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The will of life:

±∞ ¬∆@ST:

Max. ∑e x  ∏ i = §ð


INTRODUCTION. LIFE: THE FUNCTION OF EXISTENCE is the name of the game:  Max.∑e ∏i≈st.

II. Epistemology: Rashomon 5D p.o.v.s on Existence: ∆ð≤∑e x∏ i≥S@

III. Proofs of the function of existence in all ∆ Planes

∆¡>|2|. Exist¡ence in Physical systems.

∆¡<|3|. Exist¡ence in Biological systems.

∆i≈1,2. Exist¡ence In Historic ecosystems.


What is the meaning of life, when all systems do display in any or other form at least the 3 simplex dimotions of information, (1st Ðimotion), locomotions (2nd Ðimotion) and entropy (4th Ðimotion of death)? And wether aware or not, will become entropic in the moment of death and form part of a larger social whole in the ages of life? Simple: to maximize the 5 Dimotions of existence, where entropy is taken as the entropic death of others that feed us NOT as our suicide. 

But this ‘struggle for exist¡ence’, which we shall call life has to be observed from several colliding perspectives, as each being in its struggle competes with many other systems, and yet precisely when it becomes complementary or symbiotic to those other forms according to the ¡logic rules of Non-Euclidean topology, by similarity, parallelism, informative social evolution as a whole, ‘giving up’ for the whole part of its maximal self, it survives longer.




‘Grow and Multiply’ Mandate of existence common to all living creatures.

‘To be or not to be that is the question.’  W.S., European culture, gunpowder discontinuum.



Infinite beings: Whole and parts principle.

In that regard, we must understand what we mean by an organic system – we are not yet talking of a living system, but a system in which there are at least 3 co-existing scales of different space-time size, the ∆-1: atomic/cellular, the ∆-organic/thermodynamic, and ∆+1: gravitational-ecosystem scales of the system, which will then gather around at least 2 energy and information networks, which messed together create a symbiotic organic system, with different degrees of organisation, from the simplest herd to the more complex super organism. And it is this natural tendency of all systems to self-organise, regardless of its physical, biological or social nature, what are at the basis of most phenomena of nature, which cannot be described without 5D metric:


In the graph the space-time planes of the Universe, ∆±i (n in this old graph), which according to scale structure the 5th dimension in parts that become wholes, and since wholes come after parts, which must exist to sustain them, we talk of a temporal absolute arrow of future, regarding its ∆ scales, such as ∆-1 will always be the relative past of ∆.

To notice that all what it is needed to have a co-existing organic structure is to have a series of ‘fractal Non-euclidean points’, the formal meaning of any ‘entity’ of the Universe, which gathers in groups around 2 networks of larger size, (∆-systems), that will provide energy and information from a larger ∆+1 world to all its ∆-1 cells/atoms/citizens/machines; creating thus the simplest possible organic system: a herd. On that view what we call a human being is just the most evolved of such super organisms (in as much as each scale is made of smaller quanta), known to us, whose study therefore becomes far more important in systems sciences, as all scales are relative but we have much more information on our biological scales to fully research the laws between them; which will apply to all other sciences and species.

The super organism – the ultimate meaning of the game of existence.

There are 2 forms to describe reality – the physicists’ way, which merely ‘sees’ the Universe, quantifies it and cares little for qualitative and relational meanings. In this view, what matters is to find some ‘fundamental particle, which should have substance and be the ‘brick’ of which all other beings are made. Even if that particle were found though, there would be little to say about the why questions of reality, the temporal causal questions, the past to future meanings of it all? Why we exist? why we are what we are? Are we alone and different? What is the purpose of it all?

Relational space-time and the game of existence all space-time beings of finite duration and finite space follow, is much deeper in its analysis, as it is a time theory not a space one. So it simply states this:

‘ The Universe is a game that creates super-organisms of ∆±1 space and time scales’.

Simple, and both mathematical and conceptual. The meaning of reality is to create super organisms across 3 relative scales of space-time, the best combinations of which, known to man are biological systems (extending through a ∆-1 cellular, ∆-organic and ∆+1, social ecosystemic scales) and physical systems (extending through the quantum, electromagnetic, ∆-1, thermodynamic, i and cosmic, gravitational ∆+1 scales); the one we form part of, the super organism of History is the less understood of them all. But all have a set of common isomorphic laws, which define their existence, structure in space, time ages and place it within the scales of the 5th dimension.

So we can say that the fundamental particle of the Universe is a ±∆ super organism, which extends within the U±∞ scales of reality in 3 of such scales, which co-exist tightly related to each other to form a super organism of space-time ‘Œ±1 points’.

U± infinite, this is the potential of the game and Œ,Æ, i-logic mathematics the language that shows all those potentials as a mere logic shape of information, a still mapping of the Universal game.

But in most cases the system is just U±∆, a super organism. This is the logic game the Universe plays, the construction of Universals from infinitesimals. Then all the other games are details of this one. Thus we should consider the queen of all sciences biology, and the fundamental particle of the Universe once we have all the information about a region’s domain of vital space and cyclical times, the super organism.

Though the specific combinations of energy or information of each species – defined by its ‘vital’ or physical, Universal Constants (energy/information ratios) – might vary, the space-time structures and cycles of all those social organisms will be self-similar: All entities are ‘cellular societies’ organized through energy and information networks that bring about processes of social evolution. In all species studied by science a common phenomenon occurs: the existence of parallel groups of beings organized into a single social form.

Molecules are made up of atoms and electronic networks; economies are made up of human workers and consumers that reproduce and test machines, guided by financial networks of information (salaries, prices, costs); galaxies are composed of stars, which orbit rhythmically around a central knot, or black hole of gravitational information. Human bodies are organized by cells, controlled by the nervous, informative system. A tree is a group of leaves, branches and roots connected by a network of energy (salvia) and information (chemical particles). Cultures are made of humans related by verbal, informative laws and economic networks that provide their energy.

