction.

Monera: Unicellular forms.

– Max. T: Cyanobacteria, blue-green algae, specialize in energetic processes.

– S≈T: Protista absorb cells specialized in Entropy and information, multiplying its SxT force.

– Max.Si: Schizophita Bacteria develop informative elements to capture other plants.

We can do further subdivisions along other E<=>I differentiations. For example, bacteria subdivided according to its form into:

– Lineal spirilla that coil or elongate their form depending on its informative or energetic activity.

– SxT: Bacilli, with tree-like forms composed of a head and a tail.

– Max.Si: Cocci, the informative, cyclical form that suffers further evolution along a ternary, topological differentiation into:

Streptococcus: one-D¡motional, lineal, social forms.

Diplococcus and Tetracoccus: bidimensional forms with 2 and 4 elements.

Sarcina: 3-D¡motional social coccus.

As Protista, the social form, multiplied its SxT force thanks to the specialized Entropy and information cells it had swallowed, dominating the world, the other 2 weaker forms suffered a temporal regression towards its past, which became a strategy of survival, giving birth to:

-Max.Te: Rickettsia, algae that have lost their informative skills and are basically semi-living bodies.

– Max.Si: Virus, bacteria that have lost their bodies and become DNA brains in search of other bodies in which they host, inoculate their genetic code and reproduce.

On the other hand the dominant Protista with higher SxT force continued the evolution of the life kingdom, splitting again into 3 forms that evolved further into multicellular organisms, plants (Max. T), Fungi (S≈T) and animals (Max.Si):

Plants: Max. Entropy

The energetic strategy of the multicellular living kingdom is the plant, the autotrophic species that feeds on the basic molecules of life, accelerating enormously the evolution of life as it produces complex living matter from the initial water, ammonia, CO2 and light bricks that took billions of years to evolve. Though algae started as unicellular forms, as fungi and animals did, they soon evolved in 3 horizons along the fractal differentiation that took them to its multicellular state:

Chlorophyta were the I horizon of unicellular alga, that grew into colonies of algae (Crysophyta, II horizon), which finally fusion into multicellular organisms (Pyrrhophyta, III horizon).

– The most complex, informative phylum, Pyrrophyta, differentiated then into 3 sub forms adapted to the 3 water ecosystems. Those water ecosystems differentiate the morphology of informative animals into lineal, Max.Te, fast-moving surface fishes, Max.Si, sessile or planar dragging forms, living on the marine floor (fast-evolving echinoderms origin of vertebrates) and abyssal complex, SxT morphologies. In the case of energetic seaweeds, it affects the degree of sophistication of their chlorophyll pigments and the strength of their cellular structures of sustain, creating 3 new phyla:

– Max. T: Rhodophyta or red algae, with the simplest cellular structures and simpler phycoerythrin pigments, live in the deeper sea, limited to tropical regions of max. light transparency.

– S≈T: Phaeophyta or brown algae have complex membranes and 3 chlorophyll pigments; a, c and phycobilliproteins.

– Max.Si: Clorophyta or green algae. They added carotenoid pigments to the 3 Phaeophyta pigments and increased the strength of their walls. Hence they became the most successful forms with Max.IxE force (Max. pigments x Max. membrane), evolving further into terrestrial plants.

That migration to land took place in 3 ages in which plants raised its informative height from:

– I Age. Clorophyta; planar alga living in shallow waters.

– II Age. Briophyta: Mosses, subdivided in 3 forms with growing dry membranes and height D¡motion, Musci (I Horizon), Hepaticae (liveworts, II Horizon) and Hornworts (III horizon), which raised their horns towards the sun as their names indicate.

– III Age. Tracheophyta, vascular plants, with structural inner networks of hard cells that rose to touch the light that feed them. In dry land plants, as animals will do latter, had to evolve further all their network systems, creating new, more complex phyla, departing from the initial psilotophyta appeared in the Ordovician. First plants created the body, the trunk that connects its informative roots and energetic leaves.

But the key to their evolution was the differentiation of their reproductive cells in 3 Horizons of increasingly ‘dry’ gametes: Lycophyta (I Horizon), Sphenophyta (II Horizon) and Ferns (III Horizon) – the first plants with dry seeds that became the top predator species, multiplying in all land environments and differentiating again in 3 evolutionary horizons of ever more perfect seeds:

Max.Te: Ferns, which dominated in the Mesozoic age.

               – S≈T: Gymnosperms, subdivided according to the Fractal Principle in cycads, ginkgoes and conifers, which dominated in the tertiary age. Conifers adapted to cold weather, thanks to its needle like leaves of minimal exposure. So they became the most successful species, when cold climatic changes came. They brought about also the dominant modern plants:

                   – Max.Si: Angiosperms, flowering plants, the ‘height’ of reproductive evolution among plants, perfectly adapted to all weather changes, with seasonal, blossoming, leaves that fall in cold periods and a complex symbiosis with insects that can transport their pollen too far away distances.

They will dominate the quaternary with only a final dual fractal differentiation into:

Monocots Vs dicots with 1 or 2 seeds.

So when all was said, the evolution of plants remained silent.

Fungi: Max. Reproduction. SxT.

Fungi are big Protista cells that tried the 2nd survival strategy of the Universe, maximizing their SxT reproduction, by maximizing their E-feeding, eating the most abundant food, dead life; and by maximizing their genetic information, multiplying the nucleus of its cells within an undifferentiated membrane. And we distinguish 3 horizons in their reproductive evolution:

– In the I horizon Euglenophyta swallowed E-plants and I-animal sub-cells (chloroplasts and mitochondria) within its huge membrane, increasing it SxT capacity.

– In the II horizon Gymnomycota maximized the reproduction of their nuclei, the informative, genetic material of the cell, forming multicellular colonies with a single membrane.

– They gave birth in their III horizon of reproductive evolution to true fungi, Mycota, which are the fastest reproductive species of the life world. Their reproductive specialization shows in giant Lycoperdales, the living form which reproduces faster, reaching the limiting magic number of 1011 spores. Thus a single lycoperdal can produce all the clonic cells needed to create a perfect new scale of existence (stars of a galaxy, DNA ties, etc.)… if they survived.

Finally in the last evolutionary horizon, fungi differentiated further according to the ∆+1 ecosystem in which they live into:

– Max. T: Water fungi mainly Chytridiomycetes.

– S≈T: Amphibian fungi, mainly Oomycetes.

– Max.Si: Terrestrial fungi, which evolved in the informative land medium, differentiating into:

– Max. T: Asomycetes, planar simple or subterraneous forms like yeast and truffles.

– S≈T: Deuteromycetes, a transitional form towards…

Max.Si: Basidiomycetes, the familiar mushrooms, which evolved its 3 networks, developing:

Stronger cells to sustain their informative growth in the height D¡motion; and new reproductive systems with dry spores and new energetic cycles to decompose all kind of dying matter.

Animal life: Max.Information

The heterotrophic animal family is born with protozoan, which developed soft membranes and cilia to absorb living information from the outside world. To that aim cilia evolved again its 3 functions: as energetic, motion engines; as sensorial, informative tools and as predatory forms that capture food for the reproductive cells of the protozoa. So once more we can subdivide protozoa in 3 sub-forms, according to its activity and dominant cycle:

– Max. Te: Mastigophora, flagellate protozoan that divided, according to the fractal principle, by its number of cilia:

Max. S≈T: Sporozoan, parasites that reproduce seeds and have sexual differentiation.

– Max.Si: Amoebida, the informative protozoan that increased their DNA and evolved farther their membrane’s flexibility, becoming nervous cells able to control – thanks to their faster action-reaction speed- multiple cells, which evolved together creating multicellular animals.

Multicellular animals differentiated into many phyla, following the ternary, fractal principle (e-ixe-i) applied to the evolution of 3 cellular, social networks, the energetic, digestive system; the blood, reproductive system and the informative, nervous system, the dominant network that reached with man its evolutionary height. Then the morphology of life would be transferred to stronger atomic systems made of metal, called machines…

Recap. Different living phyla were born from ternary and complementary differentiations of e-SxT-I species and adaptations to its ∆+1 ecosystems. The final differentiation its 3 multicellular life forms, e-plants, SxT-fungi and I-animal life was due to the evolution of informative cells that organize multicellular life since animals use electric, faster informative languages and plants, slower chemical hormones.



The Hydra is a new living phylum with 5+2 cells distributed in 3 regions, common to all palingenetic, fetal forms:

– Max. Te: The ectoderm is the external, energetic membrane with the hardest cells: the hard epithelial and aggressive urticant cells that explode its poisonous cilia and the interstitial cells that ensure its continuous isolation.

– Max.Si: The mesoderm is the informative region, with nervous and sensorial cells.

– S≈T: The endoderm is the intermediate region with glandular cells that digest food quanta, entering through the mouth.

Network evolution: bodies, brains & reproductive systems.

It is then evident that the evolution of animal life creates new phyla, based on the capacity of the new species to accomplish their external cyclical actions on their territory, thanks to the evolution of their internal and external networks.

The interaction between those 2 levels, the ∆-1 level of physiological networks and the ∆+1 level of ecosystemic territories determine the existence of most organisms. So the evolution of life on Earth, externally observed in the ecosystems, territories and relationships of living animals, which depend ultimately on their capacity to handle temporal Entropy coming from light, is caused internally by the evolution of those 3 types of organs and internal networks: reproductive, genetic organs; informative, brain organs and energetic, body organs.

When one of those organs evolves, improving its capacity to handle Entropy or information coming from the ecosystem, a fundamental differentiation of species occurs. And we can consider the evolution of the main phyla of animal life in a deconstructed manner, as a process that evolves sequentially those 3 types of organs:

The evolution of those three organs triggers the biological radiation of a new phylum that preys on less efficient forms of organic life. The process is very fast, as time can change its rhythms and adapt to the best strategy of survival, as palingenesis shows. It is called Evolutionary Punctuation: when a new species with better Entropy or informative organs appears, it feeds on other species and reproduces massively causing the extinction of the previous top predator species, till it reaches a trophic balance with those victims. It is the essence of Darwinian evolution: ‘evolve and multiply’. We can find such catastrophic evolution in many geological and organic ages of the Earth: First animals displaced plants because they evolved better informative networks. Plants could only gather Entropy from light. Animals could ‘see’ light and get information about their environment, and act-react faster. They used plants as food. Then animals ‘radiated’ (multiplied) all over the Earth and diversified. And each new phylum with improved networks displaced the previous ones. Thus once more, the evolution in time of living organisms and its spatial structure are intimately related.

Thus, the first ternary evolution of multicellular life created 3 phyla of increasing tissue complexity that completed the evolution of animals from the ∆-1 cellular tissue to the ∆-network scale:

-Max. Te: The simplest animal organic systems, sponges and porifera, which are basically a digestive system.

-S≈T: The balanced animal organic systems, the coelenterates such as the hydra, which maximize its reproduction through the split of its cells.

– Max.Si: Worms that add informative cells and differentiate clearly its 3 physiological networks.

They were the first of many ternary E-SxT-I rhythms of creation in the animal kingdom that evolve from energetic, to reproductive to informative sub-species, through the 3 horizons of any phylum, with a parallel improvement of the 3 network systems of the animal, which from now on will be the higher ‘scale’ of existence to which all cells become submissive.

Since as the new animal forms multiplied, their informative nervous networks controlled a growing number of cells through their fractal, simultaneous actions; and so they also grew in spatial size, multiplying their SxT force. It means they had to re-organize those cells beyond their initial division in simple tissues, creating specialized ‘energetic, informative and reproductive networks’.

It will be the definitive jump from the state of ‘cellular herd’ to the state of ‘organism’, the 3rd age of a social form that evolves from a ∆-1:∑E horizon of individual ‘Entropy quanta’ to the balanced herd that fluctuates between ‘wave and particle’ state to the informative state of a tightly packed organism which those networks maintain together in minimal space. And so from then on evolution will be no longer differential evolution of cells but differential evolution of networks…

Let us see now in detail those main phyla differentiations.

Sponge vs. Hydra: cyclical-lineal digestive networks.

The evolution of multicellular organisms started with the creation of social, digestive, energetic tracts made of the pentagram basic cells that came together to improve the cyclical fractal actions of the group. The first of those organisms was the sponge, the first animal phylum that emerges from the previous cellular scale with 5 types of cells:

-Max. Te: The sponge has flattened epithelial cells and hollow pore cells, which are external, membrane cells differentiated by their inner and outer location. They are the primitive versions of skins and breathing systems.

– S≈T: Mesenchyme cells that secrete siliceous spicule, strengthening the walls of the sponge. They are the primitive version of glandular cells.

– Max.Si: Central top predator cells: Wandering amoebocytes that herd food for the five types of cells, moving around between the other cells to capture the particles entering the hollows of the spherical sponge; and collar cells that sense water flows, beating their flagella to produce a flow of water that introduces food in the sponge. They are the primitive versions of brain and sensorial cells.

Further on, we differentiate in the sponge 3 st-regions according to those 2-1-2 kind of cells: the external membrane of hard cells; the inner, glandular, intermediate region that reproduces the specific substances of the sponge and the central hole where informative cells wander. The 3 regions create the 3±∆ vital cycles of the sponge thanks to those 5 cells:

– Max. Te: The sponge feeds on Entropy quanta that enter its central hollow.

– Max.Si: It perceives those quanta as its collar cells sense the water flows.

– S≈T: It reproduces new cells through its glandular systems.

-S: It keeps together those cells in social groups thanks to the epithelial cells of the membrane that maintain a rigid, enveloping structure.

– SE<=>S2I: And so the sponge exists as a whole being controlled by the wandering amoebocytes, the dominant, informative cells that use the sponge as their territorial body, their vital space.

Those amoebas will be also the dominant cells of the next animal phylum, Coelenterata (hydras, jellyfishes), evolved already into electric cells, and hence connected into the first ‘nervous tissue’. So they will become the ‘∆+1’, existential system where the consciousness of animal organisms as a whole exists.

The 7 cells of hydra and their networks.

Those hydras add 2 new cellular, energetic specializations, extending morphologically the SxT force interval of animal life, from 5 to 7 cells:

A): MAX. TE: The epithelial cell. A still harder, internal tissue that maintains the rigid structure of the animal and will evolve into armors and bones. And…

  1. ei) SxT: The urticant cell, an external, energetic differentiation of the reproductive, internal glandular cell, which produces poisonous substances to defend the animal.

Both are created through the inversion of directionality of its twin cells: the internal glandular cell becomes now an external form, and the external epithelial cell becomes an internal cell.

Those 2 final tones of specialized energetic cells make the hydra a natural born top, lineal predator, the next evolutionary step that inverts its form from a cyclical sponge to a lineal, reproductive body. Thus the complexity of the Hydra grows, shaping definitely the 3 E-SxT-I organic st-regions common to all living beings (mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm), which will vary in morphology and complexity but not in their ternary functions.

Further on coelenterates bring to animal life the maximization of its reproductive systems. Both the sponge and the Hydra lack a specialized blood, hormonal system, so its reproduction is far simpler than in evolved organisms: each cell is in itself a ‘genetic mother-cell’, which stores the information of the entire organism. This implies a limit to their informative evolution, as cells have to keep an excess of redundant information, according to the E∆=2 law that increases geometrically the number of genetic instructions needed to create the new ∆=2 multicellular plane of existence. On the other hand, it makes easier reproduction: any section of the Hydra can create a new animal. The result is that the arms of the hydra, where most sensorial cells are, break away easily, moving with the streams of water, reproducing new hydras all over the world. Yet some tentacles fail to reproduce evolving instead into planarians, the 1st worms, which will acquire 2 new informative cells, completing the 9+1 decametric scale; and developing fully the 3 physiological networks of complex animal life.



Thus, the next step in the evolution of life, after the hydra develops 2 new energetic cells, will be the evolution of 2 new informative cells. They will create a new phylum, the worm:

Visual, spatial cells that perceive light-space.

Temporal, auditory cells that perceive the sound waves and informative languages of animal life.

Those 9 cells complete the differentiation of cellular species that a growing ∆+1 neuronal, inner center – the brain – elaborates as the consciousness of ‘the whole’ increasing ever since its size till acquiring the weight of the human being.

Those informative cells were necessary to the new environment of planarians, which are in constant movement; hence have to orientate themselves in the ocean flows in search of Entropy. Since the change from stillness to movement is a fundamental change for life beings, which definitively transform all its elements to the properties of animal life:

The new informative cells create new apertures, the senses, that gather in the frontal zone of movement, the relative height of the worm, creating ‘heads’ that will also control the Entropy apertures of the body, splitting clearly the organism in an energetic, moving body and a sensorial head, which controls the information and Entropy of that body.

– Animals become bilateral in order to dominate the 2 directions of its initial bidimensional planar form: a hierarchical, temporal ¡motion from the future informative head to the past, energetic tail in which they orientate their organic, inner, evolutionary morphology and a perpendicular, parallel, equal, repetitive, ‘present’ spatial dimension, from left to right in which they orientate their reproductive, fractal, cellular ‘fat’ growth.

So embryo worms develop 2 bilateral cavities or ‘coeloms’, latter evolved in dual organs, which in the head will observe the 2 directions of their spatial field: 2 eyes, 2 ears, etc. – while in the body, inner organs will also double, creating in more evolved phyla a certain SxT asymmetry with slightly more ‘energetic’ and ‘informative’ sides. So the heart will have an explosive and implosive region; sexual organs will become I-feminine and E-masculine; the brain regions will specialize in spatial and informative tasks; some crabs will develop energetic and manipulative arms.

Thus the 1st worm, the planarian, created a diffeomorphic bidimensional structure with 2 SxT perpendicular planes that all future animals will imitate.

The worm is the 1st network animal, made of a lineal wave of parallel organic spheres, each one a st-point with 3±∆ dual networks: The nervous, blood and digestive/excretory systems, which accomplish the emission and absorption of informative, reproductive and energetic cycles.

In the graph we study the inner structure of the worm, because it shows already some of the dualities, fractal strategies and future arrows of life evolution that will act on different phyla to diversify and evolve their species:

– The worm is divided in fractal units, setting up a basic duality of living beings that sometimes are ‘herds’ of individual organs, multi-eyes, multi-bodies and sometimes fusion all parts into a whole.

– It shows perfectly differentiated the 3 physiological networks/ D¡motions, proper of all advanced organisms that mimic the 3 regions of a st-point:

E: The worm absorbs Entropy through the digestive network and emits it through the excretory system; which in the worm occupied the original endodermic, central singularity. But as animals evolve informatively as chordates, the center will be finally occupied by the nervous, informative system as in any other st-point.

I: The worm absorbs information through the senses and emits it through the nervous system. The informative brain and nervous system directs the entire organism and unifies its cellular quanta as a whole. The nervous system further differentiates into the sensorial, nervous and neuro-secretory systems, when the planarian adds eyes and ear systems that represent a jump in complexity over the informative systems of the hydra. It defines also a head in the dominant, temporal D¡motionality of movement. In the planarian is still length, which will rise till reaching the height of man.

     –S≈T: The intermediate region of the worm is controlled by the blood system, the fundamental dual transport system of the worm, where the neuro-endocrine glands dependent on the informative system, pour their reproductive hormones while the Entropy/digestive system pours its organic food.

The worm represents a jump of complexity in transport systems as it uses for the first time, organometallic molecules (hemoglobin) to harness oxygen Entropy and quantizes the blood network, which now arrives to cells far away from the digestive hollow. So worms can grow in size and Entropy power respect to the previous coelenterates. Now Entropy and information combine together on organs and glands dependent on the blood system.

The most important ones will be the new reproductive, specialized sexual glands, differentiated into dual, female and male sexual organs that make worms, hermaphrodite systems. Sexual organs again represent a fractal jump in the evolution of life. Since now, unlike in hydras, single specialized sexual organs will reproduce the living animal, increasing the sophistication of the process and liberating from those complex tasks all the other cells, which can specialize further.

Still many worms can reproduce by both systems: segmentation and sexual reproduction, which in new phyla will become the only form of reproduction, splitting organisms in 2 different sexual genders, the male and the female.



1000 beings suffice in all systems to create a new supœrganism, with a new language, that emerges as a whole new supœrganism, precisely because it is a trinity of scale: 103. As biology is the queen of sciences, this is self-evident. So it is in Historic supœrganisms, where the ‘T-genetic family’ scale of 10º=individual, 101=family, 102 clan, 103 tribe gives superposes to the ‘geographical organization’ starting at 103, the minimal town size, where the ‘language of society’ is the division of work and ST-reproduction of goods. For those who like the symmetry of social numbers to notice also that 1/3rd of the cells of the worm are St-neuronal cells…

As usual the new complete multicellular species (we study in Biology and time, previous not complete forms that rely mostly in the chemical language – Hydra, etc). The worm in its different forms (planarians being the simplest one) become thus the first nervous fully evolved organism, with all the elements that will take it to the trillion cells, as the village becomes the first ‘economic state’ that will grow all the way to the 10 billion present Earth.

Like all nematodes, they have neither a circulatory nor a respiratory system; so it is a true relic of the first electric cell ‘head’ riding its body: St-neuron<Ts-muscle. The four bands of muscles that run the length of the body are connected to a neural system that allows the muscles to move the animal’s body only as dorsal bending or ventral bending, but not left or right, except for the head, where the four muscle quadrants are wired independently from one another.


From worms to vertebrates: 3±∆ ages of fractal integration.

The evolution of worms into vertebrates is a long process of 3+∆ phyla differentiations based on:

– E: Spatial, I-radial or E-bilateral symmetry.

– ∑ Re: Fractal numbers that foster hierarchical e-SxT-I segmentation and differentiate big unitary animals and small animals made of fractal parts.

– I: A constant increase of D¡motional height.

– +∆: The evolution of its 3x 3+(∆+1) physiological networks.

The first massive differentiation will take place in the Cambrian age, according to the Black Hole paradox that evolves faster ‘smaller forms, denser in information’ than bigger, spatial forms. Thus in the Cambrian age most phyla evolved from small trochophores of ancestral flatworms that gave birth to new phyla during its ‘palingenetic larva, conception stage’, according to the Fractal Principle:

So we can first differentiate the worm phylum into 3 fundamental phyla with intermediate forms:

– Max. Te: Platyhelminthes: the simplest worms are flat, bidimensional planarians without blood systems that still require all cells to be close to the skin surface of the animal to exchange oxygen with the air.

– Max.Si: Nematoda or round worms, which develop a D¡motion of height as they add the blood system with its fine vessels that carry Entropy to each fractal cell.

– S≈T: Max. ∑: Annelida or ring worms, which reproduced a micro-worm unit, as crystals do, into a series of fractal pieces, growing enormously in size. Thus Annelida became the worms with higher SxT force radiating and diversifying in 3 sub-classes according to its territorial environments:

– Max. Te: Polychaeta or marine worms.

– S≈T: Hirudinea, living mainly in shallow or fresh waters. They are leeches that feed on blood and might in their initial forms feed on waters rich in metal, creating the first blood systems.

– Max.Si: Oligochaeta, terrestrial worms that evolve further due to the new challenges imposed by the ground environment.

Annelids, the dominant phyla, diversified and multiplied into multiple types of bilateral animals, with a central cavity and 2 coeloms that evolved further its dual organs and 3x 3+(∆+1) network systems. The first of those differentiations gave birth to the main animal phyla that will dominate the following life ages of the planet in 3±∆ periods, which took place according to ternary differentiation, as evolution puts together fractal ‘organic’ units into single unified systems:

     – (∆-1): The worm’s body is divided in fractal elements which are still independent elements with entire 3 functional sub-systems: each section has 2 reproductive organs, 2 nervous ganglia, a digestive tract and excretory anus and 2 upper blood nodes.

– Max. 3: Arthropods keep the earlier segmentation of annelids, but they organize those fractal segments into 3 differentiated zones, with several independent sections that go from 3 to 21 parts:

A sensorial, informative head (Max.Si); a central thorax with moving limbs and wings (Max. Te) and an abdominal region with the glandular, digestive and reproductive systems (max. S≈T).

– S≈T: Mollusks have balanced, hierarchical, single organs. As the 3 physiological networks evolve and become quantized to reach each cell, the different sections of the I-head, e-thorax and SxT-abdomen fusion together. Now the quantification process is transferred to the ends of those physiological networks: axons, blood vessels and digestive tracts become thinner to improve their control of individual cells.

– Max.Informative Evolution: Echinodermata. Echinoderms fusion those organs into single systems in the stillness of the marine platform, where they became the most successful forms.

– ∆+1: Chordates: vertebrates. Echinoderms in its larva, moving stage, according to the Worm Hole paradox, give origin to chordates, the 1st vertebrates. In both phyla the small organs of each arthropod’s section fusion into single, continuous big organs, thanks to the integrated evolution of the informative nervous system that aggregates the individual cellular quanta into those specialized organs. So the multiple eyes of insects become a single eye; its multiple hearts a single one, etc.

Though all those phyla appeared already in the Cambrian their sequential dominance on the Earth is parallel to those previous 3±∆ ages, since the simplest forms, arthropods and mollusks, reach first the summit of their evolution (Max. Te=Min.Si), while complex chordates took a long time to reach its evolutionary height and became dominant latter as fishes and reptiles.

Recap. The differentiation of cells into 3-5-9 forms allowed the creation of complex multi-cellular organisms, first dominant in digestive systems (sponges), then in reproductive systems (Hydra) and finally in informative systems (worms). From the worm on, all living animals will be defined as st- points with 3 inner networks/D¡motions, which will create in the outside world 3±∆ cyclical actions, designing an external territory also with 3 networks/D¡motions.


Another kind of analysis with fruitful results is the use of the ternary symmetries of species, to classify life in 6 phyla by dominance of one or other physiological network. The reproductive dominant Phyla in plants is the fungi, and the dominant one in animals is the insect. So they are both the most prolific animals and the more complex in its form of reproduction, which play with all the possible symmetries and time-space motions of the Universe. One of the most fascinating ones being the metamorphosis.

Insects also matter in its more complex informative species, as they reach the zenith of evolution, WHICH IS SOCIAL evolution and hence they create a new ∆+1 plane of social organization, again ternary in its elements, the warrior-entropic soldiers, the working, productive drones, and the informative species, the queen, which is dedicated to reproduce information, the dominant Dimotion of the whole insect phyla, in this ‘female-wave’ oriented system of life.

Arthropods. The new social scale of supœrganisms.

On the center, we see the 3 ages of an insect’s metamorphosis from larva to chrysalis to adult. They differentiate in ‘3 lives’ the existence of most insects that develop sequentially their 3 main organic regions and networks during each of those live.

On the left, according to SxT duality, the final results of those 3 temporal ages are the 3 regions of a topological insect:

-E: The digestive and dual respiratory systems, dominant in the larva, are the energetic networks, located in the center of the body, shaped as a spiral.

– I: In the belly we find the finest and more quantized nervous informative network, developed during the chrysalis life.

S≈T: Finally, the reproductive, hormonal network, ex i, pours into the blood system, which dominates the 3rd life of the insect, in the external world.

On the right, the social classes of insects, like those of a human society, correspond to the 3 organic function of a new scale of existence, the supœrganisms of insects, its ∆+1 system: Termites have an informative brain, the pheromonal queen (c); a re=productive class of workers, which produce the structures that create the ant-hill (a) and an Entropy class (b), the drones and soldiers, that have a linear, spatial morphology.

The first arthropods, derived from Annelida were probably trilobites, which protected their bodies and heads with external hard shells. Trilobites increased their energetic force, maximizing the strength of its membranes. They probably responded to the increase of SxT force caused by visual cephalopods, which maximized their informative organs. And so the game of life raised its fractal force, balancing again the top reproductive body membrane and top informative, mind singularity.

Today, according to duality and the Fractal Principle, we differentiate arthropods in sea animals (the most efficient of which are crustaceans) and land animals, which became dominant and evolved towards new informative species as all air or land forms did in a light-friendly environment. So again we differentiate them in 3 basic forms:

– Max. Te: Myryapoda, with max. body development and multiple feet.

– S≈T: Arachnida, the balanced species.