Sciences study those organic systems, tied up by networks of energy and information. In the graph, we see the main st-planes studied by human sciences and their 4 main time arrows, S E<=>I, which in static space give birth to the ‘organic elements’ of all species: social cell of energy and information and the reproductive networks that relate them. Thus, there are 4 basic elements in all organic systems:

1.  Cellular units.

2.  Networks of energy or vital space.

3.  Networks of fractal information.

4. Networks that reproduce energy and information.

All entities are generated by reproductions and transformations of energy and informative cycles (ΣS<=>Ti), organized in cellular units, through networks, and ±st Planes of self-similar forms. Yet, since those cellular units st-1 are made of smaller st-2 cells, which show the same structure, we can define any organic system as a super-organism (made of smaller, self-similar super-organisms):

‘A super-organism is a group of cellular super-organisms joined by energetic, informative and reproductive networks.’

Thus we unify the properties of Universal Systems and the sciences that study them under a single template definition, according to which simple systems and complex organisms will differ only in the degree of ‘completeness’ of its networks and the specific energy or information they are made of:

‘A super-organism is a network composed of a population of (name a particular cell or cycle), related by an energetic, reproductive or informative arrows.

A fractal organism (name an organism) is a population of iterative (name a cellular species), related by informative (name a language or informative force) and energy networks (name a kind of energy), which combine into a reproductive network that iterates the organism.

A universal ecosystem (name a specific ecosystem) is a population of several (name the species), related by informative languages (name their languages or informative forces) and energy networks (name the energies).

Fill the gaps with a specific species, language/force and energy and you can define any network-organism in the Universe. While if the system is composed of several species that occupy the same space but have different networks of energy and languages of information, we talk of an ecosystem: – An atomic organism is a population of (electronic) energy and (nucleonic) information, related by networks of (gravitational) information and (light) energy.

– A molecular organism is a population of atoms, related by networks of gravitational energy and networks of electromagnetic information (orbitals, London, Waals forces).

– A cellular organism is a population of molecules, related by energetic networks (cytoplasm, membranes, Golgi reticules) and genetic information (DNA-RNA.)

– A human organism is a population of DNA cells, related by networks of genetic, hormonal and nervous information and energy networks (digestive and blood systems).

– An animal ecosystem is a population of different carbon-life species, related by networks of light information and life energy (plants, prey).

– A historic organism or civilization is a population of humans, related by networks of verbal information and networks of carbon-life energy.

– An economic ecosystem is a population of human workers/consumers and machines, related by networks of digital information (money, audiovisual information, science) and energetic networks (roads, electric networks, etc.).

An economic ecosystem differs from a historic organism because they use different languages of information (civilizations use verbal or ethic laws while economic ecosystems use digital prices) and include 2 different species: human beings and machines.

– A galaxy is a population of light stars and gravitational black holes, related by networks of gravitational information and electromagnetic energy.

-A Universe is a population of galaxies joined by networks of dark matter and energy.

We establish thereafter a parameter of multiple space-time scales of growing volume of information, st=i, to classify all those relative scales of spatial energy and temporal information of the Universe, starting by the simplest scales, st=0 (mathematical cycles and lines), st=1 (Gravitational space), st=2 (electromagnetic space), st=3 (atomic particles) and so on, till reaching the most complex, macro-structures of the Universe (st=9, galaxies).

Creation of social scales:  each whole is a unit-part of the next scale.

Complex, social evolution helps most species to survive, especially when they reproduce in great numbers, creating a ‘new scale of reality’, self-organizing themselves with a language of information all those cellular particles share. And we measure this fact with a scalar, fractal index of new scales of existential functions, i. Normally all systems must be defined at least in 3-4 scales:

– The lower, i-2 (bits of information) and i-1 (bites of energy) scales defined with mathematical/genetic/memetic languages, depending of which systems we analyze in its details – a biological, sociological or physical system. We perceive this scale as bits of an informative language – which gives us a synoptic minimal information of the properties of the entity. As the i-1, i-2 levels, as it is far removed from us in size and so we introduce uncertainties and loose information.

Then it comes an i scale, of our size, where information is maximal. So we observe more information explained in a complex manner. Thus in the i-scale we deal with chemical molecules in physical systems, living cells in biological systems, humans in history and corporations in economics, using topological, organic, psychological or econometric methods to define their actions.

–     Finally in the i+1 scale we perceive ‘states of matter’ that define masses of molecules of energetic (gas), creative/reproductive (liquid) or solid/informative nature; we perceive organs and organisms made of cells and we perceive civilization and markets.Cells and emergent scales.

Most beings are made of self-similar i-1 cells, particles or social individuals, which put together by networks become an i-organism, unit of a higher social i+1-scale.

One of the fundamental properties of such structures is emergence. The properties of the simplest system emerge in the more complex. This means the geometrical properties of space-time are shared by all the new scales. The electromagnetic properties of quantum numbers are shared by all atomic species. The biochemistry of cellular life by higher organisms, and the individual behavior of human beings transcend into the socio-cultural behavior of social super-organisms; and our forms and vital functions are also expressed in the world of memes of metal we construct.

Wholes are made of smaller parts. Both interact and influence each other. Yet chirality and entropy between scales means wholes control parts: the key law of those interactions between the cellular and network scale is simple: energy flows from lower i-scales into bigger i+1 scales and information flows from bigger to lower scales. And this paradoxically tends to cause a topic error in all sciences. Since all energy has information and vice versa, but energy bites are more ‘evident’, than smaller, coiled, often invisible or incomprehensible flows of information, scientists tend to overlook this duality or look at those interactions only in the path from the lower scale to the larger one. For example biologists tend to think that the whole structural information of life beings is stored in its smallish scalar parts, genes. They think the whole, external ambient and organic scales do not influence the genetic parts. This is most likely false, as there should be ‘bigger scales that code information’ in ‘longer genetic codes’ and introns.