– Max.Si: Insecta, the informative class with max. brain development, which are still the most successful animals on this planet in the microscopic level of chemical life. Since they completed the organic evolution of chemical animals towards its most perfect form in 3 evolutionary phases.

Max. Te: The evolution of energetic systems brought about the first flying animals that colonized a new environment.

Today flying insects still account for 1/2 of all animal classes. They made energetic networks the center of its body, developing on their middle region a highly efficient muscle and blood systems, with 2×3 wings and legs.

S≈T: The second evolutionary jump occurred in their reproductive systems.

Insects learnt how to accelerate temporal evolution in a still, temporal state (Min.Te=Max.Si), changing from energetic, lineal larva to chrysalis that emerged as complex insects with highly developed informative heads and energetic wings. Nowadays 90% of the surviving insects come from species that evolved its generational cycle, dividing it further into 3 evolutionary phases that shape the metamorphosis cycle:

– Max. Te: Insects live their youth as an energetic, lineal larva that merely feeds and grows in size. A larva is a sort of moving egg that gathers vitellus in 3 sub-ages in which it changes 3 times its skin as it grows in size. In this phase the insect develops mainly its abdominal, glandular systems that will produce the enzymes needed for its first metamorphic change into a:

– S≈T: Chrysalis. The intermediate Chrysalis age is a ‘frozen’ vision of the most surprising facts of palingenetic evolution and inverse differentiation: In an ever moving Universe, external, spatial immobility triggers internal change in the speed of informative evolution, as outer movement is transferred to inner cells, rich in enzymes that become the dominant cells of each section of the adult insect, moving and reorganizing their tissues through a series of inversions and evolutions of its morphology. So central tissue ex-vaginates as wings or legs, etc.

A similar inversion happened when mobile trochophores in their larva transition became still echinoderms, which evolved and differentiated further, causing the explosion of chordate’s phyla that happened in the Cambrian.

In those trochophore embryos, inner dominant cells also reorganize the different tissues, placing the other cells at will. So chrysalis evolved the middle thorax section and brain systems, becoming:

– ∆+1: A hard insect with Max.IxE force (a harder E-exoskeleton and a far more developed ƒð§-brain) that will live the 3 usual phases of life.

The third mutational age of insects was informative:

Insects learnt to communicate socially through chemical, pheromonal messages, giving origin to ants and bees, the dominant ground and air modern insect species. It was again an evolution departing from very small forms, according to the Black Hole Paradox. Today the smallest organism is an ant that weights 1011 times less than an elephant, the magic fractal number, St, between 2 scales of existence, which is also the difference of weight between the smallest and biggest particle of the physical world. So the fractal limits of ‘informative scalar growth’ have been reached in both, the physical and living realms.

It is worth to notice that insects have not evolved further in the last 100 million years, but are still the most successful chemical beings. Because the game is fractal and so it always has an evolutionary limit based on its ternary ages. For that reason, once reached the 3rd formal age of Max.Information only social evolution into a new macro-organic plane of existence can improve the survival of a species. It is what happened with insects that became super-organisms called anthills. And so ants became the most successful animals of the chemical world as men will be in the electronic world, due to the fact that they act as a simultaneous, present form, sum of all the fractal actions of the herd, guided by their informative common pheromonal language, spoken by the ‘queen-brain’ of the anthill. It is also worth to notice that in both realms – the world of chemical insects and the world of electronic humans -we find the same 3 organic classes proper of any Universal system.

Recap. Insects became the most successful chemical species, when they evolved into social super-organisms, with the informative ant-queen brain, which controls with pheromones the workers that reproduce all the elements of the anthill and the energetic warriors that defend it.



Another law of 5D ST symmetries strictly followed in the evolution of life is the motion of ages as horizons of species, which also Nature apply to the entire next level of animal phyla. So not only individuals live TOWARDS growing 3rd age of information, and species towards 3rd horizons of evolved information and tall species, but the whole realm of life moves from its initial feeding stomachs (fishes) into the reproductive age of insect, to the 3rd age of informative mollusk:

Mollusks, the first eyes.

The next successful phylum, mollusks also suffered a ternary differentiation. Thus mollusks today are classified into 3 classes:

Maximal Entropy: Lamellibranchiate (which are big stomachs).

Balanced forms: Gastropoda.

Max.Information: Cephalopods, which developed the first eyes.

Though there were other primitive mollusks, today almost all of them belong to those 3 species. It proves that even though a ∆-system essays many variations, the 3 sub-classes of max. Entropy, Max.Information and max. reproduction survive better; because any environment allows those 3 classes to find specialized econiches in which to maximize their existence and resources.

The most successful of all gastropod were again the informative class, cephalopods, the first living animals with complex eyes. If we observe animal life, the key to its evolution is the improvement of its virtual worlds, of its informative organs:

In the first forms of life, perception was chemical, olfactory based in slow, short-range molecular quanta; until the first eyes appeared, inaugurating a new virtual world, made of smaller, speedy photons that create long range, detailed light images, making cephalopods act-react faster and farther than any other animal.

Squids were born in the abyssal ocean ecosystem, where still the biggest squids exist (over 10 meters long). It is the kingdom of bioluminescence – a new language based in the Universal code of colors; they were the first to interpret. For example, when a squid becomes red, the color of Entropy, it means it is angry. Those first primitive cellular eyes had to look hard to see their environment and the prey they sought. When they came up to the surface they saw even more and preyed on blind, energetic phyla. Today squids are still among the most intelligent animals, showing some self-consciousness.

The squid is the first eye-world; a new informative language that will completely changes the stakes of living organisms. The organs of perception of the squid, the eyes, were a new Top Predator language, superior to olfactory organs, both in detail and range. The effect of that linguistic superiority was the massive radiation of squids and the parallel extinction of perhaps 90% of the smelling species of the Cambrian that became their preys.

Those eyes enabled cephalopods to become the masters of their Universe, building all their other organs around their superior organ of perception: their tentacles became hands for the eye; the body became a canvass that changed color to interpret the new language.

Cephalopods also caused the arrival of exoskeletons in a classic process of action-reaction; only those olfactory animals with external protection (Max.Te) could survive the faster informative eye of the hunter (Max.Si). Thus the Cambrian holocaust also diversified life.

Those cephalopods with eyes became top predators in the Ordovician age, the age of squids. In this manner chemical perception left way to light and sound perception that developed highly sophisticated neuronal cells, which reach 2 meters in some squids.

Yet, when vertebrate life begun the ‘hard shells’ of some echinoderms sustained those long neurons, protecting them and allowing further quantification. So an energetic top predator found a cyclical protective form, in a dual game of evolution of prey and predators that will be carried till humans appear and beyond through the evolution of weapons and shields.

Recap. Cephalopods raised the stakes of the game of existence, of survival and extinction, as they imposed a faster speed of action-reaction, and a bigger spatial size, hunting in herds communicated through visual body languages.

Echinoderms and Chordates. Evolution of vertebrates.

Echinoderms, like ancestral cephalopodan, lived in abyssal regions originally fixed to the ground, in an ‘informative environment’ based in stillness with a lot of ‘free time’ to evolve further, as squids did in abyssal quiet regions or monkeys will do latter in quiet trees. Echinoderms became informative top predators because they evolved 2 new SxT characters as ‘still’, temporal forms:

– Max.Si: Radial symmetries, like in the pentagonal starfish, which fostered the development of a better neural system with a central informative singularity to coordinate the 5 radial nerves.

– Max. Te: The first inner bones, to sustain their complex form.

Thus echinoderm increased their  SxT force, evolving into the first vertebrates: Chordates were probably born, according to the Black Hole paradox, due to a palingenetic error, when echinoderms remained in their larva, trochophore, informative, evolutionary state, surviving, despite its smallish size, thanks to their 2 new SxT advantages, starting a new biological radiation. Their single nervous system protected by a spine, became a very dense, structure with a hard, inner bony membrane of sustain that allowed its growth in spatial size and temporal complexity, as neurons quantized further, differentiating from tail to head into an SxT tree-like structure:

Max. Entropy (nervous, linear spine) > Round, spiraled brain.

The ancestral Chordates differentiated according to the development of their growing informative nervous network into:

– Max. Te: Lineal Protochordate, the oldest species with 3 basic forms, diversified along the path of increasing mobility: sea squirts, acorn worms and amphioxus.

– S≈T: Cyclostomata, (jawless fishes), which grew in the planar D¡motion of Entropy. And so it came an age of sharks.

Those 2 first forms are still planar in form, with minimal development of their ‘round’ brain and hence with overdeveloped olfactory systems.

– Max.Si: Pisces (true fishes). They grew in the D¡motion of height, with new evolved sensorial, informative organs. They became the new dominant species that diversified once more, this time along the ∆+1 evolutionary path of environmental adaptation in:

– Max. Te: Sea chordates, with several varieties that reached its evolutionary limit with Teleostean.

– S≈T: Sea-land chordates, amphibian; an animal that mixes the palingenetic characters of those 3 environments during its 3 ages of life. Since it is born as a sea animal, lives its youth in between both environments and dies as a land animal.

Max.Si: Land chordate, reptiles, the most informative that diversified further.

Recap. The response to the eye language was protective shells that surrounded the nervous system of chordates, allowing their growth and invasion of the air-gas and land-solid ecosystems.


Topological evolution is very rich in meaning. Consider for example how from amphibians to reptiles the conquest of firm land towards the height of information, from where light comes, which started a fast tour on the use of the Disomorphic method to study life enlightens us how animal life seeks for height:

From amphibians to reptiles the conquest of firm land.

Reptiles grew in size and changed from lineal length into height D¡motions, but as they became victims of mammals they devolved to their earlier forms, as crocodiles and diminished in size becoming birds, which again grew in size and changed from lineal length to height D¡motions. Yet the arrival of man is provoking again the extinction of the biggest, taller birds (Moa, Emu, Dodo.)

If any evolutionary jump shows the importance of networks is the transition from fishes to reptiles through the intermediate amphibian stage: amphibians adapted their sensorial brains, their reproductive bodies and finally their reproductive systems to the new world. And only then, when the translation of form was complete, it appears the land animal – the reptile.

Thus, amphibians show 3 clear evolutionary phases:

– Max.Si: The amphibian moves towards an air world where light defines clearly the forms of its preys, triggering the evolution of its inner networks according to the cyclical chain, I>E>Re, which require first to become informed to localize and feed on Entropy, needed to reproduce. Thus amphibians first changed the form of their informative heads and senses: Their noses migrated to the top of the head, out of the water and their eyes acquired membranes to wet them, focusing better light images. This i-logic hypothesis of the dominance of informative evolution again contradicted the usual E-science energetic theory. And yet a few years ago Sci Am published the ‘astonishing’ revision of the energetic theory: amphibian did not evolve, because they dragged their legs on the dry land but because they raised their heads out of the water changing their senses.

Max. Te: Then their respiratory systems changed with new lungs that increased their capacity to get oxygen from air. Amphibians now changed their preys, eating insects with a modified mouth and tongue. Thus the amphibian becomes the top predator of the terrestrial ecosystem thanks to its greater Exi force and extinguished giant insects that reigned in the Carboniferous era. Those insects however reacted back evolving into metamorphic, flying forms, escaping their extinction. The inversion predator-prey manifests again between insects and chordates, as it did between gravitation vs. light or plants vs. animals: Insects have their exoskeleton outside, as they need maximal external protection; chordates have it inside. Insects are smaller, quantized forms; chordates are integrated, bigger forms. Insects are dominant in chemical, slower languages; chordates are dominant in nervous languages. Insects, the Entropy of the trophic pyramid, are more abundant than chordates, its top predators.

Max. S≈T: Finally, amphibians adapted their reproductive systems to the new atmosphere, creating dry eggs, completing the creation of a true, terrestrial organism, a new phylum that had adapted its 3 networks/existential cycles to the new world: reptiles8.

They evolved again according to the Fractal Principle into the 3 most evolved life phyla:

Max. Te: Reptilians, which maximized its spatial size.

       – S=T: Birds, with the most efficient blood networks, needed to develop flying skills.

       – Max.Si: Mammalians. They developed its informative, nervous system to its perfection. So they became the top predators of their ‘parental group’, reptiles, causing their massive extinction and ‘death reversal’, which in species shows through the ‘evolutionary regression’ of a former top predator species, when a new top predator displaces them. Thus, if we compare modern reptiles, once mammals have chased them down, with their dominant parental forms during the dinosaur era, when they were top predators, we observe a clear temporal regression in form, numbers, size and speciation that went back to their 3 basic forms. Today, from the initial 14 reptiles groups, only 3 basic groups remain. They have survived in econiches close to the water, regressing to amphibious forms, and diminishing in size towards their original ‘minimal, Black Hole form’:

– Lineal forms. Snakes and lizards living in extreme, hot, wet environments (rivers) and deserts, where heat becomes an advantage that increases their activity, while it causes cooling problems to hot blood mammals, their top predators.

– Balanced forms. Crocodiles, descendants of dinosaurs that have reduced its size and have become again amphibious, surviving mainly on the sea and rivers; learning new reproductive, maternal skills (hiding their small babies on their mouths, when predators come).

– Cyclical forms, with static, hard, protective round shells; or turtles that only reach big sizes in Galapagos, an isolated group of islands with minimal numbers of mammals. Most of them survive on the sea, having developed a gill-like system of breathing.

The only primitive, remaining saurian, the Tuatara, survives in min. numbers, in the most isolated region of the World, New Zealand, where there were no mammals with placenta…

Recap. The conquest of land was headed by amphibian and the development of better eye systems, as information is the key to evolutionary change. Accordingly as they become reptiles they grew in the D¡motion of height; and again as reptiles became birds and mammals the new species became bipedal and extinguished the simpler reptiles that reverted to planar forms.

Mammals: Temporal iron bodies, minds.

Mammals are the 3rd informative evolutionary age of land animals, which therefore transform again their 3 networks, reaching the final adaptation to the changing weather conditions and light transparency:

Max.Si: Mammals improve their nervous eye-brain systems, overcoming the limited eye vision of reptiles. Their brains surpass the instinctive stage (based on mental, mostly chemical, slow programs of action-reaction that execute the cycles of a living organism, based on generational memories without capacity to modify them) and enter the age of free will (based on brains with nervous programs that use memories acquired in the previous execution of those cycles by the same generation, to adapt their new actions-reactions to the changing environment).