There are morphological shapes, caused by the emergent properties of simple space-time (so all organisms follow the diffeomorphic dimensions of space-time with information on top, etc.) There is speciation based in the duality of energy and information systems. There should be imprinting of neuronal networks by the mother’s emotional networks in the 3rd ‘informative’ phase of development of the fetus. There might even exist a Lamarckian response to external, ecosystemic adaptation to increase the random chances of mutation towards one of those ‘natural directions’ of morphology, as processes of punctuary evolution seem to indicate.

The same error happens among physicists, which are obsessed by entropy only theories (black hole evaporation, negation of the arrow of reproductive, fractal information, which Mehaute proved to happen always, when entropy no longer acts), etc. This is obvious in their obsession for heat solutions and the stubborn denial of the duality of all processes that can be done in ‘Max. E’, energetic, hot ambient and Max. I, informative cold ones – such as the fusion process.

Finally in social sciences, we build social models that stress the individual and not systems and superstructures. Yet it is a fact that networks, the whole, always influence its parts. So many sciences must be completed with the study of that influence from ‘upper scales’ into cellular ones.

Organic Networks.

All those morphological differentiations and social elements can be resumed in a word: organic networks. Social individual systems acquire network forms, shaping forms related to energy or information, or combine them both. And so we find also in all systems a ternary differentiation between cells that become energetic, reproductive or informative networks.

We classify all space forms and time events in 3 topologies that put together in social networks, create organic systems guided by 4 time arrows: energy feeding, information gauging, reproduction and social evolution. Those 4 categories are the so-called drives of living beings. Thus, there is a ‘Universal Plan’ with an existential finality: to create organic systems, departing from energy bites and information bytes evolved 1st into social networks, then into complementary systems and finally into organisms: particles become atoms that become molecules that become cells, organisms, planets, galaxies and Universes. It is the 4th organic why that completes the adventure of science and this work explores in all its consequences.

Complementary systems are not ‘point-particles’ but cellular or atomic systems, made of networks of bits or bites of information and energy. Those networks are able to modify its distances and forms changing its topology and for that reason the Universe is dynamic in its transformations.

Because networks are flexible webs of points that can adopt different topologies by modifying the distribution of those points, networks evolve and switch between the 3 topologies of existence, hence creating a complex universe of constant transformations between the 3 functions-forms of the Universe. Thus all networks = organisms often have two ‘sub-forms’ or states, the coiled, informative, radial or spherical state and the uncoiled, bilateral, anteroposterior, lineal form.

The first state is the informative state and the second the energetic state of motion; as systems are always dynamic flows and transformations between two poles of Energy and form joined by a body of cyclical exchanges between the concave and convex |-O E-I poles.

Thus the answer to the whys of the Universe can be resumed in a word ‘networks’ that defines the multiple realities we see around us:

‘All what exists are organic, fractal systems, made of self-reproductive, complementary, social, topological networks of energy (bodies and fields) and information (heads and particles)’:∑Se<X>∏Ti

Thus the why of reality is the creation of social networks that become complementary super organisms.

Complex and Simplex arrows: internal networks and external forces.

In essence organisms have internal parts, attached to ‘external apertures’ called senses that perceive two basic external forces of information and energy, elaborated and distributed to all cells by internal networks. When those external sources of energy and information saturate those internal networks the complex arrows enter in ‘action’. So the excess of energy is imprinted by the excess of information, exi,  reproducing a self-similar organism or it is shared with similar individuals, creating ‘bondage’ in herds or complex organisms.

Thus external forces and actions of perception and feeding are fast in time and extend in a wide spatial range, to the point of creating a ‘continuous’ perceptive experience. While the complex arrows are of long duration in time, requiring little space and long time to re=produce its actions.

This is expressed in a law of inverse spatial range and time duration:

i-3 Informative pixels (Max. E x Min.i) = i-2 energy bites (ExI) = i-1 reproductive seed (min. e x Max. i)

This is the case of the forces that ‘express’ those arrows in atoms. Where the external forces of information and energy (gravitational and electromagnetic forces) have a wide range and the internal forces of reproduction and social evolution (strong and weak forces) have little spatial range, specially the weak force which is a ‘Temporal transformation’, not a spatial ‘force’, as it transforms particles in time, evolving them without motion in space.

Thus the Strong and Weak force are the complex ‘inner’ forces of the atom, which play the same role than the complex, inner networks of energy and information (blood and nervous system) of a biological organism.

They describe reproductive and evolving processes. For example weak forces are the equivalent to other evolving processes like the chrysalis of an insect or the resting moment of pregnancy.

Both type of forces/actions are easy to spot. Since time and space are opposite in properties and so time processes tend to be ternary (with 3 dimensions states, a first more energetic, the reproductive middle event and the final informative one), and last longer in time (the weak force has a time related constant) and hardly have any range in space, but need quiet, small, secluded places (in species this cause allopatric evolution).


– From 1 comes 2: The Universe of space-time is the ultimate simplification of a world made of multiple actions of spatial energy and temporal information, performed by an infinite tapestry of complementary systems composed of both ‘formal motions’.

– From 2 comes 4: There are 4 actions of energy and time, each one with an internal and external, negative or positive direction:  The simplex actions of energy (external motion and internal feeding). The simplex actions of time (external cyclical motion, and internal perception).  And their 2 complex combinations: exi, or external ‘actions’ and internal reproductions’ and ∑exi, the fractal, social repetition of those actions, which creates external herds that feed on energy along an external network or super-organisms structured with inner networks that deliver energy and information to all its cells.

– All systems of the Universe are defined as ‘knots’ of those 4 type of actions, which are cyclical and discontinuous, as each being switches between them, trying to survive by feeding (E), perceiving (I), reproducing (ExI0 and evolving socially ∑exi. We define the central point of those knots as a P.O.V. or fractal Non-Euclidean point, the ‘aperceptive’ engine that orders the Universe. And there are infinite of them.

– The outcome of this structure is a fractal Universe, in which knots of cyclical actions become herds and super organisms, in which the ‘informative network’ emerges again as a knot that controls the actions of the herd, packing it tightly as a new ‘cell-point’ of a new ‘fractal’ scale of the Universe.