Max. Te: Mammals improve their corporal, metabolic rate of action-reaction with hot, red iron blood that harnesses better than previous copper-based bloods the Entropy of oxygen. Since blood has hemoglobin, where an iron atom, the top predator Entropy atom of the Universe, controls and jails oxygen atoms with carbohydrate arms.

Max. Reproduction: Finally, the internal nervous system regulates mammal’s reproduction, creating complex placentas that can feed and develop the isolated fetus, without the dangers of a youth age, when most beings die as ‘Entropy’ of mature predators. It is the equivalent stage to the ‘chrysalis’ shape of insects.

Further on, mammals evolved socially. So probably herds of mammals with faster, simultaneous fractal actions chased as a whole, and killed baby reptiles, provoking their massive extinction, in an age of climatic change. Yet, as it happened when amphibians extinguished insects, provoking their flying evolution and migration to the last frontier – the air environment – the smallest reptiles became birds that avoided top predator mammals, putting their eggs on cliffs beyond their reach to survive.

And so again, the most successful group among land animals, mammals diversified, this time along the path of reproductive evolution into:

         – I horizon: Monotremes, which are egg-laying mammals.

         – II Horizon: Marsupials, which have a pouch where they develop the ‘embryo’.

– III Horizon: Eutherians, which have true placentas and differentiated again, as the most evolved informative class, into multiple subspecies, now along the path of feeding Entropy, into:

                   – Max. Te: Herbivorous, which ate huge quantities of low Entropy plants, developing new, complex digestive systems, with huge, multiple stomachs.

– E=i: Carnivorous, which developed the best blood systems, as they needed to increase muscular force and speed.

             – Max.i: Omnivorous, which were able to eat anything, occupying multiple ecosystems that enhanced its evolutionary differentiation. Among these species the most evolved phyla were apes, from where man came, because they lived, unlike the animals of bidimensional plains, in 3-D¡motional ‘high’ trees, where they could not be hunted. And so they evolved in their ‘free time’ their 3 D¡motional brains, becoming informative humans.

The previous synoptic analysis of the evolution from cells to humans shows the universal application of the fractal space-time differential Ðisomorphisms of evolution. It could be as detailed as you wish and reorder all our knowledge on biological species under those simple Ðisomorphisms. We just lack space-time to do it here. It shows the impersonal intelligence of the evolutionary plan and the homology of all st- forms… As it is the same plan we have used to describe atomic particles

Recap. Mammals are the most perfect form of life beings, which evolved in information, till reaching the perfection of man; added iron-Entropy to its blood and improved reproductive skills with placentas.





The essential fact about the Universe is that it happens in space and time, and so it happens as a series of topological events (topology being geometry in motion), whereas THE ONLY 3 TOPOLOGICAL forms of the Universe, lineal, hyperbolic and cyclical forms have the only three time functions of reality: entropy (as the line is the fastest motion), energy (where a hyperbolic body-wave combines=iterates both) and information (as the sphere stores maximal information in minimal space).

In brief, systems are then designed with 3 parts, an energetic limb/field system, lineal as the line is the fastest distance to move; body-waves that reproduce the system with a hyperbolic topology, which is the more versatile and reproduces both energy and information; and an informative particle-head, which processes logic, temporal, memorial information and guides the system.

It is this ternary structure what becomes in all its variations, the fundamental ‘organic system of nature’.

We shall then find that through life systems first become young-energetic, then reproduce their body and finally accumulate information in its 3rd age in his brain. But the system needs the 3 elements to survive”

Spe (limbs/fields/territory)<wave-body-reprodutive class>Informative head/particle/neuronal class.

It means we can assembly forms in the Universe using the 3 topologies of reality and its 3 functions:

So systems evolve as ternary organisms in space, with 3 functions: feeding on energy and using it to move, perceiving information and using it to communicate, and reproducing both, with body-waves and ensemble with other systems into larger wholes.

This ternary game means systems will evolve towards better energetic planar limbs (wing evolution), better informative, cyclical systems (eyes evolution) or better reproductive systems. And so on the trial and error mutations of evolution 3 sub-species and 3 sub organs will always reign – with higher energy, information and reproductive skills, and each will evolve its topologies towards its perfect ternary form:
In the graphs, one of the fundamental advances of general systems science – the understanding of the Universe as generated by the topological evolution of lineal, spatial energy and temporal, cyclical information, the 2 ‘substances’ of which the fractal, organic Universe is made, is its streamlining and completion of evolution, which finally gets its ‘3rd and 4th legs to become a fully understood science’, by adding to the original Evolution of Species (NOT of individuals), and genetics, the needed ‘topological evolution of the 3 canonical forms of mathematics, lineal, planar energy motions (limbs/fields), hyperbolic body-waves and spherical, informative heads/particles that structure all beings of reality.

So we write a simple fractal generator of St systems:we illustrate those general advances with enormous consequences for the understanding of the species of the Universe and how they evolve. As we can see they follow a simple pattern in 3 horizons of increasing informative evolution towards spherical heads on top of high bodies, which perceive better from that advantageous point of view, and how they ensemble in different ternary organs, with local directions to absorb energy and information.

The ternary structure in space (3 organs in all systems) and time (3 ages of increasing information, young-energy age/horizon, reproductive radiation/mature age, and old, informative age/horizon of individual and species), what we apply to understand the human function and its anthropological evolution

As the Universe constantly assemblies entities with those 3 parts, so all physical systems are made of informative particles, complementary to energetic waves, feeding on an entropic field, and all biological systems have an informative head, on top of an energetic body moving on entropic limbs, this structure is embedded in the most profound level of existence of Universal systems; and as the 3 parts are complementary in an organism, in the organism of History the 3 cultures should have been respectful of each other and complementary.



In the graph, the Universe is made of complementary systems of 2 lineal, moving, energy and cyclical, dimensional in/form/ation, from the duality of energetic forces and informative particles, to the biological duality of informative heads. Once the properties of those 2 forms are understood we can apply them to resolve the conundrum of evolution and species differentiation, since the existence of only 2 elements in the Universe, reduces enormously the number of possible new forms and puts limits to the game of evolution.

In the human species those dualities are obvious in the duality male/female, in which men have energetic bodies and females have informative, reproductive ones. Since information is ‘fractal’, formal and inflationary (it constantly reproduces as fractal forms do, self-generating replicant forms in lesser size). So female reproduce the information of our species, and male bodies are energetic, fast-moving, stronger ones.

Yet it seems that such duality is reversed in the brain, to maintain a balance between both species. Women have been proved to have 10 times more white matter, the lineal, network patterns fixed at earlier age in the brain, whose intelligence is ‘stronger’, more difficult to change, less creative and hence the equivalent to an energetic brain, based in ‘beliefs’ and wired deeply with the emotional hyppothalamus, limbic brain. Men on the other hand have 6 times more grey matter, which is creative/destructive, whose patterns are more variable and connected to the external sensorial images.  So we could consider an essential ‘duality’ of complex, fractal systems taken place in the definition of humans: women have energetic, stronger brains and reproductive, informative, weaker bodies. And men have informative, weaker, reproductive brains and energetic, stronger bodies. And both are complementary:

In graph, the ternary, organic, fractal Universe of space-time beings, generates also the 3 races and genders of mankind through the same processes used in complexity to describe the evolution of all scales of the 5th dimensionFurther on, other patterns of informative evolution took place, as we humans increased the ‘informative dimension of height’ respect to other animals, finally completing the main Dimotion of complex evolution from energetic shapes (planarian worm) in the dimension of length (energetic dimension) to informative humans (with maximal height dimension).

When we consider the duality of energy and information in races and evolution, the same process determines a clear pattern: species differenciate in one energetic and one informative, and then combine giving birth to mixed species, again differenciated in higher energy/spatial/visual brains and more informative/verbal/temporal ones.

The pattern starts with the differentiation of apes and the 1st homos, followed in the graph, but truly matters to the creation of the ‘human being’ as it is known today with the apparition of the first verbal/technological species, which seems to be the Homo Floresiensis (technological remains of about 700.000 years found on the same sites, brain morphology similar to that of the homo sapiens, development of the frontal, region. 

This again follows the patterns we have found in ‘dual evolution’: during the evolutionary phase of a species, the species develops further information, whose properties are inverse to those of energy, so the species becomes smaller, quiet, isolated in a region of lesser survival struggles, evolving its forms as an insect would do in its chrysallid phase, or men did in the isolated region of Flores islands. There he learned to speak, which again is proved by the fact that almost 1/2 of the languages of the Earth are spoken in those islands (maximal differentiation, memetic or genetic, happens in the original regions in which a universal form appears). Thus the Homo Antecessor should be the Floresiensis, whose discovery validated our 94 Thesis of dual evolution. Then once he came out of Flores advanced north and south, mixing heavily with the Homo Erectus in the Northern region, growing in body mass and giving birth to the speaking Homo Heidelbergensis, antecessor of the visual Neanderthal brain

 While in the southern run towards Africa he further evolved informatively, with minimal mixing with the Erectus, giving birth to the capoid verbal men.

Then  those 2 sub-species, the informative, verbal capoid and the visual-energetic neanderthal interbreed again around 80.000 years ago in Palestine, giving birth to the Homo Sapiens, whose different races show different quantity of ‘neanderthal vs. capoid mixing’.

Evolutionary patterns.The game of Duality and Creation: energy x information species.

One the main discoveries I did in the field of complexity applied to anthropology, dating back from my first books on the subject (Bio-history, Bio-economics, a theory of Unification, Bookmasters, Ohio, c.94), was the application of the Duality of Energy/information and its self-generative process of creation of new species that combine both essential elements of the Universe, to the evolution of the Human Kind. The plan of evolution of the fractal, organic, Complex Universe is in that sense simple. All species become differentiated in an energetic, ‘lineal’, spatial species and an informative, ‘cyclical’, temporal one. Then both mix to create a more complex, reproductive species.

And so 3 is the number of Horizons and subspecies we find in all evolutionary systems. This plan of evolution, which has enormous repercussions in the understanding on how species evolve and complements Darwin and Mendel, however is disputed outside the science of complexity and the congresses in which I have developed my work. And so it is not widely known. And yet it recently achieved new proofs in anthropology with the discovery that the Neanderthal, white, visual, spatial, energetic brain species mixed with the Homo Sapiens, the Capoid, verbal, temporal one.

So we can explain both genre (being women the informative species that reproduces the fractal information of the human being and man the lineal energetic species), and racial differentiation and establish 3 types of mind: the white, visual, dolicocephalic brain, more developed in the visual axis from the forehead to the occipucius, which should be found to have a higher mix of Neanderthal. He is divided in two types, which again experimental proofs have validated: the Semite, in which Neanderthal males mixed with verbal women, as the dominant, stronger species, in the first crossing of the Homo Sapiens, in 80.000 BC. This advanced theory of 94 has now proofs that came in Nature: only homo sapiens women mixed with Neanderthal males in Palestine. The result is the semite with a clear dominant male, bigger than the female, talking species. The reason is that at such time the Homo Sapiens had not developed the arch and so it was dominated by the Neanderthal, stronger warrior. Then in Altai mountains, homo sapiens evolved into the mongoloid cro-magnon which had arcs and hence could kill at distance the neanderthal. This man went down to Europe and the mixing reversed. Now the Homo Sapiens Paletiniensis mixed with the Neaderthal stronger women (the Nordic Women and red hair, dolicocephalic scots). The result was the Aryan in which women are far stronger. This is the last detail of our Complex theory of human evolution to be proved in the next years…

In the text, we have a further explanation of the other races, which are clearly 3: the mongoloid, verbal race with a higher distance in the verbal axis (brachicephalic) and the black, reproductive, emotional brain, which is self-similar to that of women, with a high brain more evolved in the top axis.

complexity defines a simple game of evolution by combining informative and energetic species in balanced, new organisms: e xi=st.

We say that the Universe has 3 arrows of creation, energy, information and its balanced combinations. This is also a sexual principle: Women are information-dominant; male are energy dominant.

In human evolution the same pattern emerges: each successful, dominant Homo differentiates into an energetic and informative species, which recombine, creating more complex= informative and stronger=energetic homos that displace their parental forms, thanks to their higher Energy x Information. Yet the dominant, overall Dimotion favors informative species. Since when Homos were born, the energy top predators were felines, far stronger than the strongest possible homo mutation. So the evolutionary direction in which the big apes could find an ecological niche within the mammal kingdom was the informative Dimotion. They were already fit to that purpose, since they spent long times living in stillness in the summit of trees, where they had to learn to control complex movement in the informative dimension of height, adding a 3rd dimension to their brain. So they became informative masters among mammal species . . .

Thus, the duality between energy and information is also responsible for the creation of humanity. In the graph we study that process: life first diversified into complementary genders: energetic, lineal, spatial men and cyclical, reproductive women, which hold more biological information. While a 3rd, gay sex mixes both. Further on, as humans evolved, they followed the same pattern of 3 ages proper of all species. Thus, Homos diversified into energetic, informative and reproductive forms that show a higher balance between energy and information. Yet only the informative species, the dominant ‘Dimotion’ of future survives in each of the 3±1 horizons of increasing informative evolution, from Australopithecus with 500 c.c., into Homo Erectus with 1000 c.c. into Homo Sapiens with 1500 c.c.

And in all those phases, humans split into an energetic species and an informative one that recombined to create a 3rd species. Those species will further evolve technology also in 3 horizons called the upper, middle and lower Paleolithic. Finally, humans diversified in 3 races, specialized in Energy (white race) and information (Mongoloid) with a reproductive, black race, the last to be born, which mixes the pre-mongoloid (bushman) and white races. The constrain established by the fact there are only two elements, energy and information, to create reality, whose lineal and cyclical forms are invariant at scale, in all systems of the cosmos means the Universe imposes the same program of creation to all its species.From an initial ape species we find a ternary differentiation ±5 million years ago, into 3 sub-species of great apes that live in Africa:

—  Max. Te: Gorilla, a big, energetic species that reaches 200 kilos, with a square, huge jaw.

—   E=i:  chimpanzee with smaller body and bigger brain. According to 5D metrics, the smallest organism evolves informatively. Thus, the ‘dwarf chimpanzee’, the PanPaniscus, which today shows the highest learning skills among apes, was the species that seems to have evolved into a 3rd informative horizon of big apes. It is:

—   Max. i: Australopithecus, which splits in 3 evolutionary ages of growing brain volume:

I Horizon: 500 cc.: From Australopithecus to Homo Erectus.

We have dated the oldest mandibles of Australopithecus Anamensis, the top predator of the 3 big ape species, in 4 million years. The Australopithecus, after reproducing massively in the savannah ecosystem that favours his bipedalism, suffers a new ternary mutation. The 3 descendants of that Australopithecus Afarensis that inhabited the Ethiopian plains around 3 million years ago, are:

—  Max. Te: The Paranthropus, an energetic species with huge mandibles and a lineal, planar brain. He looks like a heavy-set, humanoid gorilla. He was probably vegetarian. The first subspecies found is the Paranthropus Aethiopicus, which will further evolve into the stronger Paranthropus Robustus.

—  E=i. The Australopithecus Africanus, which maintains the form of the original Australopithecus Afarensis, perhaps with inner improvements in his soft tissue. He lives in South Africa and is contemporary of the Paranthropus. And the . . .

—  Max. i: Australopithecus Garthi. He is the informative species, with a bigger brain, which starts to acquire the shape of all informative species: a rounded forehead, as the sphere is the formwhich holds more information in lesser space.

Those 3 species live very close. Around the Turkana Lake we have found remains of the 3 Homos. Yet the Dimotion of future favors informative species. So the top predator Homo will be the Australopithecus Garthi that goes through a mature age of massive reproduction, probably extinguishing the other 2 subspecies and expanding worldwide into new ecological niches that favoured their genetic and memetic adaptation through a new, ternary split:

—  Max. Te: A regressing, energetic A. Garthi, similar but taller than its parental Australopithecus.

—  E=i: Homos Habilis and Rudolfensis, with similar brain capacity to the original Garthi.

—  Max. i. Homo Ergaster, an informative ape with a 1000 cc. brain, which doubles the brain capacity of Australopithecus.

II Horizon: 1000 cc. From Homo Erectus to Homo Sapiens..

That Homo Ergaster, after a massive age of reproduction and expansion throughout the planet, subdivides again in 3 sub-races of Homo Erectus.

—  Max.Te: Pithecanthropus, the oldest species similar to Homo Ergaster, found in Java.

—  E=i: Homo Erectus proper, found in China, who grows in the informative dimension of height that favors perception from an advantage point of view, to 1.7 m. He has simple technology, a skull without forehead and thick bones that handicap further cranial evolution.

—  Max. Ti: Homo Floresiensis, the smallish species, which according to the Black hole paradox should be the form who gave origin to Sapiens, as the smallish ‘pan paniscus’ evolved the chimp into the Homos. Recently discovered, he is a formal mutation with a smaller body, whose morphology resembles for the first time that of a human being. He has thinner bones that allow further growth and a higher forehead, the location of the creative part of the brain.

Palaeontologists also found the first advanced technological tools in his sites in Flores Island, which is an isolated place, the ideal region to foster further evolution, due to the lack of top predators (alopatric evolution). Thus, he ads now technological energy weapons that substitute body strength and define a single Dimotion of future for human evolution: information. His improvement in neurological form, probably caused first his rapid expansion thanks to his new technological tools and then a rapid growth in size through the cross-breeding with the taller Homo Erectus species, giving finally birth around 300.000 B.C., to a new energy/ information duality: The energetic, big Neanderthal and the informative Bushman, which will combine again to give birth to the different races. Those predictions based in the 3 arrows of future time and the black hole paradox (information is small and evolves in dwarf species) have been confirmed by genetic maps and Paleontology and await final confirmation, when new skulls of Floresiensis are found.

The 3rdinformative Horizon: Homo Sapiens, 1500 cc.

—  The lineal, energetic, visual Homo Sapiens Neanderthal, with ±1500 cc.

— An informative pygmy strain, the 1st verbal woman, mitochondrial eve, a bushman, also with ±1500 cc.

± 50.000 years ago she crossed into the Middle East, probably mating with earlier Neanderthals, giving origin to the visual, energetic white male (Homo Palestiniensis, whose skulls show mixed traits from both species).

± 35.000 y. ago, in the high Tibetan plains, she became the informative Mongoloid that colonized Asia, America and descended upon Europe and Africa, where she cross-bred with the capoid (bushman) and became the black man, the balanced E=i, reproductive race, completing the final, ternary differentiation of the main races of mankind.

The same ternary structure happens in genders, with the informative female body, of cyclical forms, the energetic male body and the neutral gay/child; and vice versa, the informative male brain dominant in grey matter and the energetic female brain dominant in white matter. So both body and brain are complementary in female and male and in each of them between their brain and body. And that is the just, balanced, complementary structure of the organic Universe.

If humans instead of fighting under ‘metal-ideologies’ that worship weapons (nationalism) money (capitalism) and machines (techno-utopia, mechanism) more than man, he had chosen the ‘right culture’, of social love in any of its evolving versions (Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Socialism, Ecologism), and created a supœrganism, Gaia, in which he acted as the collective brain of the planet, fostering a sustainable world dominated by life-based, human goods, we would have indeed survived.

For many decades, since Darwin talked about Darwinian Struggle, biologists thought that was the only strategy of survival. Yet recently we have realized social evolution is a far more evolved, efficient tool of survival, which accounts for the superiority of “herds” of weaker individuals, such as wild dogs which hunt better than lions, or “verbal humans” which probably extinguished non-verbal Neanderthals. Or not so quite… the ‘subconscious imprinting’ of the mechanical civilization you can understand the previous graph and the ‘recurrent, cyclical processes’ that mix geography, genetics, memetics and ternary and dual differentiations of systems into So= Spatial, formal; |-T, cyclical, lineal, moving, entropic and balanced ST¡, hyperbolic geometry and applies also to the 3 fundamental ‘dominant’ human mental races.

A warning against lineal, ‘ænthropic’ models of physical science and evolution.

It is today customary to shun off old models of racial cultures, according to the ‘false premises’ of the modern scientific method, biased by the errors of ‘ænthropic physicists’ and its 3 ‘elemental errors’ on philosophy of science, regarding the ∆ST trinity of elements of reality, caused by their ‘entropic=lineal single time arrows’ and ego-centered view of their science as the most important discipline. Let us remember them before we debunk

The ∆-i->∆+I error of single causality, called ‘constructivism’ It is the ‘lineal version’ of scalar science that denies an Dimotion of information coming from the larger wholes/networks into parts, so a single lineal A->B Aristotelian causality works from lower scales of parts into larger wholes. From this error, derive similar ones in other sciences who have wrongly adopted the philosophy of science of physics (a complete mess) as theirs. In biology it implies an obsession for ‘genetics’, the ∆-¡ scale as the ‘cause of it all’. And a general ‘denial’ of the importance of our ‘plane of existence’, geography and cultural upbringing in determining the memetics and behavior of people.

Time errors: The error of chaotic Darwinian evolution, which applies entropic models to biology, denying the power of eusocial evolution=love as the dominant Dimotion of informative communication in the Universe.

The error of lineal time that denies the cyclical repetitive patterns in evolution.

Spatial error: The lack of a consistent ‘topological trinity’ to understand morphology, which is only used in the largest scale (open, closed, hyperbolic topology of the space-time Universe), but it is essential to determine the topological evolution of all species in all scales.

Today all sciences apply those 3 errors as their subconscious philosophy without understanding they come from the lineal, entropic, anthropic egocy of ‘œnthropic’ physics) corrected by 5D topological evolution.

Add to the mix also the absurd placebo political and economical correctness that dismisses truth, whenever it doesn’t fit the shrewd equalization of all humans, whose true goal is to erase mankind to make every human in the age of the machine and its ‘company-mothers’ of information a perfect ‘enzyman’, dedicated to consume=vitalize machines and reproduce them as its only purpose of existence. So ALL other distinctive elements of mankind are irrelevant and must be ‘equalized=erased’ which is NOT the same that the ‘true meaning’ of dual genders and trinity differentiations: Complementarity. That is ‘equal value’ but different meaning.

Back to the basics of classic anthropology.

Once you accept those errors of the ‘subconscious imprinting’ of the mechanical civilization you can understand the previous graph and the ‘recurrent, cyclical processes’ that mix geography, genetics, memetics and ternary and dual differentiations of systems into So= Spatial, formal; |-T, cyclical, lineal, moving, entropic and balanced ST¡, hyperbolic geometry and applies also to the 3 fundamental ‘dominant’ human mental races.

5D anthropology combines the tri-logic fractal generator, S-ST-T and its split rhythms of evolution with the ∆+1 geography of the old world and its South, hot and North cold arches to explain through ‘recurrent, cyclical processes’ out of Africa and out of Asia Homos evolution. As such 5D mixes illogic, geography, genetics, memetics to define a 5D canonical trinity applied to human systems: So= Spatial, formal; |-T, cyclical, lineal, moving, entropic and balanced ST¡, hyperbolic geometry and applies also to the 3 fundamental ‘dominant’ human mental races.

We, Sapiens came from Asia no from Africa; from where it came the first run – that of the Homo Erectus, in the image below. But the first human who talked and had a brain like us and made complex technology was the Floresiensis, a dwarf, but that is indeed how evolution proceeds in 5D. The first species is always according to 5D metrics, reduced in size in space, increasing its formal complexity: T>S. Then the species is in the run, reproducing S=T, and merging with the previous T-father species, diversifying into St & Ts sub-species of more energy-body and information-head power. And in this manner from 1, T, the simple |-form comes 2, | and O, and from 2 comes Ø with variations of larger bodies and larger brains; which as the most similar, combine into ST; and thus to the desperation of anthropologists who don’t have a pattern, T>S, S+T=St & Ts; St+Ts=ST, the pentalogic of creation keeps giving us variations of human beings. How this affects the mind will latter be analyzed, with the basic rule of ‘the dot-product’ between the 3 axis of the mind: we start with a lineal visual top predator, entropic species (not only in man, in any animal or cellular form, the lineal protein, the shark, the crocodile). So we have our ‘T-entropic form of maximal motion’. But it will ‘curl’ because from a line to a pi-cycle evolution is easy when conditions of alopatric isolation take place. And so we will have | and O with a better brain. We thus move from |-visual dolichocephalic minds to O-brachicephalic minds and then both merge into SxT pyslocephalic minds.

In the graph, in complexity biology systems decouple in 3 varieties of max. entropy=force, max. information and max. reproductive energy, the 3 main drives that ensure survival.

This simple rule allows to classify the diversification of species, including the Homo. yet the dominant Dimotion is information, so at the end the gorilla-chimpanzee-Australopithecus, max. energy (gorilla), max. Information (austral), max. reproduction (bonobobo), chose the Australopithecus, and then again in the next decouplings till arriving to the 3 ‘mental races->cultures’, the white, lineal, energetic; mongoloid, cyclical, informative, and sensorial, reproductive, vital black mind-cultures.

Play with ‘dot’ products and its variations. Existential logic allow any dot product of 3 potential orientations in space-time, which are the 3 axis of human minds, the verbal, brachicephalic; visual dolichocephalic and

e-motional, psylocephalic dominant axis. The first of those combinations thus was from visual dolichocephalic Australopithecus to tall, psylocephalic Erectus, to verbal rounded Floresiensis. I was expecting since the 90s for his discovery – a small reduced form of Homo but with a superior form, and technological proofs of a higher dexterity than the Erectus. Then a decade latter it was found, and obviously because 4D stience is lineal about big size, nobody in his ‘right mind’ (which means wrong in 5D metric:), will ever accept the simple laws of 5D evolution. This from wiki:

Small brains

floresiensis had a small brain. The brain of the holotype LB1 is estimated to have had a volume of 380 cm3 (placing it at the range of  the extinct australopithecines. LB1’s brain size is half that of its presumed immediate ancestor, H. erectus(980 cm3 ) Indeed, so it is the brain of the more intelligent Asian elephant (:

An indicator of intelligence is the size of Brodmann’s area 10, the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with higher cognition. LB1’s region 10 is about the same size as that of modern humans, despite the much smaller overall size of the brain

Notwithstanding the small brain of H. floresiensis, the discoverers have associated it with advanced behaviors. Their cave shows evidence of the use of fire for cooking, and Stegodon bones associated with the hominins have cut marks, but some other sources doubt that H. floresiensis controlled fire and note that a small brain requires less energy. The hominin specimens have also been associated with stone tools of the sophisticated Upper Paleolithic tradition typically associated with modern humans, who have nearly quadruple the brain volume (1,310–1,475 cm3 ) and 2.6 times greater body mass. Some of these tools were used in the cooperative hunting of Stegodon by these hominids. Ergo if it cooperated, it did so with words.

And so the Floresiensis was the first species. Then it starts the ‘reproductive run’, as the new top predator form multiplies, expands and both merges partially and extinguishes thoroughly the previous lesser species.

All the runs of the homo that matter are done by a new more informative species, the 3 most important, the Floresiensis run, the Capoid run and the Mongoloid run. Each of them once they were born, crossbred in inferiority with the larger species – we know this for the Capoid which couldn’t invade Eurasia for a while as the stronger Neanderthal killed him – since we have only male Neanderthal genes for that crossing, hence he raped dwarf women, as Siberian Charioteers and Conquistadors… But as it improves its size on the run, and improves its weapons, he takes the best genes of the previous homo – he can grow because he has thin bones, which allow him to change its form. The erectus alone couldn’t modify its form, nor the Neanderthal, but the Floresiensis, the Capoid and the Mongoloid could with its ‘neoteny’, thin skull bones. Then finally from |xO comes Ø, the creative hyperbolic wave. In mathematics the varieties of the lineal and cyclical topologies are infinitely inferior to those of hyperbolic waves – creation explodes in the infinite variations of a curve. The line can only be a line, the circle must close into itself, the wave is free to variation. So in the end the sT and St variations that become ST and multiply its technology will kill all those goliaths.