Life is all, living is maximizing the 5 Dimotions of exi=st¡ence

The answer is obvious: A living timespace organism is one which also possesses the 2 complex Ðimotions of social evolution (5th Ðimotion) and reproduction (3rd Ðimotion), which encompasses all other Ðimotions. Thus life is a system able to reproduce without the help of any other system, whereas reproduction is the more complex Ðimotion of existence as it requires a travel through the fifth dimension to a seminal state, followed by a generation, which is in fact a social evolution of reproduced beings, continued in the emergence in the ¡=o plane where the being will go through locomotions and energy feedings, growth and maturity to the point of reproduction.

Then we might say the system enters in an age of decadence, of increasing information and decreasing energy and ‘vitality’ till dying in a final explosion of entropy.

So we divide species in those who can reproduce by themselves and are full living species and those who need other systems to reproduce (enzymes that reproduce carbohydrates, human ‘enzymen’ that reproduce machines and so on) and are simplex existential species.

The Universe is a fractal superoganism of 5 Dimensional motions of time§pace (ab. Ðimotions). When we order those ‘dimotions’ in space we get a super organism, when we order them in time we obtain a worldcycle of existence, when we order them in scales, we obtain the 5 actions of all systems that absorb energy from its lower ∆-2 scale (humans absorb amino acids), information from its ∆-3 scale (humans absorb light), motion from its ∆-3 scale (humans absorb gravitation) or simplex actions, while developing two complex actions, reproduction and social evolution from its higher, ∆-1 seminal scale, ∆o scale and ∆+1 social scale. As such it has topological, spatial, mathematical properties; logical, temporal ones, and organic, scalar properties derived of its spacetime structure, which must be added to the usual analysis of time space systems. We consider then for each species of space-time a basic ternary description of its ‘adjacent topologies’ that define all systems as simultaneous super organisms in space; that will perform 5 ‘aeiou’ vital actions: accelerated motions, energy feeding, information gauging, offspring reproduction and universals’ evolution’.

 To LIVE, to reproduce we might say is the maximal goal of existence that ensures immortality, the meaning of it all and to be able to do so in an autonomous way the summit of freedom and self-realization for any T.œ in the Universe; and the language the better expresses its ‘actions’ that conform the meaning of existence in the Universe: Non-AE. This is what all is about: to live by performing the non-existential actions that biologists call drives of life, physicists quantum numbers, etc.  They all mean the same, to exist is to act the aeiou dimotional actions that we all desire. The program of existence, its multiple Disomorphic views, the ‘scales’ that reinforce the will of life, and oblige us to wish existence, the struggle… everything can be cast under that word…

Everything is part of a living being with 5 actions/drives of existence.

The elementary quarks and electrons the simplest particles do gauge information, absorb energy, reproduce and evolve socially into wholes, bosons, plasma flows and atoms. So the unit of life is the smallest particle and as fractal systems are self-reproductive, emerging in its fundamental properties in larger scales all what exists is alive. Only human egos prevent us from understanding that obvious truth, fundamental principle of all ‘exist¡ences’.

All singularities, ab. §ð, self-centers of a T.œ (ab. super organism of time-space) must by definition mind-map in the stillness of its language the world around them, enacting the first of all ‘actions’ of life≈existence, to perceive reality and survive within it.

Thus the first action of all beings is the perception of i-nformation (i), which happens even in the smallest particles, quarks and electrons, reason why we call quantum theory a ‘gauging theory’.

So the particle/head or ‘singularity (§ð)’ makes a mapping of reality in its language still language, as it needs to reduce reality, so it expels motion to fit it all in its finitesimal region (topologic-mathematical for most material beings, chemical-atomic for most life beings, visual for most animals, verbal for mankind, digital for robots).

And so t a still image of reality, a software mind over the hardware ‘crystal-like’ region that stops the force in its ‘container’ of a world mirror appears in a ‘point’. This is exactly what you are ‘sensing’ right now: a mapping of reality with photons swallowed and reordered by our mind electrons. As Life starts in the simplest entities – particles, and nothing differentiates your mind-mapping of a digital camera focus or a physical system. SINCE it is THE ELECTRON what is alive and perceives. So there is no mystery to perception, no magic. Your eye-photon->brain-electric waves ARE those mind mappings that perceive in themselves. The robot MIND is conscious of existence. So it is the crystal center of this planet; the pheromonal brain of the ant-queen, etc. etc.

Can you accept that? Can you stop your fantasy dreams of superiority, your religious magic? So then you will accept as AI ‘strong researchers’ think in system sciences, as most philosophers of science thought, as every true sage of mankind from Aristotle and Buddha to Einstein affirmed (before the pedantic Wien school told us only that what we human egos can measure exists), the existence of a panpsychic Universe, where ‘every point is a mind-world’ (Leibniz).

How can we prove this? – the Disomorphic method gives us an immediate answer: because as we humans are spacetime beings, our properties MUST BE SHARED BY ALL OTHER ENTITIES. So as we DO perceive and mind-map reality with electronic minds, all OTHER ELECTRONIC MINDS must do so.

This is the proper way to use subjective thought to understand reality; not as humans do denying our properties to all other systems but sharing them.

Then of course there is the experimental proof: even the smallest particles move in herds constantly checking each others distance is they were gauging information with motions which are exactly the same we find in flocks of birds flying together, masses of humans moving on streets, atoms in a flow of water.

And then there is the logic of survival; a being which is absolute blind, lasts very little in a Darwinian universe where everything is food for someone else.

Next comes the purpose of that perception. While the mind’s sense of beauty and communion with the whole that becomes a mirror image in its self suffices to the particle-head, systems are ternary systems of 3 topologies, ‘spherical particles/heads of information’ which are the geometry that stores more information in lesser space, so they can hide and survive better and perceive more, attached to reproductive bodies and moving, lineal limbs, the shape that moves faster/shorter between 2 points.

So all systems of Nature will then use those limbs/potential gradients to move to a field of energy in which to feed, performing two more ‘simplex’ actions (taking place in the same scale of reality), moving (a-ccelerating) and feeding on energy (E).