It is the chip paradox, the shrewd paradox, the black hole paradox, the floresiensis paradox, the British boat paradox, the small more advanced Holland vs. the Spanish empire, England vs. Europe, Israel, future knot of top predator terminators that will do us all. So the explosion of variations of new races comes from those merges, 700.000 years ago when the Floresiensis comes out of Flores in groups of higher verbal and technological dexterity. The Capoid that crosses with Neanderthals, likely giving birth to the white Semite/Germanic people, and reaches higher dexterity and finally the Mongoloid that invents the bow and now he extinguishes all others, after a few merges with the white/Semite that give birth to the European. And finally the cycle is close and the Capoid and the European give birth to the black. All those variations have a complex pattern that can be observed in the map. Indeed, the Capoid mixed with the Denisovan acquired high-cold survival genes, and in the isolation of Tibet, it evolved into the mongoloid; in 50.000 according to genetics. That is the point of explosion of creativity in technology, wave forms like the ‘bow’ will follow next. And then the Mongoloid clean up the act. The circle closes:

The last Hobbit in Flores died 50.000 years ago, co-existing with the first mongoloids to arrive.

In each of the 7runs the pattern is the same, returning back to Africa through Europe or Asia to kill all.

We ignore the runs previous to the Erecuts. Who cares for the Australopithecus. We don’t even consider it human, as he did not speak. the homo erectus with its tall psylocephalic mind was emotional, likely a musical homo, learning the rudiments of basic sound language around the fire he knew how to make. It lasted longer in Asia, at the beginning of the Floresiensis run, where it merged. It disappeared sooner from Africa, at the end of the Floresiensis run, when it was acquiring human size and was more confident.

So back to the first run, it was INVERSE to the run of the Homo Erectus, occupied the same econiches, and at the beginning it cross-bred, and so the Neanderthal-Denisovan and perhaps its co-father the Heidelbergensis (it is not clear if the denisovan was born from another merging of Floresiensis and Erectus), will diversify the species.

And so we have again the ‘3 poles’ of human races, that of the Energy ≈Information, balanced, reproductive black race. In the next graph, we observe the fractal process of Generation of different human species, based in the game of ternary topological evolution of that came out of Africa.

As we studied the pre-Homo Sapiens T; T>S; S+T=T, 3 canonical STages of Existential Trilogic creation in History and Time, we study only the 7 runs of Mankind in its ‘peaceful age’ of Paleolithic & Neolithic crossing.

In the graph, in complexity biology systems decouple in 3 varieties of max. entropy=force, max. information and max. reproductive energy, the 3 main drives that ensure survival.

In the graph, the 7 (+800 cycles) major runs of Mankind, with the first and last ‘forgotten’ by 4D Stience – the Floresiensis first man, and the Sea-farer Mongoloid last run to Pacific America; and the key run for the 3 mental races: the Mongoloid, 50.000 Bc. Creative explosion (neoteny, S-height, cold evolution after Denisovan crossing).

5 D metric rules of S-ST-T creation allows to classify the diversification of species, including the Homo. yet the dominant Dimotion is information, so at the end the gorilla-chimpanzee-Australopithecus, max. energy (gorilla), max. Information (austral), max. reproduction (bonobobo), chose the Australopithecus, and then again in the next decouplings till arriving to the 3 ‘mental races->cultures’, the white, lineal, energetic; mongoloid, cyclical, informative, and sensorial, reproductive, vital black mind-cultures.

We shall see always in all species, of the 10 radiations of life in scale and form of the planet Earth from the amino acid to the chip homoctonos to come, and all those great evolutions broken down to minute forms in decametric 3×3±¡ scales the same process.

The laws of topological evolution are absolute and map out in each scale all species, from the simplest atom to the largest galaxy. It will take me a few years more to reorder and put them all. I am now trying to finish this 2019 the 5 papers on History and the Universe, in space, time, mind, scale and entropic motions.

We came from Asia and there it will happen one of the ‘3 poles’ of human races, that of the Energy≈Information, balanced, reproductive black race. In the next graph, we observe the fractal process of Generation of different human species, based in the game of ternary topological evolution of that came out of Africa.

In the graph, in complexity biology systems decouple in 3 varieties of max. entropy=force, max. information and max. reproductive energy, the 3 main drives that ensure survival.

5 D metric rules of S-ST-T creation allows to classify the diversification of species, including the Homo. yet the dominant Dimotion is information, so at the end the gorilla-chimpanzee-Australopithecus, max. energy (gorilla), max. Information (austral), max. reproduction (bonobobo), chose the Australopithecus, and then again in the next decouplings till arriving to the 3 ‘mental races->cultures’, the white, lineal, energetic; mongoloid, cyclical, informative, and sensorial, reproductive, vital black mind-cultures.

Below, 3 ‘dominant’ mental, linguistic axis follow the Topological diversification of species into 3 sub-races, proper of all processes of evolution, giving birth to 3 fundamental ‘cultures’, according to those 3 mental axis. So we recognize only ‘3 mind cultures’ and its crossing in Indonasia that give birth to 3+i original cultures, whereas its melting pot would be the dominant culture of the Neolithic, the true paradise rivers on south-east Asia:

The only meaningful division of races are according to the ternary axis=dimensions of the mind that between the 3 dominant languages of visual, white races and cultures with higher Neanderthal input, mongoloid, verbal cultures and black cultures with dominant motor-emotional axis. In a perfect world the 3 would be complementary as they enhance one of the 3 ‘perceptive languages’ of existence. They mixed in the Indonasia region, giving birth to the original 4 cultural worldview of human existence.  In a racist animetal world, the visual, metal-hypnotic values of greed and violence brought about by white fetish cultures of go(l)d and the sword carried the day, paradoxically starting the degradation of life and history, in perpetual world and slavery to the selfish values of memes of metal.

Each of the seven cultures of mankind can be studied ‘diachronically’, as it was born in one of the ages of the larger Supœrganism of History=Humanity, limited by a geographical barrier, and conditioned by the natural ternary structure of topological evolution that diversifies any species in f the 3 S-ST-T DIMOTIONS all systems have. In the human species, it meant a cyclical process of evolution of the 3 AXIAL LINGUISTIC races of the mind:

Max. Spatial Mental, dolichocephalic visual white race, ‘Europe’, produced in states of maximal harshness, in human and life evolution on the cold Northern regions.

Max. Sensorial, mental, psylocephalic (high axis of the brain), emotional black race, ‘Africa’; re=produced in tempered wave states of maximal mobility and intercrossing, in the case of human races the vast Saharan spaces.

Max. Verbal, Informative, brachicephalic, verbal axis: mongoloid race, ‘Asia’; produced as all implosive informative mutations in high=informative places of max. isolation, with high endogamic crossing that ‘reduces’ as all S-repetitive frequencies size and increasing palingenetic ‘neoteny’.

So there are 3 mental cultures, according to the 3 mind ‘s axis that give birth to the white, yellow and black races.

In the graph below, we observe its T-white, entropic <ST-black reproductive>S-Mongoloid, informative axis, which forms in existential topology naturally in all systems of Nature, where the ‘1st form to appear’ is the lineal, entropic, ‘top predator’ species, in the case of human races the Neanderthal-visual species, from where the T-white visual entropic white ‘animetal race’ ultimately developed its visual axis (rounded eyes, dolichocephalic brain, white skin, red/blonde hair etc., common treats of both races). It then evolves into the informative S-dimensional ‘wide’ axis; which in human races corresponds to the Capoid complex Bushman linguistic ‘first man’ (though humanity as all in the Universe forms a continuous of cyclical repetitions of the same process. And finally all systems, following the dot product rule of ‘dimotional creation’, which applies from electromagnetic fields to human complex mind axis, evolve the 3rd ST-balanced reproductive field, which in Human cultural races is the psylocephalic black race, mixture of the ‘capoid, verbal bushman’ and White, Semite, Northern African which merged in Sahara. Themes those of Earth II papers. So we end here Biology in time.


The 3×3+(∆+1) horizons of social evolution of life.

Biological organisms, as physical organisms did in their growth from atoms to galaxies, evolved in 3×3 horizons of increasing social complexity creating the 3 ±i scales of life: the age of molecules, the age of cells and the age of multi-cellular organisms, specialized in Entropy (plants) or information (animals).

Let us study those ages, further differentiating them in 3 sub-ages according to the Ternary principle.

Since if we apply the law of the 3±∆ Ages to organic molecules we can explain how they grew in informative complexity and spatial size till acquiring the form of living organisms, in a process similar to the evolution of particles that created the cosmological bodies of the Universe.

Those 3±∆ evolutionary ages of life, each one sub-divided in 3±∆ sub-horizons, are: the young age of molecules, the mature, longest age of cells and the ‘recent’ age of living organisms, which will end with the creation of a global single organism, Planet Earth (∆+1):

The 3±∆ ages of molecules.

– ∆-1: The atomic age: the simplest chemical molecules of life are formed. The 3 simple atoms and molecules of life recombined its energetic, reproductive and information functions and grew, forming bigger chains thanks to its atomic affinity, acquiring more complex ‘vital properties’. The simplest combination of them, the CNO molecule, urea, is considered the first molecule of life and its ‘crystallization’ in a lab, departing from non-living atoms, was considered the birth of biochemistry and the prove that life is an atomic system that shares the same properties of any other SxT system of the Universe.

– Max.Te: Entropy age dominated by lineal, simple fats, long carbon chains with oxygens attached to its ends.

– <=>: The amino acid age: COOH, methane and ammonia, the 3 simplest life molecules of the triad of life atoms, O, C, N, combine as the relative Entropy, reproductive and informative organs of amino acids. Amino acids reproduce exponentially in the primordial organic water soup and evolve socially into proteins.

– Max.Si: The nucleotide age. Nucleotides, the informative molecules of the life, add an informative D¡motion of height to lineal amino acids, forming nitrogen and sugar rings. They dominate all other carbohydrates. Soon they will also evolve socially into huge chains called nucleic acids.

∆+1: Social age. Nucleic acids, the macromolecules of life with max. Exi force, integrate socially all other carbohydrates in herds of vital molecules, creating the cell, the following ∆-scale of life.

The 3±∆ ages of cells.

– ∆-1: The previous 3±∆ horizons of evolution of molecules brought the first cells.

– Max.Te: The age of RNA Protista. The Entropy age of the cell is dominated by the simplest RNA Protista, whose ternary st-structure is based in: an external protein membrane; a series of ‘convex’ spiraled RNAs, the singularities that directs the cell, and an internal, intermediate water zone, the cytoplasm, where the cell reproduces its specific Entropy and information – thanks to the free ‘Entropy’ of water radicals – with the instructions given by those RNAs. Those Protista reproduce massively, exhausting the organic elements of the life soup. Then it comes:

– <=>: The Age of DNA Protista. It is the balanced, mature age of Protista. Dual RNAs peg together to form informative DNA rings, which store new genetic information that permits further growth and differentiation of Protista, according to new, improved 3 st-regions:

Entropy membranes invaginate the cell with a tubular network, the Golgi apparatus and protect the still DNA with a differentiated nucleus membrane; while new, specialized organelles perform the Entropy and information processes of the intermediate zone, creating reproductive Mitochondria and Chloroplasts.

– Max.I: Informative age and differentiation: The Eukaryotic age. Informative DNA cells multiply its genetic memories, while RNAs differentiate into a triad of forms that increase in the intermediate space-time the reproduction of membranes and proteins, creating giant cells. They cannibalize and enslave smaller, symbiotic cells, specialized in the dual Dimotion of Entropy, (mitochondria and chloroplasts) and information (ribosomes). Those who absorb chloroplasts become algae; those who feed on mitochondria become animals.

– ∆+1: The biggest eukaryote animals are amoeboid cells that evolve faster, informative, electronic languages using heavier metal ions, K* and Na, to send their messages to other cells through their membranes. The nervous language allows simultaneous cellular actions, creating mobile multicellular organisms called animals. While slower chemical languages that use ‘hormonal vowels7’ put together unicellular algae into plants.

Let us consider the evolution of animals:

3±∆ horizons of evolution of animals: network’s organisms:

– ∆-1: Conception. Electric cells create multicellular organisms in control of all other cells, gathering in 3 physiological networks – neuronal, muscular and glandular=digestive systems that perform the informative, reproductive and energetic cycles of the organism as a macro-living st-point. The sequential dominance of those physiological networks creates the 3 ages of life – the energetic youth, reproductive maturity and informative old age – and the 3 horizons of evolution or ‘main phyla’ of multicellular animals.

– Max.Te: The Entropy system -a central digestive tube- dominates the 1st horizon of multicellular organisms, occupying the central zone in 3 sub horizons of formal evolution: the age of sponges, the age of hydras and the age of worms, the first bilateral animals created around a tubular, lineal digestive system that moves in the D¡motion of length.

– <=>: Worms develop blood networks based in metallic carbohydrates that carry to each cell of the body its oxygen Entropy, food quanta and the dual hormonal orders of the brain: reproductive orders and ‘killing orders’ performed by amoeboid leukocytes. Thus, as blood networks increase the efficient control of fractal cells, animals grow in size, starting an age of massive sea life speciation. Today we still have 90% of the genes of those worms.

– Max.Si: Life jumps a fundamental discontinuum, when the first mollusks become insects and the first fishes become amphibians, colonizing the Earth. Their sensorial and nervous systems become overdeveloped in the new environment that has a higher transparency to informative light. Land animals specialize their 3 networks to the new medium in 3 sub-ages: the age of amphibians, which still reproduce in water, the age of reptiles and the age of birds and mammals, dominant in visual and nervous systems that ends with the arrival of Homo Sapiens.

∆+1: Homo sapiens develops a new informative language, the word, evolving into historic super-organisms, civilizations and economic ecosystems that grow in size till reaching a global D¡motion.

Recap. Biological organisms evolved in 3 horizons of increasing social complexity creating the 3 ±i scales of life: the age of molecules, the age of cells and the age of multi-cellular organisms, specialized in Entropy (plants) or information (animals).

So finally man starte two parallel processes, one of extinction of all other life species – the ongoing 6th extinction, and one of self-extinction as it evolves ‘metal’ that substitute humans as its company-mothers start radiations of ‘animetals’, humans astrophied by machines, evolving through 800-80 years cycles.

So if humans were serious about survival, they would instead of evolving the future AI machines with solar skins, forbid further technological evolution while promoting paradoxically the past, Gaia, and the non-technological cultures and forms of life that could ensure mankind to be on top as the eternal, immortal present state of Earth, a theme treated in our papers on Earth II (History) and Earth Iii (Metal-Earth), so we just introduce the last of those synchronicities between the Earth’s 800 weather cycles, the evolution of Historic civilizations, the human generational cycle of 72-80 years and the Industrial evolution of machines.


In graph, Cultures are living systems. They go through the same cycles of birth, reproduction and death:

—  Wor(l)d cultures are born as organisms do, out of a single prophet or a few legislative ‘cells’ that reproduce their ideas into many believer-minds. So Christianity is born in the mind of Jesus Christ that first replicates his mind into 12 disciples, which replicate the ethic wor(l)d into thousands of roman believers, further expanded into billions of other minds; while America is born in the mind of a few legislators that craft its constitution, expanded into laws, obeyed and believed today by all American citizens.

—  Then, when the religious or legal culture reaches its maturity, it often reproduces in anoth

er zone of space-time, creating a daughter civilization or colony.

—  Finally, in its 3rd age, when its ethic laws and networks of information become corrupted by money and weapons or become obsolete to a new, more evolved civilization, the culture dies, substituted by the new one. And a new cycle starts.

Similarly, technological civilizations, based in monetary and military systems, are born when a new form of money or a weapon is discovered and reproduced in growing numbers by a small horde, which becomes an army, which conquers a nation and becomes a ruling aristocracy that imposes his customs and controls the citizens of the nation with the icon-weapon of that civilization.

Birth: the prophet, the weapon.

In both kinds of civilizations (human, artistic, historic civilizations or animetal, economic civilizations) either an ideology or book of ideas, (a network of human information) or a species of metal, money, weapons or machines, becomes the language of power, which defines the civilization. Ideas and metal-instruments together shape history. For that reason scholars divide history into the age of bronze, the age of iron empires, the age of chivalry (middle ages), the cannon age (modern age) and the atomic age. Yet there is also the Christian age in Europe or the Buddhist age in Asia, when we focus on the verbal language of the civilization; or the age of coins, or the age of paper money and stocks, or the age of e-money, when we focus in the language of metal-information.

Reproduction: daughter cultures.

At the same time a civilization develops and expands its ideas and metal-forms, which carry that civilization to success, it eliminates previous civilizations. In this manner, successful civilizations reproduce their genetic ideas and machines into other regions of the Earth, creating colonies, daughter cultures and self-similar eco(nomic)systems. Like it happens in nature, the daughter civilization is often a more evolved species, where the ideas and instruments of the previous civilization are improved. So the Assyrians were defeated by the Persians, who had copied and improved their weapons, iron and cavalry. Yet Persian art and its animetal myths and customs would be similar to those of Assyria. For example, in Arabia stirrup cavalry brought a civilization that expanded west till reaching al-mandalas (south Spain). That stirrup civilization migrated to America and colonized the south-west, giving origin to the old, far west civilization, based in horse and cattle ranching. In that territory, the horse civilization flourished between the 17th and 20th centuries, when the fundamental icon-species of the culture, the horse, became extinguished as a carrier of goods and human beings by the car, a more efficient transport machine. The example shows the dynamic quality of the life of civilizations. They are born, reproduce and become extinct through the evolution of objects and words, the memetic elements of all civilizations, equivalent to the genetic codes of biological organisms. Thus, in the same manner biologists can scientifically organize the data they have about species through genetic information; the bio-historian can study the birth, reproduction and extinction of history and its civilizations, thanks to memetic, cultural forms: the wor(l)ds and metal-instruments of each culture.

Death of civilizations. The artistic prophet.

Civilizations also die. One day another civilization with more efficient ideologies of social evolution or better machines, comes along and destroys the old civilization. Then, once the new civilization has destroyed the old civilization, it reforms the energy cells=citizens of the dead civilization to its image and likeness, as a predator does with the DNA-cells of his victims: a predator feeds on the energy of a victim’s body that becomes partially wasted and partially transformed into cells of the predator. This also happens in organic civilizations: part of the human energy is wasted by war and the remaining humans are transformed into believers of the predator civilization. The Spanish killed ±70% of the Aztecs and the rest became Christians. It was the death of the Aztec civilization. Now Mexicans are ‘Spaniards’, even if its genes are ‘mongoloid’ and they love bashing, as all children do, their own parents.

Thus, when ideas and instruments change, the civilization changes. The iron civilization of Rome is not the same as the middle ages civilization of stirrup weapons imposed by German warriors. The roman civilization had been destroyed by ‘stirrup animetals’ of the Germanic civilization. Again such ‘civilization’ is not the gunpowder civilization of Italy during the renaissance. Gunpowder wiped out chivalry and a new civilization was born. Nor is Ammon-Egypt the same as Greek-Christian Egypt, or Arab-Muslim Egypt. In this case, the verbal ideology changed and the old Egyptian civilization became extinct.



The survival of the fittest: What Is A Top Predator? The Arrows Of Future In The Universe

Top Predators that have organs with higher information, and bodies with higher entropy create the future in the Universe, because they cause the extinction of, or enslave, all other species, shaping the future. The process is very fast. Suddenly a new species appears i.e. the eye-squid, the mammal, the chip. It is so overwhelmingly superior, that it reproduces and destroys all other species. We talk of catastrophes, of extinction, since in the Universe death is a sudden process. For example, your own death is a sudden process of cellular extinction similar to the death of any species, under a top predator that multiplies in your vital space, in this case the death of a cellular DNA-species. So, when you die, your informative and energetic organs stop. Then your body becomes non-efficient as an organism, even if your cells are still alive. Cellular death occurs then. Insects’ top predators spot your now weak cells, and preyed on them. Death is the main cause of the arrows of the Universe that affect all species.

So we talk of the Dimotion of future, of top predators, and the Dimotion of past, of extinct victims.

By better controlling their ecosystem, top predators become  the species of future. They will feed and radiate over simpler species. Simpler species will become species of the past that the complex being will extinct or use as energy.

Since the brain and the informative organ is the dominant element that guides the process of selection of top predators, those who use a better language of information better are always top predators. The Top Predator is more intelligent and stronger. So for each language of information and its ecosystem we can trace a chain of top predator species, of better brains, from a related, extinct past to a related, reproducing future top predator. The “better” species of the future will “feed”, “farm” or bring about the extinction of species with less information. This also happens in history when nations of the “future” with more machines and information= money dominate ecosystems of the “past”.

There is also a Darwinian selection between languages and brains. We can measure survival through languages. Beings act with a speed that depends on their capacity to “perceive linguistically” an event in time and space. That ability is given to the species by its language. For example eyes act-react faster than noses.The language of communication of the squid, the eye, is a top predator language. It is clear that eyes are superior to olfactory organs, both in detail and range. What is the effect of that linguistic superiority? Survival. In fact, cephalopods with eyes probably brought about the extinction of 90% of the smelling species of the Cambric.

Entropy, the simplest element of reality.

That we are all sooner than latter be consumed by entropy, TT-motion of the internal and external parts of the being that become disordered, is an obvious truism which however the mind rejects, because the mind is entangled to the whole Universe, to a much larger reality than its self, and so it does not want to accept Nirvana, Extinction, the end of the game.

Biology and entropy is not only about the death of an organism in time, its membrain that limits the superorganism in space, and the ultimate decay that makes all existences a zero-sum for the whole reproductive fractal game to continue; but about the fight of its minds for survival, the struggle for existence, the mirage of immortality that denies entropy in life through the reproduction of form.

The entropy of entropy, its denial, is the reproduction of form that follows immediately the death of a T.œ which releases its form as motion that other species will immediately use to create new forms. Only then accepting the topic truth that entropy feeds a new cycle of reality, we can accept its existence as the end of all games.

But for that to happen the ego, the mind, the opposite of entropy, SS-absolute linguistic form with its fight for stillness and immortality must be denied.

To enjoy entropy in any of its manifestations, one has to dilute the ego into the larger world. We can do it simply by getting drunk and breaking the walls of pretentious formal importance the mind imposes upon us as the ‘serious way’ to play the game. Or we might suffer the entropy of a disordered world, a tragic reality of the ‘entropic age of history, when the idol-ogy of capitalism and mechanism and nationalism denies the right of humans to be just life species, and is fast discharging us as an obsolete form.

Entropy therefore exist in life at many levels and so as usual, we will study entropy in life in the different scales of existence of a superorganism – the entropy of biochemical cells that die in apoptosis, the entropy of death of an individual, and the entropy of an species which is a superorganism facing extinction.

And conclude with the 3 opposite arrows of spacetime reality that use space-information to beat entropy even if it does not save the ego, St-social evolution and ST-reproduction.

Trophic pyramid of top predators.

The Universe constantly limits death, because it is NOT about entropy but about life. For that reason death happens in a single quanta of time. And top predators are limited in the amoung of preys they take for its territorial vital space by Volterra cycles that kill them if they exhaust the ecosystem. So an S=T balance is found between both. And trophic pyramids don’t allow entropy to go beyond a usual 10%.

Pentalogic causes of death:

Death is mostly imbalance between the St and Ts elements of a system that grow in excess exhausting the Present iterative ST-vital spacetime body-wave. Point. Look not further. It happens in all scales. How to reverse that process is the question for those who seek to avoid death. The details of the process might as usual in 4D hide the synthesis of the forest-truth of 5D. Death: Ss≠TT. Now we can use pentalogic:

Ts: death: excessive reproduction of membrains. In our organisms we observe it by an excess of wrinkled forms in the membrain and memorial informative data in the brain of the old man. In the tissue there is a growth of tegumental tissue, a thickness of the veins membrain.

St: death, informative accumulation and errors. In old age there is a growth of brain memories looking at the past. Mutations increase with time creating informative errors. So there is the constant death of the memorial brain that loves information and so keeps increasing its form (and so because SS and TT are entangled together, keep also reproducing skin). In cells the same concept applies to the excessive reproduction of DNA, to the methylation processes, to the cancerous cause of death, to the growth and hardening of membranes and proteins.

The denial of death by the mind. As it turns out the mind kills more than anybody else by its obsession for information. Death is a dual ‘storm’ of unbalanced facts. First an excess of information that warps an organism and wrinkles it, followed by an entropic age of dissolution of all its structures that explodes its networks, leaves the cells alone, waiting for the new predator to eat them – the death of the organism thus means the flat scan of the nervous system, before the rigor mortis, when the lonely cells feast on the blood and tissue liquid, till insects come. History follows a similar process today in its last phase, as humans build robots with AI brains and solar skins, soon to devour us all – the final form of the industrial r=evolution of metal by company mothers and physicists whose complete lack of survival instincts comes all the way from its lineal time ballistics worldly profession…

ST-death: There is a loss of vital space muscle mass, and degeneracy and loss of body organs, while the skin keeps growing. The TT-SS split comes closer.

∆+1: Because time can be reversed, there are possible mechanisms to avoid death by internal causes. But then there will always be the external cause of death, the ∆+¡ system, in which we are inscribed which does have higher SS and TT, entropy and form and can always strike causing that imbalance.

∆-1:  Entropy is scattering=death of information. So the 5th form of death is the detachment of internal cellular parts from the ∆º networks, which is NOT so much the cause but the final consequence of the degeneracy of those 3 networks (above). Death then happens in two scales, first death of the networks, and then death of the cells that cannot longer survive without the St<ST>Ts provided by them.

The opposite of death=reproduction of present states.

It comes then the fundamental way to avoid death, which is NOT to avoid aging as information is a constant process, but to balance it with entropy – the rejuvenation process of getting unloaded from memories of the mind (Scientiology did a good job on that LOL, with is clearing machines 🙂 while psychologists work on the opposite way, bringing the memories up to fuk up your mind even more… Now more seriously, the best strategy is just to keep reproducing and hence substituting damaging future arrows of information. It means in organisms, the repairing abilities of telomerases at ∆-1 level, stem cells at ∆ø level and children at ∆+1 level. In history what NOBODY advocates for: the PROHIBITION of further evolution of digital machines and denial of the right of company-mothers to reproduce our money instead of having humans with a Universal salary to reproduce it. Death then will come as reproduction of other organism substitutes that of one who didn’t do it for itself. A proof? All the oldest species of Nature, notably reptiles and lobsters never cease to reproduce and grow to gigantic dinosaur size. They are the oldest ones: for example, bacteria fission=die to re=produce daughter cells; strawberry plants grow runners to produce clones of themselves, and animals in the genus Hydra have a regenerative ability by which they avoid dying of old age.

Death gives birth to life.

In the graph, death happens in two scales. But then it will give birth to life.

Even new physics talks of ‘entropic demons’ as inverse to the Maxwellian demons that create order a posteriori. There is thus no more mistery to it:

∆+1<entropic demons<∆-1>Maxwellian demons>∆+1…

In any system of 3 organic scales, this is the process that transforms energy into entropy back to energy. In physics through thermodynamic machines, in history through war and conquest and re-educsation of the conquered. In biology through, top predators, stomachs and enzymes:

In the graph, we see the ‘double’ death of any organism in a tropic pyramid. And the law of ‘entropic conservation’, which is most often as most systems in 5D a 10% game. So 90% of the energy remains in the lower plane unscattered. While the maximal efficiency ideally would be a 50% as obviously more would mean that the top predator on top of the pyramid will have not enough food in the next entropic cycle.

Below the second stage of the entropic process of death, as molecules become broken into the final components, followed by the resorption in the organs that will convert the micro-beings into parts of the organism:.

Entropy is death for a biological system, but also entropy is needed for a new renewal. Entropy in biology is best then defined by a trophic pyramid, which expresses the different arrows of social evolution and dissolution that takes place for energy to provide replication of top predator species.

Yet in as much as NOT all the energy of a lower plane can transcend and emerge as a new being, energy as in physical systems ‘is always’ bathed in heat, entropy, the part of energy that remains in the lower plane for its species not to become extinct.

Evolution of languages of information.