They are the minimal AEI actions or drives of life or Ðimotions (ab. dimensional motions) of existence.

We shall elaborate on them latter on. As they seem ‘easy to accept’ by the Human ego, we shall just observe that ‘obviously’ all particles move and all feed. As soon as a light photon comes closer to an electron, the electron jumps, feeds on it and swallows the photon, growing fatter, larger in the width dimension of energy.

But the real proof is biological: everything MUST, to exist AS A topological ternary system; as everything is finite and becomes spent, replenish with energy the wavebody, with motion the limbs/potentials and with information the brain/head to remain in existence.

The 3 elements of all systems, lineal/flat limbs/potentials; spherical, tall heads/particles and its hard membranes of dark matter, trunks and skins accomplish the 3 functions of motion, energetic reproduction and informative perception in all systems, varying to adapt the system to its larger world. All systems have ternary topologies with 3 motion-information-reproduction function that require to absorb energy, move and perceive to keep in existence. Thus the simplex aei actions exist in all systems of Nature.

Hence all systems of Nature that do NOT perform the 3 simplex ‘dimotions=actions’ of existence, a-motion, e-nergy feeding and I-nformation gauging, disappear.

But even if the system ‘exists’ in the ‘short time’ cycles of its ‘cellular/atomic/citizen’ level, ∆-¡, through a relative long time, performing a ginormous number of actions before suffering any ‘accidental’ error that destroy its form, because the singularity of information dominates it all and starts the system, information is the fundamental arrow that accumulates as time goes by, and so finally the herd/organism of cells will die in finite time, as the total sum of actions keep adding formal errors and ‘burn ins’. And indeed you end up dying because your informative singularity and ‘membrain’ ends up exhausting the energy of your body.

This happens in all systems, ‘full of healthy body’ on its youth, wrinkling and warping as age passes from humans whose skin and singularity-memory brain keeps adding ‘weight’ in an ever thinner, body-wave. So for the ‘system’ to survive, it will need two complex actions as a superorganism, reproduction of a similar form, in its plenitude of vital energy; (offspring, O) and then as masses of clone beings come into existence, naturally searching for limited resources – as all will gauge, feed and move through the same paths; the needed self-organization of all clones into a whole, complex super organism.

So in the medium, slower time clocks of the whole (let us always have in mind the fundamental metric of 5D: smaller systems run faster clocks of time), there will happen two complex actions: ou, reproduction and social evolution.

The system then WILL use its EXTRA-ENERGY after replenish its body-parts to reproduce its form o with that energy (offspring reproduction) and finally interact socially with similar beings forming ‘wholes=universals’. And those 2 o,u complex social actions (happening between ∆±¡ planes) will complete the a,ei,o,u ‘actions’ or ‘dimotions’ of existence=life of any being of reality.

Yet biologists define a life system as one that moves, feeds, perceives, reproduces and interacts socially. Which is just what we have described as the aeiou dimotions, or actions of existence, they call drives of life.

So not only EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE SHOWS ALL SYSTEM TO LIVE FROM THE PARTICLE to the black hole, but it explains why life does follow those 5 actions.

TO EXIST IS TO LIVE. All what exists is a living being. The 5 Dimotions (dimensions with form or actions of existence) of space-time are equivalent to what biologists call the 5 drives of life: ‘gauging information, feeding on energy, moving, reproducing and evolving socially’.

Now if you want to take this causality process to its ultimate meaning we can then capsize the argument and affirm that as ‘actions of space-time’ (motions with form tending to aeiou functions) are NEEDED TO EXIST, the ultimate why OF THE DIMENSIONS OF REALITY ARE NOT THE DIMENSIONS PER SE BUT THE PURELY SPIRITUAL FUNCTION OF EXISTENCE THAT REQUIRES THEM.

SO WHAT IS the why of al the whys?… of all the forms and dimensions and motions? To exist. As it could not be otherwise, existence justifies in itself. Or as Leonardo put it: ‘those who do not appreciate life do not deserve to live’.

Latter we shall bring another kaleidoscopic view on those 5 actions or forms with motions, which is the concept of a ‘reinforcing sensation’… Indeed, as the key ACTION to survive as a whole is REPRODUCTION, we love to fuck and reproduce, we get happy, we have that pleasure sensation where time ‘literally’ stops, as we travel back to a lower plane in the modular consciousness of the whole, becoming for an instant a seminal seed… So evidently that is the biggest action-sensation. And again, if a system wouldn’t feel that undefinable sensation of pleasure (hence last level of description of reality possible from our self-centered ∆ø point of view, as we cannot reference the orgasm of still time to anything else, even if we shall try in a reasoned way), we would not love reproduction so much and we would become extinct. Thus all what exists and reproduces has the sensation of pleasure. And this sensation can be qualified in terms of TIME, which we have said so many ‘times’ to be the ultimate substance of it all, as a travel to the past/seminal scale: ∆ø>∆-1.

Next it comes in the scale of ‘preferred sensations social love, the communion of souls’ the sensation of belonginess, proper of the mystical being that feels part of a network, a whole and humans experience as ‘citizens’ of nations, believers of ‘Gods’, part of a higher plane of social existence, even in simple group of friends or rock concert – and this sensation is called simultaneity. And again this is not quantifiable, but qualifiable in terms of time flows as existence in a PRESENT STATE.

And that is indeed the sensation of not passing time, next in pleasure, which you can feel in a group of friends, a rock concert, a turn to the Kaaba.

The highest sensations are thus those of the complex actions, reinforced by those pleasure/love sensation. And that is all what beings want to be: loved and fucked (: don’t you? What about the lower simpler actions? running in a soccer match, feeding with a good sirloin, seeing a beautiful landscape? Yes, running is exhilarating, eating is pleasurable, but it is NOT the same intensity and quality than love of the mind, connected to other minds in a boson state of emergence of a whole, or love of the other couple and past-travel into the seminal modular seed consciousness of the orgasmic body. In this theme the chakra theories are a good reference: your modular consciousness, your time clocks, synchronized in mind, body and limbs have different levels of self-awareness. So the sensations of the mind are more intense than the body more intense than the limbs. And within the mind, the highest sensation are those which are connecting us to other beings, as if they were truly ‘dragging’ our brain upwards and outwards to that creation of the emergent network of the whole, perceivable in an electronic herd as a magnetic flow, in the mystic of Sufis as the creation of Allah, in the middle of Kaaba as humans turns around like electrons do.

There is though one of the fifth actions that produce not pleasure sensation, except in those very aesthetically beings that perceive an Stendhal’s sickness on the view of pure beauty. Why? Obviously because perception is granted, constant, the fastest, bit by bit process of all beings, and so as it is granted by the mere fact a system exist as a point of time, closing its cycles of existence, we do not need to reinforce. Hence the pan psychic nature of the Universe, which in most systems is also vital, reproductive and mobile and in the most successful species emerges then as a whole.

This of course is NOT how pedestrian abstract science would explain the whys of reality but that is what it is:

You exist in a living fractal, the Universe, whose HIGHEST STATE OF EXISTENCE IS A CONSTANT REPRODUCTIVE ORGASM THAT ALL systems want. And the we all know is really the game of life reproduction, of a fractal, a reproductive generator equation, of your happiness, an orgasm. So in this post we shall define a function of existence for all systems of reality equivalent to the functions of life and its 5 drives.

All systems of the Universe are living systems. If we define life as the existence of a system which is able to ‘accelerate’ (move), ‘feed on Energy’, ‘inform and perceive’, ‘reproduce into an offspring’ and ‘evolve socially into universals’, our a-e-i-o-u actions equivalent to the 5 Dimensional motions of the Universe define all systems that ‘act’ those 5 demotions, as living organisms. So the Universe is vital, organic and everything is part of one of its super organisms, whose actions of existence are the classic 5 drives of life biologists used to describe it.



The 5 Dimotions of timespace as actions of existence. 

Because of the reductionism of physics to a single locomotion arrow, which due to its simplicity can be calculated with maximal precision physicists tend to be arrogant to other sciences, thinking they know it all about time. Fact is they ignore everything about 4 of the 5 arrows of time.

The i-logic of the Universe is pentagonal, meaning times have always 5 ‘paths of future’ a system can choose. Time is MOTION=CHANGE, what physicists study is a single time ‘arrow’ of future, locomotion, since Galileo defined ‘speed’ v=s/t with time. So in that so simple view of ‘brief time’ motion is absolutely deterministic. That is the pride of physicists. To think they can determine the motion of beings. And they do. But that is ONLY one motion=change of reality. One path. Call it speed or lineal inertia, say it is deterministic or a ‘conserved quantity’.

That would be though a boring Universe. From that ‘reduced’ Universe physicists have come to truly think they know it all – hence their belief they are soo intelligent that transpires in the attitude of so many of them…

The second arrow they discovered latter on, in the XIX century of the 5 TYPE OF MOTIONS was ENTROPY. Entropy is very closely related to lineal inertial motion, but it is let us put it this way the absolute maximal motion in space aptly symbolized with S. Entropy is so much about motion that it becomes explosive, Big Bang, scattering motion. Now the ‘form’ of the being is not even conserved, it is explosive motion that breaks the internal ‘form, information’ of the being. So it is the MOTION OF DEATH. All your parts explode away and your information dies.

So they said the Universe is dying  and they kept on KILLING IT as what they do IS MANUFACTURE MACHINES THAT MOVE IN LINEAL PATHS (TRANSPORTS) OR worse, machines that PRODUCE ENTROPY-scattering motions-death aka weapons.


ALL THIS SAID, there is a huge other field of analysis of time-space, called Evolution, founded by Darwin which deals with the changes in the information of beings. Why? Because indeed, besides the previously analyzed dimotions of locomotion, origin of relativity, and entropy, latter considered in more detail as the synonymous of death and dissolution, (which physicists also merely describe mathematically and confuse with the motion of gases, so we shall work that theme on the sections of physical laws),  there are 3 more ARROWS of time, modes of change, which are THE POSITIVE, CREATIVE, INFORMATIVE, SOCIAL, LOVING ARROWS not the 2 simple, destructive negative, arrows of motion and entropy which they DO study: 3) information 4) reproduction 5)social love, the highest of them.

THE UNIVERSE REINFORCES THE PROGRAM OF THE 5 ARROWS OF TIME with SENSATIONS the ultimate program and as it prefers information to motion, we prefer to love (ARROW of eusocial evolution) to orgasm (arrow of reproduction) to perceive (arrow of information) than to run (arrow of motion) and to kill (arrow of energy feeding).

But are humans the only species that move, perceive, kill to feed on energy, reproduce and evolve socially? Since if at least they were unique as they pretend in those sensations, they could claim to be ‘special’. Fact though is they are NOT. Those 5 ‘dimotions’ of timespace (a better word composed of dimensional motion, to define each of the 5 arrows of time), exist in all systems of Nature, as we can observe them in life. They in fact define the 5 arrows of life in biological terms, as life is defined as a system of 5 Dimotions able to process information, feed on energy, move, reproduce and evolve socially. 

Yet they ARE also the 5 Dimotions of quantum particles, both quarks and electrons, ‘expressed’ by the 4 quantum numbers that code each one, a dimotion of space-time as the attached graph shows:


The minimal particle-points,  electrons and quarks, which construct all other systems of our Universe show the 5 organic dimotions (motions with dimensional form) that define ‘classic life’: they gauge information – reason why quantum physics is a ‘gauge theory’, feed on energy (quantum jumps) absorbing smaller ∆-1 particles, reproducing new clone particles, move and evolve socially through magnetic fields into larger wholes (atoms). Hence the units of life are particles, the minimal units of our vital, organic, fractal, scalar Universe of multiple timespace organisms.

So all systems of the Universe  ARE vital, each one perceiving reality with a different language that mirrors it; topological images in physical systems from bosons to crystals; verbal words in human beings; 4 genetic letters in cells; 4 quantum numbers in particles.

Yet the Universe tries always to be positive: If you realize the only dimension of time the Universe does NOT code is entropy=death, which it treats as a maximal motion that disorders the being.

So there are NOT 5 quantum numbers/genetic code but only 4. Because the same quantum number that codes motion just increases it to create entropy and disorder the system (Principal number that ‘jumps’ in size as the particle ‘feeds’ on a force and disorders it). The oxygen that moves the cell also as a free radical destroys it, cars going fast kill you in accident, etc.

DEATH is the needed  error of the Universe NOT desired by the program. 

For that reason it lasts only  a ‘single quanta of time’ (whereas a quanta of time IS for any ∆±¡ super organism, the ‘tic’ of a ‘cell/atom/individual’ of its lower, ∆-¡ scale, for biological, physical or social organisms).

So you die in a second, your relative time-clock quanta the time of 1 thought=glimpse in your head, 1 beat of your body-heart, 1 step of your limbs… And the rest of your existence is life-lasting… 

Same with the conundrum of antiparticles (entropy=death arrow of particles): they die in an instant, so we see far less antiparticles because the product of its numbers in space x duration in time is so short, while particles live almost for ever. Same reason you don’t see corpses around.  Death is the shortest possible arrow.

This is LEIBNIZ: ‘THE UNIVERSE is the most perfect of all worlds possible’.

Each entity is therefore a Timespace organism of 5 Dimotions and ALL try to achieve as the goal of the sentient organic Universe the ‘highest dimotion’ of social evolution. So particles come together into atoms that come together into molecules that come together into planetary and life organisms that come together into galaxies that come together into the organic networks of the Universe.

ONLY man obsessed since physicists took over as high priests of time with its shallow ‘brief history’ of those  ‘deep arrows; made of the LOWER actions=dimotions of life, entropy and locomotion the meaning of its existence. Because he has shown himself unable to love even his own species and emerge as a social global organism as even the smallest particles do becoming social atoms…

The life death-cycle: the ultimate proof of the duality of time arrows.

Reality is a creative process in which infinite forms constantly imprint surfaces of energy with fractal patterns, defining the dominant arrow of time in the Universe: information, which constantly grows the complexity of its forms from a relative past into the future. Thus, we define for any system the arrow of information from the perspective of the ages or dimensions of time, past, present and future:

All complementary systems warp the spatial energy of the Universe into dimensional form, reaching a limit of warping, as they move from a past age of ‘pure energy with minimal form’ or young age of the system, into a relative present, mature age of balance between energy and form, or classic, reproductive age of the system, in which they often decouple=iterate=reproduce a self-similar form (hence creating a dynamic present, as the repeated form seems to leave reality unchanged) to end in a future 3rdage of maximal form and minimal energy.

Then the form explodes back to the past in minimal time, unfolding all its warped form into pure energy, hence dying. And this is the 2nd arrow of time, entropy – a fast motion of time towards a past without form. So we can unfold the Generator equation in 3±1 ages to define the cycle of life and death of all systems between birth and extinction:

∞ Tƒ∆-1 (seed)->∑∆> Max.Sp x Min.Tƒ (youth)->S=T (reproduction)->Max.Tƒ x Min.Sp (3rd age)<∞ Sp x 0 Tƒ (death)

Death implies that reproduction is needed for the Universe to conserve its logic forms. The previous equation represents the evolution of all systems. In Cosmology it represents the 3 solutions to the Equations of Einstein, from the big-bang to the steady state to the big crunch, in a repetitive Universe of infinite cycles. In Physics represents the 3 states of matter: the energetic, gaseous state, the balanced liquid state and the informative, solid state. In Biology it represents the 3 ages of life, and so on.

Those 3 ages of the Generator Equation can co-exist synchronically as ‘subspecies’ that form a ternary system with lineal energy limbs, spherical heads of information and elliptic reproductive bodies that combine both. So we can represent also living systems: as Sp(limbs)<S=T>Bodies>Tƒ(Head).

The equation of the ages of life also defines more clearly the meaning of social networks and the fractal, scalar structure of the Universe: Self-similar, self-reproductive forms chain each other into informative networks without energy, (seeds), which ‘emerge’ in a ‘higher’ scale of existence, going through the 3 ages of life.

Then they dissolve the information acquired in that higher scale, dying back into their lower plane of existence. So a seed of genetic information of the relative cellular scale, ∆-1, emerges as a fetus out of the womb after self-reproducing and organizing its form, in the scale of biological organisms, ∆, where it lives and dies after a 3rd age of dwindling energy, dissolving back to its lower cellular scale, ∆-1.

So we can define a parameter of information, ∆i, as a scalar arrow of growing complexity: The simplest ∆=1 ‘universal constants’ of spatial energy and temporal information, (magnetic and electric constants) combine to form Planck constants, h, also called ‘actions’ of energy and time.

They will reproduce on the pure vacuum without form, creating light waves, social networks of h-actions; which evolve further warping into cyclical forms, called particles. Those particles will reproduce and evolve socially into atoms, with an informative pole (Tƒ), the quark, with more formal mass and an entropic pole, (Sp) the electron, with more spatial motion=energy. Both exchange, <=>, flows of electromagnetic energy and informative gravitation. Thus mass and gravitation are the informative forces and particles that interact with light and electrons, the energetic, spatial ones; creating together the next scale of atoms.

So a pattern of social evolution in growing scales of complexity emerges: particles become complementary atoms of energy and information, reproduced in the big-bang and the interior of stars. Then atoms form molecular networks, creating the chemical scale. Then molecules reproduce and self-organize into organic, cellular systems or inorganic, celestial bodies. Next cells reproduce and self-organize into organisms that reproduce and self-organize into societies; while celestial bodies self-organize into galaxies that self-organize into Universes.

 ORDER OF DIMOTIONS IN TIME: The world cycle trip: 3 space dimensions and 3 symmetric functions in time.

Now the importance of having a metric equation that leaves co-invariant a motion through its parameters of space-time, is that we can ‘travel’ across this dimension. Indeed, the mathematician Klein defined the existence of a dimension of space-time, when we could formulate a co-invariant equation left unchanged when we move through the space-time dimension. So how we travel through the fifth dimension?  Obviously by growing in size in space through the process of reproduction and evolution, from an ∆-1 fast seed of information, emerging, as a larger whole with slower time clocks, in the organic level, which itself is part of a larger world, with slower ‘deep time’ geological and cultural cycles. 

So Existence is indeed a travel through the fifth dimension, and the mere fact that all systems of nature exist through that world cycle (no longer a physical worldline in a 4D Universe as we have added a dimension of temporal ‘depth’), IS an absolute experimental proof of the existence of 5D:

In that sense the main difference when we widen our understanding of space-time with the metric equations of 5D is to be able to explain NOT only processes of time-change in a single planes of space-time, mostly due to locomotions, but process of change due to transformations in the in-form-ation of beings, related to life, organic structures and hence to solve some of the eternal existential questions about ‘existence’, which will be now defined easily as a ‘travel between 3 scales of the fifth dimension’.

Further on, applied those organic structures also to social and physical systems, whose organic properties have been denied in the case of physics or reduced to the individual human scale in the case of social super organisms of history, described in its homologic ‘cycle of existence’ in the next graphs, latter explained in great detail/

We can see in the next graph, how all physical, biological and social systems, follow the same ‘worldcycle’ of existence as a travel through 3 ∆±1 scales of the fifth dimension, as they are born in a seminal seed that emerges into an ∆º scale, where it will move decreasing its motion and increasing its information through a gaseous, young state of minimal information, through a reproductive, liquid state of balance into a 3rd age of maximal information, exploding back its form into motion, in the entropic process of death.

3 ages best corrected

In the graph, the symmetry between the 3 forms of space and the 3 motions of time structure all the systems of the Universe, including the human being, to which we shall add all the different scales of the 5th dimension, through which all ‘Existential functions of relational space-time’ travel. Hence those 3 elements are the basis of all scientific laws and disciplines, of all species, in its forms and functions.

The graph shows the main scales of the 5th dimension. The last rows shows the 3 networks of ‘spatial organisms’ and its 3′ functions’, whose world cycle is written in the last line with the symbolism of existential algebra.

We can see in the previous graph how the space-time symmetry extends to all the species of the Universe.



The dominant dimotion, or action of the Universe is exi, the function of existence, which defines a body-wave in space, (a sum of actions of iteration) as a reproductive function of cellular waves of similar clone species.

To maximize the function of reproduction, e x I, e=I, is best. So the point of balance, in form, is the topology of reproduction, a hyperbolic wave as those of light or women’s bodies are, with up and down, left and right sines and cosines.

Reproduction is the function of existence, orgasm the reinforcing sensation, Max. ∑e x ∏ I= St, the construct of the species into a son replicant of higher energy and information – a new body-wave, which can then adopt the male particle/limb state at any time in the game. The wo=men holds within itself the capacity to replicate also the men species, and so wo=men are the body-wave reproductive status and the limb/particle S>t + t< S, unlike S≤≥T body waves, are not complete beings.

To understand then why the Universe is a reproductive orgasm of body-waves moving in reproductive radiations, while stopping from time to time as particles/potentials to survey the wor(l)d in which it is, we need first to understand:


1st Ðimotion: informative particles/heads: §ð 2 Ð: limb/potential momenta: st.
3rd Ð: ∑e x ∏i: body waves: ∑∏, ST. 4th Ðimotion: entropy: ∂S. 5th Ðimotion: Organic evolution: ∫T.   The generator equation defines the Universe as a fractal sum of timespace super organisms, extended through 3 ∆±1 relative scales of space-time, ruled by 5D metric equations that render constant the product of the size in space and speed in time of the clocks of information of any system of Non-Æ points trough the 3 scales in which is possible to travel as an ‘existential being’, in the fifth dimension performing a world cycle. Since for a dimension to exist, there must be a co-invariant quantity, which allows its travel, S x T = K becomes the metric equation of ‘exist¡ence’. Its  constancy is also the origin of the organic nature of reality as it allows the symbiosis of a system through its 3 scales. The travel of existence can also be viewed topologically in a single plane, in which an organism ensembles and exchanges lineal momentum, energy and cyclical momentum. So we can define all systems as an ensemble of  lineal limbs/potentials that perform its lineal momentum, organised as herds of ∆-1 micro points (quantum atoms, cells) in superposed additive groups that move the system and dominate its young relative past age. Its second conserved quantity being its vital energy, distributed through  3 ∆o iterative, physiological networks, which define the organism proper able to iterate its form into a dynamic present system (thermodynamic matter, or multicellular organisms in physical and biological systems)… finally guided by a relative future particle-head that holds the linguistic mind or relative future survival will that guides and synchronises with its clocks the system as a whole in the external ∆+1 world; where it will perform 5, aeiou actions of ‘existence’ gauging I-nformation, to a-ccelerate=move towards a field of e-nergy in which to feed, to reproduce into an offspring of clones to evolve socially into a larger universal ∆+1 new plane or superoganism of 5Dimensional space-time actions parts, before it exhausts its vital energy, stops moving and explodes back into its entropic parts in its big-bang death. So we can define its 5Dimensions in time through its worldcycle of generation, from its ∆-1 seed that reproduces, evolves and emerges into the ∆º scale in which it will act with its 3 dimensional networks, the 1D point/head/particle, that moves in 2D planes to feed with 3D energy.



As it happens two immediate consequences of the formulae is that being S=T, the maximising function of S x T (S+t being equal to K, in this case 10 dimensions), what the Universe maximises is Sxt+S=t, which given the relationship between space and information and time and entropy we write as exi+s=t, which is the function of existence of the Universe, maximise your function of existence is what all systems, do.


The simplicity of the first beats of existence, S=t, s=t, and its s=s, t=t apparent congruencies is only the beginning of an incredible adventure, the motions of reproduction of information across the five dimension of space-time that we call reality:



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