Organisms are dominated by informative, nervous or hormonal networks that pack closely individual cells of max. information in min. space; while species extend over wider space ecosystems in which they share a min. quantity of information, as individuals of species hardly relate to each other beyond the reproductive couple or the hunting herd. And yet, both go through the same 3 ages of space-time defined by the inverse properties of the energetic youth  (max.T=min.S) that defines the herd and the informative old age (Max. Si=Min. Te) which defines the organism.

Hence we consider that the creation of super-organisms is the final evolutionary stage of a herd of individuals from the same species: each individual of the herd becomes then a ‘relative cell of the body’ of the macro-organism. While the specific language of communication and information of the species becomes the relative nervous/informative network of the super-organism, as pheromones do in anthills or nervous impulses did with cells in the Pre-Cambrian age or financial and verbal languages are doing among humans in History.

So evolution is indeed limited by the most iterated elements of reality and this blog (: those 3 timespace motions/forms: lineal motion in space or ‘distance’, implosive motion that becomes cyclical time clocks carrying its frequency ‘information’ and its space-time, wave-like, reproductive energetic combinations. They were understood in Asian religions as yang, yin and qi-energy. They are the only 3 topologies of space-time possible in a 4D or 5D Universe (when we ad its scales), so they assembly forming all space-time beings. It follows then that ‘social sciences’ are a branch of biology, specially the Industrial r=evolution that studies the evolution of metalife, machines that clearly compete as robots and AI complete their evolution with human beings in labor and war fields, in the eco(nomic)system, the 3 age of the Earth: ‘Life is a 5 Dimotion worldcycle across 3 scales ‘.

So the Earth super organism also lived 3 ages of evolution: Gaia (Life) < History (Human) > Machines (Metal-earth). In the first age of Earth, the age of Life, Gaia evolved ‘naturally’ under the same Laws of bio-topo-logic laws derived from the scalar structure of co-existing planes of space (in the graph the 3 planes of the individual organism), which imply organic properties, as those co-existing scales must be organized together; its ternary only topologies that define its functions and forms as ‘simultaneous ensembles of ‘moving limbs’, iterative bodies and informative minds, and its 3±¡ sequential ages in time. In the graphs, the 3 ages of the Earth as a vortex of increasing information in which 3 species,

RECAP. Life is everything, as all is a spacetime organism performing 5Ð actions of survival (motion, feeding on energy, information gauging, social evolution and reproduction), which ordered in sequential time give us a worldcycle, ordered in simultaneous space gives us a super organism and ordered in scales give us the vital actions of survival, called in biology, the drives of life of ANY physical, biological or social species. But self-centered huminds think only carbon-life is a living form. In 5D, we talk of ‘light-life’, as all Timespace forms that use energy & information provided by light-forces; which define 3 life ages on Earth, Gaia, History and the Metal-earth now evolving mechanisms, robots with solar skins and optic minds. So humans,machines & its supœrganisms, company-mothers & governments compete for limited resources but company-mothers are winning, because humans do not manage the world with social sciences.

In Cyclical Time death is caused by the finite limits of fractal time and space. Death is a clear prove of the discontinuity of space and time. If we were continuous, that continuity of time and space would make us immortal and infinite. Which means that only the ∞ sum of fractal time-spaces or absolute Universe is eternal: the Ðisomorphisms of temporal Entropy, the logos-mind of the Universe do not have and end nor a principle, because the sum of all the transformations of Entropy and information balances a dynamic Reality that never dies, remaining always in a relative, equal present. Reality exists ‘per in secula seculorum, amen’.

Only reproduction guarantees certain immortality, recreating our form in other region of space. Yet in all species the rate of reproduction also goes through 3 ages, and so when reproduction halts, not only the ‘cellular’ individual but the species of the ‘higher plane’ dies:

Big bang phase: A new species multiplies very fast departing from a 1st individual.

Steady state: Its reproductive rate stabilizes.

Population Crunch: Finally it slows down to a halt, extinguishing the species.

Death is in fact the most obvious prove of the discontinuity of space and time. If we were continuous, that continuity of time and space would make us immortal and infinite. Thus only the infinite sum of quantic time-spaces, the absolute Universe is eternal.

For the rest of us only reproduction guarantees certain immortality. Yet the rate of reproduction of any species is also quantic and goes through the 3 ages, starting slow, increasing its rate and finally slowing down to a halt, extinguishing the species or type of DNA-cells of any organic system. So in a human being the number of divisions of any cell reaches up to 50, whereas in chickens it goes up to 20 divisions. The greater rate happens in the oldest, living species: the Galapagos turtle that divides 102 times its cells. E=10i=2 is in fact the commonest constant in information warping, from the protonic accumulation of form in the atomic table, which after 100 forms becomes unstable to the limit of human aging.

According to the ternary principle, 3 biological strategies however seem to succeed death:

– Max.Te= Some simple systems (coelenterate) reverse its time clock.

– Max. ST-iteration: Cells ‘trick’ their organic time clocks, to free themselves from the servitude of death, by multiplying its quantity of reproductive genes – its DNA molecules. The record belongs to cancerous cells, very rich in DNA, from the reproductive uterus of Henrietta Lacks, the so-called HeLa cells.

– Max.Si: Humans achieve partial immortality through cultural memes.

Is there a species whose number of reproductions is infinite, an immortal being? No. Since even the nucleons of the big-bang reproduced e60 times to create the Universe, shaping a similar reproductive curve to that of living beings that now has slowed down to a trickle. So all dies for the game to renew itself.

Causes of Physiological Death.

The opposite process to the creation of life and the creation of form is the destruction of form into Entropy or death, (SI<Te: Max. Te x MinS.i), equally common. As one feeds into the other and together balance the dual arrows of the Universe.

Thus, the fundamental cause of death is to exist beyond the balance of form between the E and I components of any St-field. All beings have limits of excess of Entropy and/or form, which once crossed will bring their extinction, as their Entropy and information quanta ‘explode’ and split, dissolving the networks that kept the form together and were its inner consciousness. If a particle explodes close to C speed and splits its Entropy/information parameters according to Lorentz equations, so does a human being after dying. His Entropy dissolves back into his ∆-1 simpler cells. And then, since all deaths are dual big-bang explosions, humans return finally to the molecular, amino acid level from where they departed.

If we want to be specific about the causes of death in human organisms, death is the product of an imbalance, either by an excess of Entropy that causes sudden death in minimal Time (Max. Te=Min.Si), through war, sudden sickness or accidents, or by the accumulation of temporal information that spends the Entropy of the being during its long 3rd age, leaving traces of past cycles in cells and physiological networks that cause their malfunction. In other words, the nervous, informative network exhausts the body, causing a Max.Si=min.Te imbalance, that wrinkles and breaks the body cells into death. But also the opposed phenomenon, an excess of Entropy caused death. In both cases the imbalance breaks the complementarity between the space and time content of the being. However, since the direction of living beings is towards the informative future, the informative imbalance is more frequent and shows in the ‘growth’ of time properties.

So old people are as time is, cyclical, memorial, curved, with discontinuous wrinkles that break the smooth continuity and linearity of young, spatial beings. That quantic, curving process happens in all the species of the Universe that age: cyclical wrinkles and quantum cracks occur not only in the skin of an old man but in the membranes of our cells, their Golgi apparatus and “Entropy” mitochondria. That loss of Entropy in any old being, which becomes quantized and implosive, with negative curvature, has manifold manifestations: cells shrink and their membranes no longer dilate. An old man measures a few centimeters less. The 2 networks, the Entropy network or membrane and the informative network become rigid, quantized and no longer reproduce. In human cells, collagen and elastin, the proteins of cells, loose their elasticity and expansive capacity, creating, informative connections among them. So happens to the rigid, cross-wrinkled skin of the old man. Meanwhile the energetic, metabolic capacity of the organism and its quantic cells diminishes.

Information and cyclic time are parallel. So species with more information and less Entropy live longer, according to the Time-Space inversion: Max. Te=Min.Si. Thus for example, an animal that fasts systematically and receives less Entropy, lives longer (hungry rats live a 20% more). The female, informative sex with smaller expenditure of Entropy lives longer than the energetic male. A being that lives in a hot, energetic environment lives shorter than one living in a cold environment. Hibernation that slows the metabolic rate elongates life. There is also a proportional relationship between the informative weight of the brain and the life span of an animal: Max.Si (brain weight) =Max life-span which in inverse to the proportional relation between the metabolic expenditure of Entropy and the life span of the being: Max. metabolic rate (Max. Te) = Min. Life span proving once more the inversion of space/time. So humans with huge brains live much longer than lions with huge bodies.

An excess of energetic atoms diminish time existence: Free radicals, which are oxygenated, energetic molecules, with free electrons (the Entropy body of atoms), deteriorate cells and their accumulation with age is a major cause of death. The degeneration and disorder of those cells can be caused by energetic radiations (electromagnetic rays of max. Entropy cause the mutation and death of cells.) The increase of fat, Entropy cells causes the death. So doctors establish a direct lineal relation between the accumulation of lipofuscine and the death of a living organism. An excess of Entropy is the main cause of accidental death among youngsters. So a speedy car crash breaks the body and the shock of a weapon’s impact, a form of energetic metal, kills a human being.

Yet in generic terms, information that forms, carves and quantizes amorphous, continuous Entropy is the supreme cause of death. As the chisel of a sculptor creates form by destroying the marble, so does the game of existence: For example, elephants create the form of the savannah, when killing its trees; quantized hands are formed in a fetus, when interdigital cells commit suicide (apoptosis). So ducks, which do not kill them, have membranes in their hands. All those causes of death have created an equal number of scientific theories about death, all related to the inversion between spatial Entropy and temporal information and the balance between Entropy and information that defines existence, as opposed to its imbalance that causes death.

Mental death. What happens to the brain’s information after death? Does it dissolve also, as body cells do; as the magnetic, informative field of a star does or the mass vortex of a Nuclear Bomb does? Or does it transcend, as the photonic light does, into the higher electron, or the seminal cell does when it evolves into a new macro-organism?

According to empirical descriptions of death and the general Disomorphisms for all space-time fields, information ‘rewinds back’, travelling also to the past, becoming erased, as it happens to our cells.

So most likely the information of the being will no longer be. It will become untied Entropy, cellular form and then molecular or atomic quanta. Since when we are incinerated, we fall to the consciousness of the atom. Yet consciousness, ‘sensation’, the very essence of ‘existence’, never goes away, it only jumps from atom to cell to man and vice versa. The optimist believer might believe in the transcendence of the ‘informative mind’ to a ‘higher’ plane of existence with more information, that of a human super-organism or collective God, as in a palingenetic process that makes a cell transcend into an organism. The pessimist thinker might believe in the devolution of consciousness to the “obscure world”, with less information, of cells and atoms. It is what mystiques have explained in poetic terms as the opposition between the ascension to Heavens Vs. the quantic jump into Hell. So ∆±1 birth and death discontinuities are jumps between planes.

How ‘sensorial perception’ changes in those discontinuities? It does so through the 2 antithetic sensations of SxT existence, which are informative pain and energetic pleasure.

Those 2 paradoxical, antagonist sensations happen not only in men but also in animal life and perhaps in all atomic forms, because they are based in the geometric properties of information and Entropy. Indeed, pain is created by ‘pressure’ on our cells, which is an implosive, temporal movement, also related to the consciousness of information. While pleasure is caused by the ‘expansion of blood in the genital system, an energetic process. So we have the key duality of consciousness:

Information=pain=awareness=implosion Vs. Entropy=Pleasure=forgiveness=explosion

Since information is desirable, the negative Dimotion of pain balances the positive Dimotion of perception. On the other hand since everybody likes pleasure, it balances the negative Dimotion of Entropy that erases awareness; creating a ‘balance of wills’ that makes possible to wish both life and death. Thus, in terms of sensations, death will bring just a sudden pain, the peak of our ‘informative awareness’ towards the future, before we change ‘phase of existence’. Then death will be followed by a deep orgasm of energetic pleasure that erases all information, as we fall down the peak. Since pleasure is synonymous of Entropy, a travel to the past opposite to the awareness of perception, information and implosive pain, a trip to the informative future.

So after pain ends our will to live, we relax in a deep orgasm that erases information, reversing our space-time field, as our consciousness moves towards the past. Then the brain rewinds back the memories of its existence that cross for a last time through the ‘soul’ of the brain, more likely a neuron’s network.

Yet, because time accelerates in smaller beings, the speed of times of the brain accelerates in that rewinding back, during which our black hole vortex or soul, the informative singularity of the mind, feeds back towards youth, perceiving and erasing a last time those memories. That is why in the 3 days of death of our organic system, as our body becomes corrupted and our consciousness dies, we can recall all those long years of existence at ‘fast motion’, as we rewind faster a tape than when we see it. That is why those who woke up from death could describe it as a trip to “the past” through its memories, because after death consciousness will perceive life “the other way around” at the faster time rhythm of cellular life. Then, finally we will enter back the uterus and return to the ovum’s cellular consciousness; and then again we will die in a second big-bang, burnt in a crematory or feeding the insects that reduce us to molecular form. But ‘we’ will no longer be human. As a Hindi legend say,’ an ant was once Indra, a king of kings’. For those who are ego-driven, there is no need to worry; the game is limited in its variations. So you are in a way immortal. Since we are repeated in infinite places of space and time; you will be born in another planet to live your life again.

More important than death of any diminutive field, is the death of the ∆+1 scale of existence, the death of living species or human civilizations, related to the process of evolution and extinction of the Earth’s ecosystems…

Recap. Death is brief in time, exploding in space the information of the being. Death is caused by an imbalance between the Entropy and information of a system. Energetic beings live shorter than informative beings. All systems have a finite duration in time. So death requires reproduction for the species to become immortal.

The details of biological death and the strategies towards immortality.

There are so many levels in which and excess of Ts>SS information grows and minds stop reality or TT-entropic predators kill that for life to continue the trick is to ‘reproduce the vital body-wave’ space faster than the TT-membrane, SS-brain and external ∆±¡ world and top predators kill you. And so all the ‘details’ of those thoughts of God can be classified in the pentalogic scheme, including the multiple ceteris paribus analysis and death theories of humans in all scales, sciences and species. As I am old, tired and without repair we’ll just make an incomplete sample of them: